How to stretch properly at home?

- How useful is body stretching?
- For whom are stretching exercises contraindicated?
- What do you need to remember when doing exercises?
- How to stretch at home in the upper torso?
- A set of exercises for stretching legs
- We sit down correctly on the twine. A set of exercises for beginners
- What should I do if pain occurs after the exercise?
- Stock footage
Even if you do not engage in professional sports and do not go to fitness, all the same, sooner or later you will be visited by the thought that the body needs additional physical activities that will improve the well-being and flexibility of the body. Simple exercises will also help increase self-confidence.
How to stretch correctly at home is of interest to many, because not everyone has the time and money to go to the gym for classes with a professional trainer on simulators. We will talk about special complexes that will improve health and prolong our lives and that can be done in a comfortable environment for you in this article. To give the body flexibility and muscle tone you need very little - your desire and 15-20 minutes a day of free time.
to contents ↑How useful is body stretching?
Physical exercise is very good for health - this is an axiom. Regular stretching contributes to the following changes in the human body:
- The muscles of the body come in tone, thereby protecting them from accidental sprains and injuries.
- The joints become more mobile, the muscles become elastic, the ligaments become stronger.
- Blood circulation improves, especially in the pelvic area.
- The body becomes more flexible and mobile. You better keep your balance.
- The risk of varicose veins is reduced.
- Weight is reduced, which is important for people who are struggling with extra pounds.
- The nervous system relaxes, which makes a person more resistant to stress.
- The general state of health improves and the mood improves.
Given the number and importance of positive aspects, it is not strange that many people are interested in how to stretch correctly at home.
to contents ↑For whom are stretching exercises contraindicated?
Despite all the positive aspects that are achieved through regular stretching, there is a category of people to whom such physical activity is contraindicated. You should not stretch yourself at home if:
- There are inflammations of the joints of the lower body.
- There was an injury to the spine or thigh, as well as a crack in the bones of the legs.
- You suffer from lower back pain.
- You have high blood pressure, thrombosis, or other vascular disease.
- At the moment, you have a cold or for other reasons you are not feeling well.
to contents ↑Important! Also a contraindication is pregnancy.
What do you need to remember when doing exercises?
If there are no contraindications for stretching exercises, then you should adhere to several important recommendations that are aimed at ensuring that you do not hurt yourself. To stretch correctly at home:
- Warm up muscles and ligaments before stretching exercises. Rub your body with your hands, do a set of squats, run on the spot or dance to rhythmic music. You can make swings with legs. Warming up should take 5-10 minutes.
- When doing the exercises themselves, watch out for breathing. Do not hold it, try to breathe evenly.
- Do not overdo it while stretching. Consider your body condition and readiness for exertion. You don’t sit on the twine in one day.This will take weeks, or even months. Make all movements smoothly, without jerking. You should only feel tension in the ligaments, not pain.
Important! If you damage the ligaments, the scar tissue after healing will make them less elastic.
- Start with light exercises, gradually increasing the load.
- Exercise regularly, preferably daily, without taking long breaks, otherwise the result will not be achieved soon.
to contents ↑Important! When doing stretching exercises, pay attention to all muscle groups, and not just focus on the lower body. Then the whole body will be in good shape and you will be awake all day.
How to stretch at home in the upper torso?
Even if your goal is to sit on the splits, still pay attention to the whole body and begin your physical activity with exercises for the back, neck, arms and chest.
Important! Stretching exercises are also called “stretching” (from the English “stretch”, “stretch”).
Neck exercises
So that you do not feel a sagging neck after hard workdays, follow these simple exercises to stretch correctly.
Exercise number 1
Perform circular head movements clockwise and back 2-3 times.
Exercise number 2:
- Lowering one shoulder, tilt your head to the second, and vice versa.
- Do the exercise slowly.
- When the ear is pressed to the shoulder, hold for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.
Exercise number 3:
- Connect your fingers and extend your arms in front of you.
- Now tilt your head forward and press your chin to your chest.
- Relax your shoulders, and stretch your arms forward as much as possible.
Arm and Shoulder Exercises
Shoulders and arms also require your attention, because they have a lot of load during daytime events. To stretch correctly at home in this part of your body, such exercises are suitable.
Exercise number 1:
- Grab your fingers into the lock and extend your arms forward to shoulder level.
- Now turn your palms so that they look up and forward.
Exercise number 2:
- Clasp your fingers into the lock with outstretched arms above your head.
- Now slowly turn your palms up, then down.
Exercise number 3:
- Take the towel by the ends and hold it on outstretched arms.
- Put your hands over your head behind your back.
- Do not twist your arms or bend your elbows.
- To increase the load, reduce the distance between the arms.
- You can record the movement for 5-10 seconds exactly in the place where you will feel the maximum tension.
Exercise number 4:
- Holding the ends of the towel, raise straight arms above your head.
- Now move your left hand back and down, while bending the right hand at the elbow at a right angle.
- Next - straighten your right hand and lower it one level with the left.
- Lower your hands at the same time.
- Repeat the movement in the other direction.
Exercises for the lower back and spine
The spine is the backbone of our body, so it is he who needs to be given special attention to stretch correctly at home and not harm anything.
Exercise number 1:
- Stand and put your brushes on your waist.
- Take your elbows as far back as possible and bend down.
- Hold for 5-10 seconds. Breathe smoothly.
Exercise number 2:
Standing straight and putting brushes on the waist, do the twisting of the body, alternately left and right.
Exercise number 3:
- Sit on your knees.
- Stretch your arms forward and lay them on the floor.
- Bend your back, as if trying to round the ridge.
Exercise number 4:
- Place the palm of your right hand on your left shoulder, and with your left palm push on your right elbow in the direction of your left shoulder.
- Hold for 10 seconds, and then change hands.
Exercise number 5:
- Place your right hand behind your back from above, and your left hand from below.
- Grab your fingers behind your back and lock yourself in this position for 5-10 seconds.
Exercise number 6:
- Put your palms together as for prayer, but behind your back.
- Now raise your arms to chest level.
- Hold this position for a few seconds.
Exercise number 7:
- Stand straight and spread your legs shoulder width apart.
- Lean forward while trying to put your palms on the floor.
Exercise number 8:
- Sit on the floor.
- Place your legs straight and together.
- Now tilt the body forward, trying to reach your knees with your forehead.
Exercise number 9:
- Sit on a chair.
- Without lifting your legs from the floor, turn back.
- Grasp the back of the chair and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
- Now turn the other way.
- Repeat 5 times in each side.
A set of exercises for stretching legs
Before you try to sit on the twine, you need to conduct a series of exercises for the gradual stretching of the legs.
Important! It should be remembered that such exercises need to be done smoothly, avoiding jerking and strong pain. Only in this way will you be able to stretch correctly.
Exercise number 1:
- Stand near the wall.
- Place your right foot 40 cm from the wall and your left foot 60 cm.
- Keep both hands against the wall, and do not tear your heels off the floor.
- If you do not feel tension in the “back” leg, move it a little further.
- Hold this position, then change your leg.
Exercise number 2:
- Lie on the floor.
- Bend the right leg and pull the knee to the chest as much as possible.
- Freeze for a few seconds.
- Change your foot.
- Then pull both legs up and try to touch your forehead with your knees.
Exercise number 3:
- Take a chair and put a straight leg on its back.
- Bend forward as far as possible, keeping your back straight.
- In the farthest position, hold for 5-10 seconds.
- Change your leg and repeat the exercise.
Exercise number 4:
- Stand at the chair and grab it with your right hand.
- With your left hand, grasp the left ankle and raise your leg as high as possible.
- In the up position, freeze for 5 seconds.
- Change leg and repeat.
Exercise number 5:
- Stand up straight.
- Lunge forward with one foot as far as possible, the second leg should remain straight behind.
- Spring in this position, first on one leg, then on the other.
Exercise number 6:
- Sit and pull your heels as close to you as possible, closer to your crotch. This is called the frog pose.
- Rest your elbows on the inside of your knees and push until you feel intense tension or until the body rests on your feet.
Exercise number 7:
- Sit on the floor.
- Put one leg straight forward, and bend the second and rest your foot on the inner surface of the thigh.
- Lean towards the straight leg as deep as possible.
- At the maximum tilt phase, hold for a few seconds.
- Change your leg and repeat the exercise.
We sit down correctly on the twine. A set of exercises for beginners
As soon as you have achieved notable successes in the previous exercises, they are already given to you every day easily and naturally, you can think about how to stretch correctly at home to sit on the twine.
Longitudinal twine
This is a pretty spectacular gymnastic skill. It is unlikely to succeed in 1-2 weeks. You need to set a goal and approach it daily. For this:
- Find a comfortable place, preferably where there is no carpet. That is, you need a slippery surface, but at the same time, let the socks not be very slippery.
- You must fully control your movements so as not to break the ligaments.
- Clothing for classes is better to choose free and comfortable.
- The room should be warm and comfortable.
After you have completed several exercises for stretching your legs, you can begin to twine.
Method number 1:
- Get on your knees and stretch your right leg forward, keeping it straight.
- Gradually under the weight of your body, gently lower yourself, without jerking.
- Put your palms on the floor and keep your balance.
- Move your leg forward until you feel tension in the groin.
- Hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
- The back should be straight.
Important! Do not try to sit lower while overcoming pain. If you tear the ligaments, it will delay your goal indefinitely.
- Take a starting position and change your foot.
- Every day, go lower and lower until your legs are completely flat on the floor.
Method number 2
You can start a little differently:
- Extend your straight left leg from behind with your knee touching the floor.
- Tilt the housing forward.
- Place your hands on the floor for balance.
- The right leg is first bent at the knee at a right angle, and then you begin to move it slowly forward, until the tension in the groin. The foot rests on the heel.
- Stop and freeze in this position for 10-20 seconds.
- Do not hold your breath.
- Over time, lower the pelvis as low as possible until you sit completely on the floor.
- Do the same for the second leg.
Important! Even if you have achieved the desired result, do not stop practicing, otherwise - you will lose this skill, and efforts will be wasted.
Transverse twine
This type of twine is considered more difficult to perform. It represents the legs fully seated to the side from a sitting position.
Important! As for longitudinal twine, before trying to sit in the transverse, you need to warm up the muscles and conduct a set of exercises to stretch your legs.
First you can do it every other day, and after that, when the body gets used to the stresses, every day. You need to be extremely patient and philosophical, so as not to quickly “burn out” with an idea.
Method number 1:
- Sit on the floor.
- Extend your legs as wide as possible, and keep your hands on the floor.
- Tilt your body as low as possible, lingering in the lowest position for 10-15 seconds.
- Each time, the slope should be deeper.
- When the ligaments are slightly stretched, you can proceed to the most transverse twine.
Method number 2:
- Stand up straight.
- Put the feet parallel to each other.
- Further, resting on the entire surface of the foot, spread your legs to the sides as far as possible, while you are comfortable.
Important! Pain in this exercise is unacceptable. In extreme cases, only slight discomfort is possible.
- Each time, try to sit as low as possible until you reach the crotch of the floor.
- When you sit on the transverse splits - the groin and hips should lie completely on the floor, the back should be flat, and the socks should be facing up.
- Do not forget about even breathing.
to contents ↑Important! If you manage to master the transverse twine, do not forget to periodically do this exercise, otherwise the flexibility will gradually be lost.
What should I do if pain occurs after the exercise?
Pain can occur if you overdo it while doing stretching and damaged the ligaments. In such situations, the following algorithm of actions should be followed:
- Apply ice wrapped in cloth to a sore spot for 10 minutes. Take a break for half an hour and apply again for 10 minutes.
- Lubricate the painful area with anesthetic ointment.
- Fix this place with an elastic bandage and keep calm.
- If the pain does not subside, consult a doctor.
to contents ↑Stock footage
If you approach the issue of stretching the muscles of the body seriously and correctly, then the result will be noticeable in a few days. The complex of exercises selected in the article will not only help strengthen and tone muscles, sit on the twine and make the body more flexible, but will also add good mood and cheerfulness every day in geometric progression.
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