How to calcine a cast-iron pan?

Modern manufacturers of dishes every year are increasingly striving to facilitate the process of preparing and cleaning containers after using them in the kitchen. For this, all kinds of pans are created today - with non-stick coating, with ceramics, teflon. But those who have an idea of ​​true convenience and safety cannot imagine their kitchen utensils without a real cast-iron frying pan, because it will serve longer than any other analogue and will be practical. But this is only on condition that if you know how to calcine a cast-iron frying pan, and do it correctly before the first use of the dishes after their purchase. You will find several ways to solve this problem in this article.

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Why is it necessary to calcine a cast-iron frying pan?

Before casting for the first time, any cast-iron pan is covered with a protective layer of sealant. It prevents the development of corrosion and surface damage during transportation, unloading dishes at retail outlets. If you do not rinse or calcine the dishes after purchase:

  • all chemistry of the protective layer will be absorbed into cooked products to one extent or another;
  • after a short time, the food will begin to stick, forming a thick layer of soot, and it will be much more difficult to remove it;
  • much earlier than the manufacturer guaranteed, the pan will become unusable and all your costs will be inappropriate.

Important! Very important calcine a cast iron panu and so that during operation it is evenly warmed up.

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To my pan before first use

There are no special tricks about how to prepare a cast-iron frying pan for use at this stage. Just enough:

  1. Make a warm soapy solution.
  2. Sponge the inside and outside thoroughly.
  3. Rinse several times with running warm water.
  4. Wipe dry and dry.
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We ignite the pan - 3 ways

To calcine a cast iron pan before first use, consider the following:

  • the presence of an oven;
  • the size of the dishes;
  • type of handle - for that kitchen utensil that has a plastic fixed handle, full and long heat treatment is unacceptable.

Based on the analysis of your capabilities and conditions, select the most suitable method for calcining the pan before first use and proceed.

Method 1

This method is the easiest and will not require you much time and effort. You only need to do the following:

  1. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 C.
  2. Put the dish inside.
  3. Leave for 3 hours.
  4. Turn off the oven and leave the cast-iron pan in it until it cools completely.

Method 2

This method is somewhat faster in time, but will require your attention. To calcine a cast-iron pan:

  1. Pour inward 1-2 tbsp. salt - focus on the volume of the vessel and the height of the sides.
  2. Place on an open fire or on a stove.
  3. Stir the salt periodically.
  4. Pour out the salt, wait for the dishes to cool.
  5. Wash with clean water.

Important! Only this method is suitable if you purchased a product with a fixed plastic handle.

Method 3

Preparing a cast-iron frying pan for use with this method is the most time-consuming and unsafe. But the result will be the highest quality. If you are ready to spend your time, proceed as follows:

  1. Heat the dishes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees C.
  2. Carefully remove.
  3. Lubricate the entire surface with any vegetable oil.
  4. Put it back in the oven or on the stove upside down.
  5. Wait until the oil burns out, turn off the heat.
  6. Remove the pan only after it has cooled.

Important! In order not to get burned, be sure to use thick oven mitts when taking out the dishes from the oven. And so that the kitchen is not covered with children, turn on the hood, open the windows during the process.

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Helpful hints:

  1. To preserve the gloss of dishes for a long time, dry them well after use.
  2. Do not allow the formation of a thick layer of soot - wash the pan regularly, after each use.
  3. Choose gentle means so that aggressive chemicals do not clog in pores, do not affect the quality and taste of the dishes you prepare.
  4. Choose a dry, dark place to store the cast-iron pan so that no corrosion forms on the surface.
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Now you know how to properly prepare a cast-iron frying pan for use and why to do it. We hope you were able to choose the easiest way for yourself and did everything right, which means that your new cookware made of strong cast iron will serve you for decades.

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