How to straighten down in a down jacket after washing?

To date, a down jacket is the most popular and practical outerwear. A huge selection of various styles and colors allows you to combine it with both sports, with casual or office clothing styles. The only downside of the down jacket is the difficulty in care and cleaning. It is very expensive to constantly put it in dry cleaning, and the material deteriorates from exposure to potent agents. Therefore, you can wash a thing, and how to straighten down in a down jacket after washing yourself, we will tell you in this article.

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How to wash a down jacket?

In order for the down jacket to maintain a high-quality appearance after washing, it is very important to carry out such a procedure taking into account all the nuances that are inherent in this product:

  • The very first thing you should do before washing is to carefully study the information that is posted on the tag by the manufacturer. It is there that it is indicated what type of washing (automatic or manual) and the temperature regime are suitable for this product.
  • If machine wash is possible, it is best to choose a delicate mode with a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees.

Important! If the washing machine has a mismatch between the programs and the temperature regime you need, then it must be installed manually.

  • Remove all detachable parts, turn the pockets inside out.
  • When washing the product in a washing machine, put tennis balls with it inside - they will break down during the process.
  • The number of revolutions during the spin cycle should be minimal.
  • Due to the fact that the fabric of this product is quite dense, it is necessary to immediately set additional rinse modes.

Important! If a spot appears on the down jacket, then it can be removed using a toothbrush and stain remover. Completely a down jacket is not recommended to be washed in this case.

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Dry the down jacket correctly

As with washing, drying the down jacket also has a number of features, compliance with which will help restore the product after washing:

  • To maintain its shape, it is best to dry it on a coat hanger in limbo.
  • The room must be well ventilated.

Important! It is best to dry the down jacket near the battery, with a distance of about 1 meter. So it will dry evenly. But too close to place a thing or even put it on a radiator is categorically unacceptable.

  • Every 3-4 hours, the product should be removed from the coat hanger, shake it well and straighten it.
  • When drying a down jacket in fresh air, avoid direct sunlight, otherwise - the color of the fabric may fade.

Important! Drying the down jacket for more than 48 hours is not recommended. This is due to the fact that even if all the rules are observed, but with such a long drying time, the fluff can still go astray.

  • If you cleaned in the winter, then after drying the product can be taken out in the cold. Due to this, it will be easier for you to straighten the fluff in the jacket after washing.
  • The jacket should be turned over during drying. This is due to the fact that moisture drains down, which leads to churning down.

In addition to the basic rules, also when drying a down jacket, one should also take into account how this product was washed.


Features of drying after washing in a washing machine:

  1. After you take out the down jacket from the washing machine, you should fasten all the zippers and buttons.
  2. In case the filler has strayed, carefully beat each quilted piece with your fingers.
  3. If the down jacket is not very quilted, then it should be dried “lying” on the grate.

Important! It is categorically not recommended to use the drying function in the washing machine, since the fluff is strongly confused and the jacket loses its appearance.

Features of drying after hand washing

In this case, the product must be dried exclusively “lying down”. This is due to the fact that after hand washing, a lot of water remains in the down jacket, due to which drying on the shoulders will only contribute to uneven drying and knocking down.

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If the wash went wrong and lumps still appeared

If after washing, the fluff gets lumpy, and the product becomes knobby and unsuitable for wearing, then you can solve this problem in the following ways.

A washing machine to help you

You can fluff the down jacket after washing at home using the same washing machine. This is the easiest and most effective way. It does not require a large number of physical and time costs. In this case, you only need four tennis balls. If not, then you can use other plastic or wooden objects of the same weight that do not have sharp ends. For example, children's balls or cubes.

Important! It is best to use tennis balls that are designed for tennis. This is due to the fact that they are quite heavy and break lumps of fluff well.

First, you should determine the degree of dryness of the jacket. Due to this, you can choose the right drying mode. If the product is dry, then the regime should be exclusively with a low temperature. As for the wet down jacket, you can choose the usual program that you use when washing outerwear.

The operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Turn the down jacket inside out and put it in the washing machine.
  2. Throw your tennis balls there.
  3. Select the desired mode.

Important! Add some air conditioning. It will soften the fabric and eliminate the unpleasant odor if the product has previously remained wet for a long time.

Smooth stick

In this option, you can use a mop handle or a regular kitchen rolling pin:

  • Fasten the down jacket and lay it on a bed or other flat surface.
  • Tap the jacket with your stick until the huge lumps disappear.

Important! Tap carefully so as not to damage the material. Movements should be careful and gentle.

  • The remaining small lumps can be spread out with your fingers.


Carpet Beater

This option is also a great way to beat the down jacket after washing. For this you need:

  1. Hang the product on a coat hanger.
  2. Button all zippers and buttons.
  3. Handle all sides of the jacket with a knocker.

Important! When knocking out, special attention should be paid to the area near the pockets and the lower part. This is due to the fact that in these places, due to a large accumulation of moisture, large lumps of downed fluff appear.

We use an iron

In order to beat fluff in the down jacket after washing, you can use an iron. Despite the complexity of the process, this is a very effective method. You will need the iron itself, gauze and a stick for knocking out carpets:

  1. Lay the product on a flat surface. Spread all corners and creases.
  2. Beat it thoroughly with a stick for knocking out carpets.
  3. Turn the down jacket inside out and iron it carefully through gauze.
  4. Let it cool, repeat the procedure again.

Important! It is best to use an iron with a steam function in this case.

A non-standard way to use a vacuum cleaner

If you do not have tennis balls, then a vacuum cleaner will help you fluff a down jacket after washing. This is the most popular and easy way, which is actually tested by more than one hostess. For this method, you will need a vacuum cleaner with a blow function, a tight plastic bag and scissors. The operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Put down jacket in a plastic bag.
  2. Pump out all the air while creating a vacuum effect.
  3. Use a pair of scissors to make a small hole in the bag.
  4. Turn the vacuum cleaner on the blow function. Due to this, the fluff will be distributed evenly over the jacket in just a few minutes.
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What to do if there are stains?

Divorces are a common occurrence that may appear on the outside of outer clothing after washing. Depending on the color of the product, they can be white or reddish.

Important! Stains are the remnants of washing powder that appear after drying.

The easiest way to remove them is to re-wash, since the first was carried out poorly. But it is also impossible to permanently remake the jacket. Therefore, in order to avoid this problem, you need to take care of this in advance:

  1. Replace standard laundry detergent with helium concentrate or a special detergent for washing outerwear.
  2. Reduce the amount of laundry detergent.
  3. Rinse the down jacket for at least one hour.

Important! You can set from 2 to 5 additional rinse cycles.

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Tips & Tricks

In order for the final result to please you, we bring to your attention several useful recommendations that will help you to wash and dry the down jacket correctly so that it retains its appearance:

  • Even if you dry the down jacket in a horizontal position, it should still be weighed so that there is good air circulation.
  • If there are spots on the product, they must be treated with laundry soap.
  • Do not soak a down jacket for a long time - the longer it stays in water, the more the material absorbs moisture. This is the main problem of rolling down.
  • It is not recommended to wash the down jacket in semi-automatic washing machines. They should be exclusively drum type.
  • Use a special rinse or conditioner to wash your outerwear.
  • Try not to use bleaches, as they can disrupt fluff and contribute to color loss.
  • Avoid fast drying methods. This is due to the fact that they can lead to damage to the product. Let this process take longer, but remain natural.
  • Try to wash your outerwear in the summer. Due to the high temperature, such things will dry faster.
  • If you washed the product at the end of the winter season, then you need to store it in the closet in special covers for outerwear.
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Wash and dry the down jacket at home is a very laborious process. But if you perform it correctly, taking into account all the above rules of recommendations, then the result will please you with the excellent appearance of your outerwear and significant savings in the family budget.

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