How to stretch the bootleg at home?

Very often there are situations when, despite the fact that the shoes are in size, they press pretty hard on the lower leg. The question arises, how to stretch the bootleg at home. In no case can not tolerate a similar problem, because it is, first of all, very bad for health. Walking becomes incredibly painful due to swelling of the limbs. Being in boots becomes unbearable.
In fact, if the shoes are made of thick material, stretching the top is not difficult, you just have to resort to some tricks. However, what to do with those girls who wear thin leather boots? We’ll talk about this now. If you need to increase the boot, boots - you can do this work yourself.
to contents ↑Castor oil
In most cases, this product is used to soften rough leather shoes. Only a few know that this is also an excellent tool if you need a stretch of the bootleg at home.
You need to proceed as follows:
- Pour oil into a small container.
- Preheat to 50 degrees.
- Moisten a cotton pad or small piece of cloth with liquid.
- Wipe the shoes from the outside and inside.
- Wear tights, socks or knee-high socks made of thick material. Then the boots.
- In this form, it is necessary to pass two to three hours.
- Then repeat the procedure again.
to contents ↑Important! When the result is achieved, fill the shoes with paper until completely dry. Do not dry your shoes with electrical appliances.
Rubber Shoes
It happens when you need to stretch the boots in the boot of rubber - at home this problem can be solved, however, you must be very careful and attentive. If you feel that you can’t do it, ask your relatives for help or contact the workshop.
It is necessary to act from the inside, carefully making cuts. One of them must be centered if the boots have elastic.
to contents ↑Important! If you need to trim rubber boots at home, you must also use this method.
Special stretching agent
The first method is to use a special tool for stretching shoes. You can buy this composition in almost any shoe and leather goods store.
Important! This tool can also be used to prevent rubbing from a new pair of boots.
Using such products is quite simple:
- It is necessary to spray the product in the shin area inside and out.
- Zip up the shoe and stay in it for a while until it dries.
Important! This method is incredibly effective and good in that it is suitable for using both shoes made of natural material and leather substitute.
Particular attention should be paid to suede and patent leather shoes. In this case, the product must be applied only on the inside. If this advice is not followed, then cracks, spots and stains are guaranteed to form on the surface.
to contents ↑Frozen water
For this method, it is necessary to pour water into a plastic bag made of a dense material that is not guaranteed to tear. Put it in your shoes and send a pair of boots to the freezer. Shoes should be there for about 3-4 hours, until the liquid freezes.
When the result is achieved, remove the boots from the freezer.
to contents ↑Iron
If possible, ask someone around to help you. So it will be much more convenient.
For this method, you will need an iron and a small piece of gauze:
- Put the unbuttoned boot on the unfolded ironing board with the zipper up.
- Moisten gauze and place it inside the boot to the shin area.
- Heat the iron.
- Iron the product using a large amount of steam.
- When the skin of the boot is very wet, rather stretch the area of the shaft with your hands. It is very important not to overdo it. Do it smoothly and evenly. Act carefully.
- To achieve the result, it is necessary to dry the shoes well. In this case, it will take two to three days.
If you need a stretch of the bootleg, then another great option is to stuff your shoes with something. You can use rags or a newspaper, you can even use cereals moistened with water.
Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to wet the boots with water equal to 50 degrees. After a few days, the result will pleasantly surprise you.
to contents ↑Sticks and glass vessel:
- Find a vessel that is equal to the size of the top of your shoe.
- Place it inside the boot, filling it with hot water and fasten the shoes with a padlock.
- Around with sticks (the place between the glass vessel and the wall of the shoe).
In this state, the boots should be kept for several days until completely dry.
to contents ↑Stock footage
That's all. As you can see, reducing, enlarging, cutting the shaft is quite simple. It’s worth a little effort. Follow all the tips, methods and recommendations mentioned in this article, and you are guaranteed to succeed.
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