How to check a gas meter at home?

Now it is difficult to find a house or apartment in which a gas meter would not be installed. These devices are needed in order to pay not for average readings, but for actually used gas. From time to time, they should be checked, but tenants are usually extremely unhappy with this. This happens because of ignorance, ignorance of the reasons for the upcoming audit. In fact, the diagnostic process allows you to determine how correctly the device shows the values ​​of the consumed resource, because there are often cases when the device is mistaken in one direction or another. If you have any doubts, you can try to identify the problem yourself, that is, use the services of a private company. Now we will learn how to check the gas meter at home.

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Who should check gas meters?

In accordance with applicable law, verification of gas metering devices can be carried out by representatives of any company that has all the necessary documentation, the necessary certified equipment, and trained masters at the proper level.

All financial costs associated with this procedure are entirely borne by the owners of the house. It is they who pay for all activities related to the removal of the meter, its verification, installation in its former place. They also buy a new device for their money if the old one has become unusable and needs to be replaced.

Important! The main task of users is not only to find a responsible organization, but also to verify that it has all the permits.

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How are gas appliances checked?

According to the law, the owners of housing, where there is a gas meter, are required to independently pass it for verification at the indicated time. Information on when to do this is contained in the technical data sheet of the device. A quite popular diagnostic method today is the option without removing the device, but not all models are suitable for this.

Any qualified specialist knows how to check a gas meter at home yourself, without removing it. This happens according to the following scheme:

  1. Initially, you apply with a written statement to the selected organization, in which you state your desire to check the meter in accordance with the specified dates indicated in the data sheet.
  2. On the appointed day, a representative of the company comes to you, who brings with him special portable devices for diagnosis, and with the help of them carries out a check.
  3. Such a check does not violate the integrity of the seals and the counter itself is not liquidated at the same time. The procedure takes a minimum of time, no noise and dust. But such a service is expensive, much more expensive than a standard check, when the seals and the device are removed.

During diagnosis, the device is partially disassembled, cleaned, lubricated, which significantly increases its service life.

After the test is completed, the specialist issues a conclusion in your hands, where one of the following conclusions is indicated:

  • The counter is fully operational, its further use is allowed.The inspector writes out a certificate, where the verification period is indicated, there is a seal, a stamp of the mark, its signature.
  • The meter is malfunctioning, as a result of which its installation and further use are not allowed. In this case, you will have to buy a new counter and install it.
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How to choose a new gas meter?

If after the check it turned out that your device is worn out, you will definitely have to buy a new one. At the moment, there are so many that you can easily get confused. Given the following points, you can choose a really high-quality device:

  • Consider the number of gas powered appliances in your home. Based on this, choose a model with the appropriate bandwidth.
  • Each device has a marking that indicates its optimum throughput capability. That is, if you live alone, at home you have only one stove, then you just need to purchase a device with a minimum marking.
  • Before buying, be sure to measure the diameter of the thread of the nozzles and the distance between their axes. Otherwise, you can purchase a high-quality counter that is completely unsuitable for some standard characteristics.
  • In private homes, they are often on the street, so it is better to give preference to a model with a thermostat. Under the influence of temperature changes, the gas density decreases or increases, as a result of which the device perceives this as a decrease or increase in the total gas volume. Due to such loads, they often break, but the presence of a temperature regulator will not allow this, since it takes into account the air temperature and shows the correct values.
  • The device must have a data sheet, a warranty card, with a wet seal, the date of issue correctly indicated and the model recorded. This is of great importance when conducting inspections, because it is very important that they be carried out without stitching and on time.
  • The meter must be manufactured in accordance with state standards. It is also important, therefore it is better to make such purchases in specialized stores that sell only high-quality certified products.
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When does an extraordinary check arise?

Sometimes there are situations when it is urgent to check the device out of turn. It is important here to find an organization as quickly as possible, whose specialists know exactly how to check a gas meter at home.

The most common reasons for this are situations like this:

  1. The stamp or seals of the inspection organization were damaged for some reason. They can be considered invalid if the information indicated on them cannot be read without auxiliary devices. If the seal does not interfere with the mechanical impact on the device, for example, you can twist it yourself or change the results.
  2. If a mechanical effect has been applied to the device. For example, something fell or hit him. At the same time, the risk of demonstrating incorrect readings by the device is quite high.
  3. Depreservation. There are situations when the meters do not use a certain time. If re-preservation is not done, then there is a risk of rust formation on the mechanism, drying of the lubricant.
  4. The appearance of suspicions that the device has provided inaccurate data. Often they are nominated either by the owners of the house or by gas service workers.
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Do not forget that your main task is to control the state of all metering devices in the house. Sometimes it happens that it seems to the owners of the house that the device is malfunctioning, but in fact it turns out to be wrong. But any technique can fail. To prevent such situations, such checks are carried out.Even if you know how to check the gas meter at home yourself, it is recommended that you definitely seek help from specialists, otherwise the consequences of such hasty actions can turn out to be a huge financial fine for you.


