How to distribute shoes that shakes at home?

We all made purchases in shoe stores more than once, and therefore more than once faced with the question of how to distribute shoes that wears at home? It seems that they bought their size and measured it carefully, and put it on at home - closely. What to do if shoes are tight? In our article you will find time-tested tips for stretching shoes made of different materials.

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How to carry new shoes made of genuine leather?

Leather is the most environmentally friendly and practical material. She is quite well-worn. There are several ways to quickly distribute new shoes at home.

Daily wear

You can try to wear shoes at home every day a little. This option is good if you don’t wear a new pair of shoes in a hurry, it gives a 100% result. You just need to put on new shoes on a tight sock, terry whenever possible, and walk in them an hour or two a day. It can be longer. In a week, the shoes will become wider and will not crush.

Important! Also find out how to remove scratches from shoes, because they always appear even with a very careful attitude to their things.

Shoe workshop

In the shoe workshop, any shoes will be stretched to you using special tools and pads. You can also buy a block for stretching shoes in a specialized store and try to do it yourself.


If you squeeze leather shoes, you can try the old way to stretch the material using alcohol-containing liquid.


  1. Wipe the shoes inside with alcohol or vodka.
  2. Put tight socks on your feet and put on shoes.
  3. Walk around the apartment for a couple of hours.

This method will help to stretch a new pair of shoes at a time. After treatment with alcohol, the skin becomes very supple and stretches well.

Important! How to wash leather shoesso that it always sparkles with its purity, we will also tell you. And these tips will definitely help you keep shoes, boots or sneakers clean and beautiful.



Table vinegar also softens the skin well.


  1. Wipe problem areas with vinegar.
  2. After processing, put your shoes on tight socks and walk in it for half an hour.

Glycerin or shoe cream

It is a well-known fact that glycerin has a beneficial effect on the skin, makes it softer, more elastic and more pleasant to the touch. This property is also applicable to shoe products, if you use the product as follows:

  1. Lubricate the skin with glycerin or a suitable shoe cream and allow 15-20 minutes to soak the material well.
  2. Put your shoes on your toe and walk around for a couple of hours.

Ice stretching

Quite an unusual, but perhaps the most effective way:

  1. Find two durable plastic bags, preferably with fasteners.
  2. Place the bags inside the shoe and pour water into them. Water should fill the entire interior of the shoe.
  3. Tie (fasten) the bags. Check that the water does not ooze anywhere.
  4. Put the shoes in the freezer for 10-12 hours, you can at night.
  5. After the specified time, remove the shoes, wait half an hour for the water to thaw a little and remove the bags from the shoes.

Now they are guaranteed to reap will not.

Boiling water

Also very radical, but giving excellent results, the method:

  1. It is necessary to boil water in the kettle and pour boiling water over the inner surface of the shoe.
  2. Immediately drain boiling water from the shoes.

Important! Do not forget to remove the insoles before the procedure, otherwise they may become deformed.

  1. Next, you need to immediately put on the shoes on a thick toe and walk in them for at least 1 hour. Shoes will take the shape of your foot and will not crush.

Important! If you are afraid to use boiling water, then you can just hold your boots over steam and put them on tight socks right there.

Hair dryer

Another “hot” way to stretch shoes. It works well too.


  1. You need to put the shoes on thick socks and blow them well with hot air using a hairdryer.
  2. When the shoes have warmed enough, turn off the hair dryer and walk in it until the skin has completely cooled.
  3. Then try on shoes without socks. If the shoes are not stretched enough, repeat the procedure.

Important! Do not overdo it with hot air, otherwise spoil the skin.

Special foam and spray

Similar products are sold in shoe stores. This method is suitable for those who do not trust people's advice and are afraid to experiment with their new thing.

Need to:

  1. To apply a spray or foam inside a boot entirely or on problem zones.
  2. Put the shoes on the toe and wear until dry.

Important! Try to buy stretching agents only well-established manufacturers, so as not to spoil your purchase.



Moisture also softens the skin well. But leather shoes or boots should not be abundantly wetted, otherwise the skin may become deformed and lose its texture, spots and stains may appear on it. Also, shoes can just stick up. Therefore, you need to act carefully to distribute the shoes that shakes at home:

  1. If the skin is thin, delicate, then simply wrap a box of shoes with a wet, well-wrung towel and leave it overnight.
  2. In the morning, put your shoes on your toe and walk around the apartment until they are completely dry.
  3. If the skin of the shoes is rougher, then you can put them on a wet sock and walk in them until the shoes are stretched.

Important! Any items after prolonged wear require thorough cleaning. And when you thoroughly deliver your new pair, don't forget to regularly sanitize shoes.


This is the old way of real cowboys. If you are confident in the quality of your shoes, you can experiment, otherwise we do not recommend using a similar method:

  1. Pour the grain into tight boots and fill it with water.
  2. Wait a day until the grain swells and thereby stretch the shoes.
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How to carry suede shoes quickly at home?

Suede - This is the same skin, only processed differently. She stretches very well, so wear it with caution. What to do if shoes are tight? How to distribute shoes from suede? Use one of the following methods.

Stretcher foam

Foam is a special tool for stretching suede shoes. You can buy it in a shoe store or workshop.


  1. Apply foam from the inside to problem areas.
  2. Put your shoes on a tight toe.
  3. Be like this for an hour and get a great result.

Vodka or alcohol:

  1. Pour some vodka or diluted alcohol on a cotton pad and wipe the shoes from the inside. Pay special attention to the places where she presses the most.
  2. Put your new thing on your toe and walk around a bit until you feel that the shoes are no longer tight.

Important! If you use alcohol, it is better to dilute it with water in a ratio of 2: 1.

Daily wear

If there is no hurry, then just put on a new pair of socks and wear a little every day until the result is achieved.


A bold and effective method:

  1. Dip a cotton pad in beer and grease the inside of tight suede boots.
  2. Put the shoes on the toe and walk until the beer is dry.
  3. Once you have achieved the desired result, remove the smell of hops with soda. To do this, wrap a couple of tablespoons of soda in a handkerchief and put in boots overnight.

Important! Such use of soda will help to get rid of the unpleasant smell in worn shoes in the future.

Hair dryer

As with leather shoes, a hairdryer will help stretch and suede. Suede from the action of heat will become more elastic and stretch on the leg:

  1. Put a new thing on a terry sock and blow it with hot air until the entire surface of the shoes warms up pretty well.
  2. Wear these shoes until the material cools.

Important! Suede, although it refers to the skin, but in contrast to it reacts poorly to moisture, creams and fatty compounds.

You can take no risk and give away your new pair suede shoes to the workshop. Professionals know what to do in this case.

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How to stretch patent leather shoes at home?

Patented shoes need to be handled very carefully, although it is most often harsh, especially if it is patent leather. Stretching patent leather shoes at home by 1 size will not work. Therefore, when buying such a pair, be especially careful when choosing. If you make a mistake with the size and then you diligently stretch the shoes, then the varnish will simply crack. Better in this case, immediately return them to the store.

Important! This type of shoe cannot stretch more than a couple of millimeters.

If you press shoes a little, then you can try one of the following tools.

Petroleum jelly or castor oil

Castor oil or petroleum jelly will help spread varnish shoes that presses at home. These drugs are especially effective when rubbing the back of the shoes:

  1. One of these substances is to lubricate patent leather shoes inside and out.
  2. Let the material soak for 1-2 hours.
  3. Remove excess fat with a cotton pad and put shoes on a tight toe.
  4. Wear shoes at home until they stop crushing.


With careful use of vodka, she will be able to stretch shoes made of varnished material a little:

  1. Put a little vodka on a cotton pad and wipe the places that press most.

Important! Be careful, try not to get on the varnish.

  1. Put your shoes on your toe and walk around the house for a couple of hours.

Important! Since patent leather shoes are quite specific, it is better to give it to the masters to stretch it into your hands.

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How to carry faux leather shoes at home?

Similar shoes can also be stretched. There are the following methods for this.


You can try to stretch boots made of leatherette with the help of ice:

  1. Insert sturdy bags into your shoes and fill them with water so that they fill the entire inside.
  2. Put your shoes in the freezer for the night (as we remember from physics lessons - water expands when it freezes).
  3. Take out your shoes in the morning, wait a bit, and remove the bags. Shoes should be wider.

Shoe cream or petroleum jelly

Such fatty substances soften the material of which the shoes are made and, thus, to some extent can help stretch the shoes.


  1. Generously grease leatherette shoes with cream or petroleum jelly and put on thick socks.
  2. Walk around the house for a couple of hours.
  3. Remove the remaining cream with a sponge and measure on a thin sock.
  4. If the result is not felt - try another method.


The procedure for using this fluid to stretch leatherette shoes is the same as for stretching leather shoes. Follow the instructions already given and you will be able to quickly distribute the shoes at home.

Wet socks

In the warm season, you can try to wet your socks in water and use them to distribute tight shoes made of artificial material:

  1. Try wearing tight boots on wet socks.
  2. Wear until they dry.

Should help.


Wet Newspapers

This method is also known to our grandmothers. But it can be used if you are confident in the quality of your shoes and leatherette rather tight.


  1. You need to moisten the newspapers in warm water, squeeze it well and fill it tightly in the shoes.
  2. Wait for the paper to dry completely.

Important! It will take a long time, maybe even 2-3 days.

  1. Take out the newspapers.

Important! Sometimes after such procedures whitish stains on the shoes may appear, they can easily be stained with cream. But before using this method, try everyone else.

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Summer cloth shoes are small. How to stretch fabric and oilcloth shoes?

This type of shoe should not be stretched. The fabric almost does not stretch, and the oilcloth can just tear if you try to stretch it. Therefore, it is better to buy such shoes clearly in size. And if you are not sure of the right choice, then it is better to pay attention to a model made of leather or leatherette, since such shoes can be stretched at least a little.

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If they press shoes, what should I do? Helpful hints:


  1. If the shoes are in size, but the hard back is rubbing, then take paraffin or a solid soap and rub this place well from the inside.
  2. For fidelity, glue the patch on the spot on the foot where the corns are likely to appear. Then in the evening, having come home from work, you will not tear off new shoes from your leg “with meat”.
  3. Even if you were carrying a new pair of shoes with a thick toe at home, do not rush to wear it immediately for the whole day. Go to the new thing a little at first.
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How to choose the right shoes?

In conclusion, some tips for selecting a new pair of shoes. If you approach this matter wisely, then most likely you will not find useful ways to quickly distribute new shoes at home. In order not to be disappointed in the purchase later, try to abide by these rules when choosing a pair of “little animals” for yourself:

  1. Go shopping for new shoes in the afternoon when your leg is slightly swollen. Then there are more chances not to lose with the convenience of a new pair.
  2. If you are looking for winter boots or boots, always try them on with a tight toe.
  3. If there is even the slightest doubt about the size, it’s better not to take it, look for it again. Then you don’t have to suffer with posting shoes.
  4. If you bought a pair of shoes in a hurry "by eye", and it turned out to be small by a size or more - do not try to stretch it, this can be a waste of time. Better immediately return it to the store. Shoes can stretch in breadth, but to become longer is unlikely, except maybe a little.
  5. The heel should be comfortable and stable, especially if it is a shoe for the winter season.
  6. If you have a large leg fullness, then take larger shoes.
  7. Carefully inspect the new pair for flaws so that you do not have to return it in the near future. Pay special attention to seams, heels, soles.
  8. Try to buy shoes made from natural materials. It is more durable and its legs “breathe”.
  9. Shoes should not be heavy. Legs already get tired during the day, and they become doubly tired from excess weight.
  10. When choosing new shoes, first of all, evaluate their convenience, not beauty. Of course, you will look spectacular on tall stilettos, but your legs will not say “thank you” by evening.
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Using the useful information from this article, you can not only pick up great comfortable shoes, but also stretch it if necessary. Simple and proven methods will help you with this.


