How to arrange furniture in the bedroom?

When decorating the interior of an apartment, the question always arises: how to arrange the furniture in the bedroom so that it is harmonious, beautiful and at the same time as comfortable and convenient as possible, because it is in this room that we spend the most important and necessary time for us - rest time. And even more carefully thought out the interior design, if the apartment and all its rooms do not differ in large dimensions. In this article we will consider the basic principles and interesting ideas on how to arrange furniture in a small bedroom, so that it would be comfortable, and everything you need fit, and the room did not look cluttered.

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Furniture selection - the main criteria

When choosing furniture in the bedroom, you should pay attention to such characteristics:

  • The material from which it is made. It is better to choose furniture that is made from natural materials - MDF, particleboard and wood.

Important! Furniture made of birch, walnut, beech, pine will look great, besides, these materials are environmentally friendly.

  • Functionality - today a rather wide range of not only beautiful, but also functional furniture is presented in stores, which will make it possible to save space and visually expand it, which is very important for small rooms. Mirrored wardrobes, coffee tables on wheels, beds with built-in compartments for linen - all this will help you organize the space in a small room.
  • Appearance - special attention should be paid to such a moment: does furniture design contribute to the accumulation of dirt and dust. Simple lines are preferred, without elaborate decor.
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Choosing and placing a bed in the bedroom

A bed can rightfully be called the basis of the bedroom, because we spend a third of our lives in a dream, which means a comfortable bed is our vital necessity.


The first thing you should pay attention to is the head of the bed, they come in three main types:

  • Inpatient - occurs in most cases. Its main disadvantage is that replacing it with another will not work without destroying the bed.
  • An attached is a separate element that will become a convenient and functional solution in a small room. Its name speaks for itself - it is an element of modular furniture for a bedroom. Blocks are arranged in a single system with a niche equal to the width of the mattress. The plate, which is the headboard, is a single piece uniting them.
  • Mounted - the most artsy and luxurious option. It looks like a frame covered with upholstery, which is mounted on the wall, and the bed is moved close to it.

Important! The only minus of this headboard is that the bed can only be positioned head to the wall.



The next important aspect is the choice of a mattress. For a healthy, sound and comfortable sleep, the mattress should be sufficiently elastic and firm. When buying a new mattress, you should not save, because a bad mattress will not only not allow you to fully relax, but can also reward you with irritability and constant fatigue.

Useful Tips

The correct arrangement of furniture in a small bedroom will largely depend on what style the room is made of, on its size and shape, and of course, on your preferences:

  • If the room is small, it is best to put the bed head to the wall, leaving space for a closet, chests of drawers and cabinets.
  • The color scheme also plays a large role for relaxation, so it is advisable to avoid bright, flashy colors in the bedroom, as they are able to excite the brain and interfere with full sleep. However, several bright accessories can give the room a certain mood.
  • You can also pick up beautiful bedding, which can be changed at any time to linen in soft, calm colors.

Important! Psychologists say that the blue color and all its shades contribute to a healthy and deep sleep, which is a big plus for a good rest.

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What furniture is better to choose in a bedroom?

The bed is undoubtedly the queen of the bedroom, however, without additional elements to it, the room will seem somewhat empty. As a rule, in the bedroom, in addition to the bed, there is a dressing table, bedside tables and a wardrobe. Depending on the size of the room, the room can be furnished with sofas, chests of drawers, coffee tables and additional accessories - in many respects their choice will depend on the design of the room.

Particleboard or MDF can be selected as the material. Modern technologies make it possible to make furniture from materials similar to wood, while not inferior to it in quality.

Important! It is advisable to buy furniture from trusted manufacturers, because if a certain technology is not followed or poor-quality materials are used, harmful fumes can be released into the atmosphere for some time, which are extremely harmful to human health.

For small rooms today there is a huge assortment of multifunctional furniture. For example:

  • A mirrored wardrobe will visually expand the space visually, while it is very roomy for storing things.
  • The bed is often a niche for storing bedding.
  • The dresser harmoniously combined with the interior of the room will be not only beautiful, but also very functional.
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How to arrange furniture in the bedroom: placement methods

Comfort and coziness in the bedroom plays a very important role, because it is here that our day begins in the morning and ends in the evening. Being in this room, a person should be able to completely relax and rest after a hard day - every little thing here must contribute to this.

Having correctly arranged the furniture in the small bedroom, you can make it cozy, even despite the shape and size of the room.

Symmetric method

Ideal only for rooms of the "correct" shape, square or rectangular. This method consists in arranging paired objects on both sides of a given axis.

For example, two bedside tables, which are placed on the sides of the bed, clearly show us this method in action. To this method of arrangement, more inclined calm, pedantic people who want to see order in everything. As a rule, it is this method that is acceptable in the bedroom, because it helps to create a calm and cozy atmosphere that contributes to excellent relaxation and good sleep.

Important! For eccentric natures, the symmetrical method may seem calm or even boring, so it is hardly suitable for creating a stylish and bright environment.


Asymmetric method

Suitable for rooms of "irregular" shape. At first glance, it might seem that the furniture in such a room is completely disordered, however, this is not so. This method consists in a more balanced arrangement of things to the focal point, which can be, for example, a bed.For the harmonious arrangement of furniture in a small bedroom, it is necessary to observe the principle of a swing, that is, to alternate between small and large objects, for example, low beds are best combined with tall wardrobes.

Important! In small rooms, try to arrange furniture in the most uncomfortable corners. Thanks to this, the room will look more spacious and not too overloaded.

Circular method

Suitable for any room. In the center of the room, one focal point is selected and all the furniture is placed around it.

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Key parameters for proper furniture placement

Making a beautiful interior and arranging furniture in it, we do not always think about convenience. And often after all the transformations, the room is very beautiful, but absolutely uncomfortable and uncomfortable for life.

The aisles are too narrow, and reaching the table while sitting in a chair is problematic. Therefore, when arranging furniture, even in a small bedroom, it is advisable to adhere to the optimal parameters:

  1. The width of the passage should not be less than 50 cm, otherwise - you will not be able to move freely on it without experiencing discomfort.
  2. If furniture with drawers is used in the design of the bedroom, then a space of more than a meter should be left in front of them.
  3. When arranging furniture around a coffee table, you need to leave a space of approximately 40 cm.
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An easy way to arrange furniture in a small bedroom

In order to see how your bedroom will look after arranging the furniture, you can resort to using a special computer program. She will show you what passages will remain, and how all this will look.

If you don’t know how to use these types of programs, then you can take a regular piece of paper in a box, and, taking into account a certain scale, draw your own room and then finish painting all the furniture there so you can see how correctly everything is planned, will there be any necessary passages and whether your new room will be too cluttered.

This planning method will save your time and energy, because moving furniture around the room in search of a better place is not the best option.

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We have a bed in feng shui

When designing a bedroom according to the rules of Feng Shui, the bed is given the most important place: where and how to put it, what shape should be on the back and what color is the linen for the bed. The bed should be comfortable for both soul and body, because it is she who can strengthen relations in the family:

  • The bed should not be large, but not cramped - such that it would be comfortable for two to sleep on it. No matter what size it is, be sure to use one mattress - several shifted together will not work.

Important! If there are two separate beds, then moving them is prohibited - this is not Feng Shui.

  • The bed should not stand against the wall with the back, and the pointed sharp corners of other furnishings should also be avoided. Well, if spouses can approach the bed from both sides - this contributes to respect and equality.
  • It is very bad if the bed is displayed in the mirror - such an arrangement can contribute to the appearance of lovers in spouses. In principle, it is better not to place mirrors at all in the bedroom, or to drape them.
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How to save space in the bedroom?

  • To save space in a small bedroom, you can without any loss of bedside tables near the bed - they can be replaced with shelves. And by putting a lamp or a night lamp on these shelves, you will not only save a lot of space, but also make the interior easier by removing unnecessary details.
  • Having bought a cabinet with a built-in chest of drawers, you will no longer need to buy a chest of drawers, and if you hang a mirror with a shelf on the wall, you can refuse the dressing table.

Important! Hanging shelves are another good alternative to a chest of drawers.

  • The chair or chair in front of the dressing table can be replaced with a small ottoman, which will take up less free space.
  • A closet is also not an essential element of the bedroom, because if you have a platform bed, complete with drawers, you can store bedding and clothes in them.

Important! As for the mirror, it is not advisable to place it not only opposite the berth, but also so that the doors or windows are reflected.

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We hope that with these tips you have a little clarified situation, what really needs to be put in the bedroom, and what you can refuse, and how to arrange the entire selected set of furniture.

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