How to check a water meter at home?

Installing a water meter makes it possible to save money, because you pay for the consumed water, and not for mythical standards, which, to be honest, are greatly overstated. But all this is true only if the device is serviceable. If the device is broken, then perhaps he considers the water consumption to be too high. Let's talk about how to check a water meter at home.

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Causes of damage to the water meter:

  • Natural wear. The technical documentation indicates the working life of the water meter and the time after which the device must be checked. If this is not done, the device may display incorrect water consumption data.
  • Hard water. Over time, the parts are covered with limescale, which makes the water meter incorrect.
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How to check the water meter at home?

If you suspect that the water metering is incorrect, there are two ways to do it:

  • Call the wizard to dismantle the device. After that, you will have to take the water meter to the water utility department. In this case, you will spend not only time, but also money. Installation and dismantling of the meter are paid services. Add transportation costs here and think: isn’t it easier to purchase a new device?
  • Self check.

Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Calling the wizard is associated with additional costs, but it will issue a document stating that the meter is working properly. An independent check of the operability of the device does not have legal force and can only be carried out for complacency.

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Inspection by a specialist without dismantling the device

This is a very convenient way, especially if the time is right for sending the instrument for verification. To call a specialist at home, it is advisable not to wait for the deadline, but to write a statement to the metrological service. At the indicated time, the master will come to your house with the appropriate equipment (torrential installation-flowmeter) and conduct a check using the following algorithm:

  1. Mounting the meter to the hole in the shower hose.
  2. Preparation of scales and containers for measuring water consumption.
  3. Checking the water meter: if its wheel does not turn if all the taps are closed.
  4. Fixing the initial indicators of the device.
  5. A set of water in the tank followed by fixing the readings of the device. Such verification is performed on cold and hot water.
  6. Making the necessary calculations, deriving the average value of the error of the water meter.

Important! The procedure should be performed several times with different pressure. The standard percentage error is in the range of 2-10%. If the error obtained in the calculations fits into the specified range, the device is operational. With a larger value of the error, the counter must be replaced.


Assurance of the result

At the end of the check, the master gives the owner an act stating that the device is working properly. The document must be presented to the management company. Do not skip the time of the inspection. Otherwise, the management company may present you with a water bill for the same notorious averaged data.

The advantages of such a check:

  • Affordable cost. In any case, this will cost much less than the complete dismantling of the device.
  • If the house has an old pipeline, it will not be damaged. Dismantling the meter is a considerable test for old pipes.
  • Saving time, but at the same time, strength and nerves.

Important! Minus - a fairly approximate diagnosis. It is possible that some parts of the meter are worn out, and soon the breakdown will fully manifest itself. In this case, you will have to pay both for checking the old one and for buying a new meter.

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How to check the water meter at home by yourself?

In principle, this can be done, but such verification will not have legal force. It is advisable if the verification period has not yet expired, but you have crept in a suspicion that the device is “lying”. To check, prepare 2 measuring buckets: 10 and 25 liters.

Important! If metrologists verify the correct operation of the meter at various pressures of water, then we will do exactly the same.

Proceed according to this algorithm:

  1. Record the meter readings for cold and hot water.
  2. Fill the water with a thin stream and collect a ten-liter bucket. Record the new readings again.
  3. Using 25 liter containers, draw 1000 liters of water at medium head. Dial continuously, no need to close the tap. It is possible that you need an assistant. Scored? Now record the readings again.
  4. It remains to use up 1000 liters, or, as the people say, “cube”. Follow the same principle as in the case of 1000 liters, only now turn on the tap completely. Record the indicators again.

So, you have consumed 1110 liters of water. It remains, by simple calculations, to determine what flow rate the device recorded. If the error is in the range from 2 to 10, then the device can be used.

Important! If the water meter is working correctly, then with a small pressure it somewhat lacks liters. With an average pressure, the calculation is correct, and with a strong one it exaggerates the readings a little.

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Now you know how to check water meters at home. The following information is for those who have passed the water meter in fact. There can be no talk of any payment according to the standards. While the water meter is removed, you pay according to the average value of water consumption for the last 3 months. If you want to impose something else - it is illegal.


