How to stretch sneakers?

How bitter it is to be disappointed after the long-awaited purchase of a new thing, which turned out to be out of size for us. Going to the store and buying new sneakers, sometimes not always in size, leads us into a slight confusion - what to do and how to stretch the sneakers? In order to stretch sneakers at home, there are several really working ways, and we will now consider them.
to contents ↑Cold freeze method
Very simple and economical option. To do this, we need two plastic bags - first check them for integrity. Further, to stretch the sneakers at home with these simple devices, proceed as follows:
- We insert the packages inside and fill them with water.
- We put it in the freezer until it is completely frozen and give time to the frozen water (in our case it will already be ice) to change the size of the textiles, since the ice tends to expand when it freezes.
- At the end of the day, we take out sports products and give time to thaw a little, so that it is easier to get ice packs.
However, this method may not be very effective if the sneakers are small in length, since the sole of such shoes is rubber and the cold will not affect its size in any way.
to contents ↑Hot method
This technology, unlike cold freezing, is more suitable if a new pair shakes you in the sole. Here you can resort to two options.
Option one
Take a hairdryer to heat problem areas, put on a woolen sock and walk into them to complete comfort.
Second option
This method is more complex. For him we need some kind of capacity - in our case it will be the same box in which you purchased a new pair. Further, to stretch the sneakers from the fabric:
- We cut a hole for the hairdryer in the box.
- We put “not in size” sports products in the box, insert the hair dryer into the hole and turn it on at full power for 30 minutes. Hot air acts comprehensively - both on the fabric and on the sole.
- Further - you again put them on a woolen sock and wear them for 30-40 minutes.
- After the manipulation, you will feel how your sneakers took the shape of a foot. If on the first try you were not able to achieve the desired result, repeat this procedure again.
to contents ↑Important! Be careful not to overdo it, since heat treatment has a bad effect on the glued seams of products.
Spray method
There are more “humane” options for stretching sneakers, and if you have purchased the converse, then the options listed below will carefully treat new products.
In order to stretch the converse, you need to purchase a special spray in the store. Spray this product on the problem areas of your converse and put it on your foot with a woolen toe. After - again, walk around in the room and wear them out. For the most comfortable effect, repeat the procedure several times.
Important! There are many ways to distribute sneakers from fabric, and here you need to consider:
- what material the shoes are made of;
- how glued / stitched seams;
- what material is used for the interior decoration of envelopes.
All of the above methods may not always be suitable for one reason or another, therefore, in this case you will have to go to a professional workshop, where masters will take on your sports pair, who will competently approach the increase in the size of products.
to contents ↑Folk method
Everyone in the house will find ammonia. Take and rub problem areas with alcohol, put on a woolen sock and wear.The procedure is repeated throughout the week - if it does not work out every day, act in 1-2 days, as time appears.
to contents ↑Important! Do not forget that it is best to make such a purchase in the late afternoon, as the leg tends to swell and increase in size. Accordingly - if you intend on such a foot shoes, then you do not have to look for ways to stretch gym shoes at home.
Stock footage
Even if not one of the options on how to stretch shoes at home didn’t suit you, and you didn’t lose your check, and your converse didn’t lose your presentation, then according to the law, you can change it within 14 days.
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