How to calculate the power of the hood for the kitchen?

It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without such a necessary household appliance as an extractor fan. This unpretentious and uncomplicated device allows you to solve many problems, in particular: it prevents the smell of food from spreading around the apartment, traps fat and soot, increases the life of the interior decoration and facilitates the regular cleaning process. However, so that a household appliance does not become a useless interior item and fulfills its mission for a long time, you need to know how to calculate the hood power for a kitchen before choosing and buying it. We will deal with this in this article.

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What are the hoods:

Before proceeding to the calculation of the productivity (power) of household appliances, it is necessary to determine the type of hood. There are several varieties of these household devices, which differ not only in their designs, but also in the principle of operation.

Operating principle

The following system operating modes are distinguished:

  • Simple removal of polluted air from the room. The air is cleaned of grease, burning, soot, passing through a filter (disposable, reusable). After cleaning, air is removed from the room into a special ventilation duct.

Important! This mode of operation requires the mandatory installation of the duct and a constant flow of fresh air.

  • Air recirculation after proper cleaning. The air is cleaned not only of fat, but also of odors, since it passes first grease and then a charcoal filter. After purification, the air returns to the room.

Important! For the system to work efficiently, carbon filters must be replaced annually.


System device

Depending on the design, hoods are:

  • Dome. Contaminated air entering the dome of a household appliance is thrown out by a fan through a piping system. During operation of this type of device, a constant flow of fresh air from the outside is necessary. If the kitchen has double-glazed windows that do not allow air to pass through, then during the operation of the household appliance, it is necessary to open the window.

Important! Dome hoods are recommended to be installed in spacious rooms, since they have significant dimensions. The disadvantages of this system include the complexity of installation.

  • Flat. This type of device is more compact, their installation is quite simple. Unlike domed hoods, flat hoods do not require connection to ventilation ducts, since they work on the principle of air recirculation.

Important! Flat systems do not take up much space in the kitchen. Among the shortcomings: they require regular maintenance and replacement of filters.

  • Recessed. Models of built-in type must be purchased at the planning stage of the general interior of the kitchen space, since they will have to be specially ordered or selected for furniture in which the main part of the hood will be placed. In their design, built-in hoods are very similar to domed hoods, but they are more powerful and less noise.

Important! In the kitchen, everything should be beautiful, practical and safe. And important for all these criteria is the way the floor is decorated. We suggest you consider the following popular options if you are still at the planning stage for repairs:

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How to calculate the power of the hood in the kitchen?

The correct calculation of the power of the hood for the kitchen will allow it to quickly and quickly clean the air in the room.

Important! The efficiency of the operation of flow hoods largely depends on the condition of the air ducts of the room. Even the most powerful built-in and domed hoods will not be able to provide air exchange more than the capacity of the ventilation channel of the room. In most cases, ventilation ducts at home can provide unhindered passage of air no more than 180 m3 per hour.

That is why in the kitchen it is better to use hoods that work on the principle of air recirculation, so as not to depend on the ventilation capacity of the house and not solve the problem of constant air inflows into the apartment. However, it should be noted that due to the fact that double filtration creates a fairly high resistance during the passage of air, under the same operating conditions, the power of the circulation hood should be greater than that of a flow hood.

Important! In the kitchen you need to arrange a lot of different household items, products and useful little things that you may need from time to time. To do this, you can do:

In order to independently calculate the power of the hood for the kitchen, proceed as follows:

  1. Measure the dimensions of the kitchen: length, width and height.
  2. Convert the results to meters and multiply the values ​​by each other to find out the volume of the room.
  3. Multiply the resulting room volume by the multiplicity of air exchange cycles. In accordance with the norms of SNiP, this indicator should be equal to 12.

The figure obtained as a result of calculations determines the required hood power for the kitchen. However, such a calculation assumes that the system will constantly work at the maximum of its capabilities. But in this mode, the household appliance will not work for a long time, so we recommend adding another 15% to the result in order to create a power reserve and make life easier for the appliance.

Important! The above indicators of air exchange and power reserve are very averaged. For an accurate calculation of the exhaust performance, it is necessary to take into account the type of stove, the mode of operation of the system and the state of ventilation in the room (for flow exhaust).

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How to calculate the performance of the hood, taking into account the necessary amendments?

In most apartments, kitchens do not differ in large dimensions, so the calculation of performance will produce results in the range from 300 to 450 cubic meters per hour. However, many experts recommend multiplying the result by 2, and choose hoods with a capacity of at least 600 m3 / h. This is due to the following factors.

Important! Comfort in any kitchen is ensured by the presence of all the necessary equipment, as well as decorative design. So that you can choose exactly what will suit your interior and everyday habits, use the information from the following articles:

Type of stove

From what kind of hob is installed, the amount of emissions of harmful substances into the air depends. Accordingly, the frequency of air renewal in the room will also change.

Important! The electric stove does not emit any combustion products, so the air exchange coefficient for it will be 15. When using a gas stove, the atmosphere is filled with gas combustion products, so the coefficient for gas cooking surfaces is much higher and is 20 times per hour.

Hood operation mode

Circulation options must be selected 30-40% more powerful than flow through.

Room isolation

If the kitchen is limited by walls, windows and doors, then the calculation of the performance of the hood is made according to the usual scheme. If the door is absent (arched structure) or is not used closed, then when calculating the area of ​​the kitchen, the dimensions of the adjacent room should be taken into account.

For example:

  • For studio apartments, the hood power should be increased by 30%. In this case, the system performance will be higher and you will not have to feel unpleasant kitchen odors while sitting in the living room.
  • If the hood will be used in a private house, then its power should be at least 600 cubic meters per hour.
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Kitchen hood selection tips

A few additional points will allow you to correctly calculate all the parameters of the much-needed equipment.

Tip 1

Do not save on hood power. According to the calculation formula, for a small isolated kitchen, hoods of rather modest power are enough. But in practice, in a tiny room, soot, fat and food smells spread much faster. Therefore, to cook in a small kitchen was comfortable, do not save on the performance of the device.

Tip 2

Regardless of which design you choose, you must meet the following conditions for its location:

  • The hood should not be inferior in area to the hob. It is better if the system is slightly larger than the slab in size.

Important! The most efficient operation of the hood is ensured if it is located directly above the hob and slightly exceeds its width.

  • For comfortable use of the system, place the hood at a height of 65-70 cm. If you hang the hood below, it will interfere with the cooking process, and if it is higher, the system will not be able to fully cope with its task.


Tip 3

When choosing a hood, pay attention to the convenience of using auxiliary functions:

  • Many models of devices are equipped with touch panels, which are more preferable to sliders, since they are less polluted and look more modern and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Provided in the models and the lighting function. It is better if the system is equipped with halogen lamps, because they have a more pleasant light and less color distortion compared to incandescent or fluorescent light sources.

Important! Some models of devices are additionally equipped with a timer, an indicator showing the degree of clogging of the filter, and the option to automatically turn the device on and off.

Tip 4

When buying a device model, pay attention to the number of system operation modes. The standard hood has a three-speed operating mode, but there are also five-speed models.

Important! The minimum speed allows you to keep the atmosphere of the room clean, and the maximum - saves the kitchen from unpleasant odors in a short period of time.

Tip 5

When choosing a hood model, pay attention to the noise level, because the higher the power, the more noise comes from the system.

Important! For comfortable coexistence with a household appliance, the noise level should not exceed 55 dB, otherwise you should not wait for a comfortable and pleasant pastime in the kitchen.

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We hope that our article helped you choose the best option for the system according to the power-to-noise ratio. If you competently approach the issue of choosing an important attribute of the kitchen space, then be sure that such a technique can provide the room with clean and fresh air, and during cooking your favorite dishes will quickly eliminate odors and prevent them from spreading throughout the apartment. Have a good choice!

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