How to melt the soap in the microwave 🥝 how to cook liquid soap from residues and pieces

If you have formed a large number of remnants, then do not rush to throw them away. Soap residue you can make a whole soap in a large piece. To do this, melt it and add the ingredients you like. How to make a new soap from the remaining remnants, we will discuss in this article.

What will happen to the soap if you put it in the microwave?

Products in a microwave oven are heated by the action of electric waves on water molecules. It also contains a certain amount of moisture, respectively, it will also be affected. Indeed, most of the clips on the Internet show that if you put soap in a microwave and put high power on it, you will get a big cloud of foam from solid soap. This is due to the fact that the water present in the liquid state in the soap becomes steam after boiling. The steam is released, and the solid structure remains the same. It should be noted that the microwave oven may break if moisture gets into its openings.

What should be done with soap before melting?

Soap easily melts if heated in any way. It can be a microwave, oven or stove. First you need to make the following manipulations:

  • Soap must be grated on a coarse grater. If there is a food processor, then with the grinding of soap its nozzles can perfectly help.
  • If the remnants have been lying for a long time and break easily, it is recommended to add a little olive oil to them.
  • To make the soap softer, you can add a couple of teaspoons of milk or herbal tincture to it.

Now you can re-melt the soap.

How to melt soap from remnants in the microwave?

This procedure is quite simple and does not take much time:

  • Grated soap must be placed in a container of plastic or glass.
  • Put the bowl in the microwave.
  • Turn on the oven for two minutes.
  • We take out the bowl and mix the soap.
  • After this, it is necessary to put the container back and melt for another four minutes.
  • The whole process must be repeated until the soap in the microwave is completely melted.

After this, it is recommended to add, for example, essential oils to the melted mixture. After this, the mass is poured into molds and is in them until it finally hardens. Thus, you can make a whole piece of remnants in the microwave. Now we know the answer to the question, how to melt the soap in the microwave?


If you are melting the soap in the microwave for the first time, you need to pay attention to some details of the process. The nuances are in the following points:

  • The product should not contain laundry soap, because such an aroma is unpleasant for many people. During heating, the smell will only intensify.
  • The melting point must be observed. The soap base must be heated, but can not be brought to a boil. If you allow boiling, then such a soap will not subsequently foam.
  • Additional ingredients must be added at the very end of cooking. It must be remembered that the new home-made soap will be made from a wide variety of pieces with a different aroma and shade. Therefore, if you do not add any impurities, then soap pieces should not contradict each other.

How to make liquid soap from remnants with your own hands?

At home, it is realistic to make a creamy soap and it is quite easy. The following ingredients are useful for this process:

  • warm water;
  • container for the result;
  • milk;
  • grater;
  • molds made of silicone.

Remnants and liquid must be taken in equal quantities. A dairy product needs half as much as water.

Product follows chop with a knife. Place this shavings in a container. After that, pour the chips with warm liquid, close the lid and shake it properly. The resulting product must be shaken periodically. After some time, the chips should completely dissolve, and instead a thick substance will form. This substance must be poured with milk and add a couple of drops of any aromatic oil, if you want.

How to make a whole bar of soap from remnants at home?

To get a whole piece of remnants, it is necessary to prepare the following components:

  • water;
  • lockable dishes;
  • molds.

The remaining pieces must be crushed, put in dishes and pour hot water. The dishes must be closed tightly so that the product melts. Stir every twenty minutes. When the product has completely melted, it will be possible to decompose it into molds and leave it in a cool place until it becomes solid again. It is recommended to grease the forms with vegetable oil, so that you can easily get the product later.

Then you need to wait two more days and the soap will be completely ready. In order for the product to melt faster, it can be cooked a little. The fire should not be too strong, and it is better to wear a protective mask.

How to melt soap in a water bath?

You can get a liquid soap base with your own hands, if you use a water bath. To do this, you need to take a metal container and fill it with water for the third part. In a container you need to place a metal bowl with crushed product. In this case, water should not fall into the bowl. All this must be placed on a small fire and mix the composition from time to time. When the product is half transparent, some ingredients can be added as desired. These ingredients include cream, honey and essential oils.

The soap base, along with additives, must be thoroughly melted and mixed so that a homogeneous consistency is obtained. When the product is sufficiently melted, it must be poured into molds and left for several days until completely solidified.

How to get the original product?

If you turn on the imagination, then you can perform quite beautiful and original products. For example, for a product in several layers, you need to select the remnants according to the color palette into various bowls and melt them. It is necessary to combine the different colors according to the molds very carefully so that one color does not mix with another.

From product different colors can be created, for example, confetti. This type of soap is obtained if the product of various colors is cut into large figures, which are mixed together and filled with a clear soap solution. Previously, remnants of various shapes must be sprinkled with alcohol.

Additional ingredients

To make the result more fragrant, you can add certain types of additives. For example, skin will like a product with the following additives:

  • Poppy or coffee beans, coconut shavings and ground nuts.
  • Apricot Essential Oils and creamy supplements soften the skin.
  • Melissa oil has a calming and soothing effect.
  • Inflammation will perfectly remove the chamomile supplement.
  • Vitamin supplements nourish the skin.

Give the product a beautiful color natural additives of coffee, raspberries, carrots, etc. will help. Aromatic oils provide a pleasant aroma.


You need to remember the main tips when making a soap product:

  • During cooking, not very nice smell, but when the mixture hardens, the aroma will change for the better.
  • If you want to add fresh ingredients (lemon peel, cream, etc.), then you need to remember that the shelf life will decrease dramatically.
  • Figures can be any, for baking cupcakes, for example.If you are seriously interested in soap making, you can buy the most original forms, which are sold in soap stores.
  • If the consistency is very thick, then you can dilute it with a decoction of your favorite herbs.
  • And vice versa, one tablespoon of granulated sugar will give density.
  • If the remnants are already many years old, then it is recommended that they be repelled with a hammer.

Thanks to these recommendations, you can quickly learn how to make beautiful and fragrant soaps from old remnants.


