How to arrange furniture in a studio apartment?

How to arrange furniture in a studio apartmentso that the home looks perfect and does not lose its practicality? This question torments many owners of “odnushki”, because each of them has already faced this problem, well, or will face it - the passion for permutations and repairs is all in our blood. A one-room apartment is almost always problematic. Tightness makes it difficult to live fully, enjoying the space. Therefore, it is not easy to furnish - there are all kinds of headsets for every taste, and outside of a small house they look beautiful and harmonious, however, if you just bring them into the “odnushka”, all the charm disappears in an instant. Let’s figure out what could be furniture arrangement in compact housing, so that everything necessary fits, but does not clutter up the space.

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Before you start

The reason for all the failures when arranging furniture in a small space is the impulsive, thoughtless action of the owners. Often, it all starts with “I want,” and is done in just a few hours. If you, too, are used to following your emotions, then there is nothing surprising in the fact that you subsequently will not like the interior of the home. In this case, good options furniture arrangement in a one-room apartment it happens only 0.1%.

Important! Determining the layout of the room, it is recommended to analyze the photos of apartments similar to yours. They can be found on the Internet. It is desirable not one, but several dozen.

However, the analysis of the photo will not be able to give a high percentage of success. There is a more efficient way, but at the same time, more troublesome:

  1. Remove all furniture, as well as all items, from your apartment and leave the space clean for a while. So you can objectively evaluate the type of room and determine whether or not to make any adjustments to it, for example, arches, podium or false walls.
  2. Make a plan of the room. To do this, it is necessary to carry out accurate measurements and transfer the data to a paper sheet or to a special computer program that can help in the creation of design projects. Having a layout in front of you will make it much easier to plan. arrangement of furniture in a studio apartment.

Important! It is more convenient to “try on” furniture items in certain areas of the home using a computer program. But a hand-drawn project can significantly simplify the task and save you a lot of nerves and strength.

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Zoning space

Designers are advised to dwell on the group model of furniture arrangement:

  • The available space is divided into several zones: working, dining, sleeping and guest.
  • Each of these zones has its own center. For example, for the guest area - a TV and a sofa, and for the dining room - a table.

Important! Pick items that are not very large so that they do not clutter up the space too much. At the same time, it is necessary that they all combine well with each other, forming a stylish composition.

  • All other pieces of furniture are placed around the selected center or next to it.

Useful Tips:

  1. Try to adhere to the rule "the more, the closer." So, it is better to put a chest of drawers next to a bed or a sofa-transformer, and a small ottoman can be placed a little further.
  2. Also, do not forget that there should be free space between all objects. Try to lay the main routes that you will use. It can be a way to the balcony, to the bathroom, to the kitchen and, of course, to the front door.

Important! There should be no interior items on these tracks, as they will interfere with free movement and reduce the level of comfort.

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Arrangement of furniture in Khrushchev

If a one-room apartment in itself is a problematic housing, then a one-room Khrushchev is a squared problem. The layout of this type of housing is simply amazing with the level of discomfort and uneven distribution of space - too small bathroom and kitchen, low ceilings and thin walls. Is it possible to deal with this disadvantage with furniture?

The answer is positive, in addition, the owners of one-room Khrushchev have an advantage - this is a spacious room, which can be divided into three or four separate zones.

Important! Determine how to arrange furniture in a one-room apartment, taking into account the number of residents.

If one person lives

If the owner of the house is a lonely person who works at home, then a partition in the form of stylish shelves for books dividing the room into a sleeping and working area will be enough. In one of them (probably a bedroom), you can also provide a guest, if you do not put a familiar bed, but a modern sofa-transformer, which can consist of several poufs.


A young couple

Minimalism is a style that is appropriate in one-room apartments, and in Khrushchev in particular. However, not everyone can use a small amount of furniture - for a family of four, this is simply unrealistic. But a young couple can take advantage of the opportunity to save as much free space as possible in a small apartment.

A desk, a bed, a chest of drawers and armchairs are a set of furniture that will be required for a comfortable stay and separation of the room. How to implement arrangement of furniture in a studio apartmentif there is almost no furniture?

  • The chest of drawers can fulfill the function of a “wall” between the working and sleeping areas (a high cabinet can be used, but then the feeling of free space will disappear).
  • The relaxation area can be concentrated in a separate corner, equipping it with a coffee table, armchair and lamp.
  • TV in such an interior is better to use thin, and place it in the wall version.

Important The disadvantage of this option of furniture is the lack of space for storing necessary things and the inferiority of the guest area. The advantage is the several functions of a small room and the clutter of space.

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Furniture arrangement in a studio apartment

This type of housing a few years ago was in demand among young people and representatives of Bohemia. Today, it is mastered by families with children, and even some advanced people of retirement age - freely, conveniently, beautifully and functionally. But all this is possible only if you think through all the nuances of the layout in advance.

Furniture items that are necessary for a studio apartment:

  • A small kitchen with shelves, hanging cupboards, a work surface, and a dining table (the use of transformer furniture is not excluded).
  • A soft corner, which can serve as a kind of separation of zones - a sofa can also be used in this capacity. But if there is no place for him, then you should abandon the guest area - arrange it with the help of several poufs and armchairs.
  • Chest of drawers, original cabinet or design of open sliding shelves.

Important! The rejection of the Soviet walls is the number one task for all the owners of studio apartments. And if people of the younger generation are happy to solve it, then pensioners are very difficult to part with the furniture that they got under the condition of a total deficit.

If there is no strength to part, then the wall design should be radically changed, dividing it into sections and disassembling it into separate elements. It is also necessary to update its color and external texture - only after that you can use such furniture in a modern studio apartment.

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Using Transformer Furniture

Leaving as much space as possible is the desire of many people living in small rooms. At arrangement of furniture in a studio apartment designers recommend paying special attention to transformers, since such furniture can combine a large number of different functions.

Of the popular models of transforming furniture, one can distinguish the following:

  • A sofa that transforms into a berth.
  • Folding table from the wall, which is able to serve as a shelf for storing things.
  • A bed that retracts into the wall during the day.
  • Armchairs, under which you can place boxes for storing seasonal items.
  • Tables on wheels.
  • Custom made modular sections.
  • Wardrobes.

Important! Such furniture can immediately solve several problems - it will free up space and create an organized place to store things.

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Stock footage

Problem furniture arrangement in a one-room apartment is acute for many owners of small housing. But if you carefully think through and use custom-made furniture, even odnushka can be a good place to live, even for a family of several people.

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