How to disassemble the keyboard?

After prolonged use, the computer keyboard becomes very dirty. This problem is especially relevant for people who are used to eating without breaking away from their favorite gadget. Even if you eat very carefully, the crumbs still settle on the “clave”. If we add dust to this, which certainly settles throughout the room, we get “in the dry residue” a contaminated surface, fertile soil for the growth of bacteria. How to disassemble the keyboard and clean it from dirt? This question is quite relevant.

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When do I need to clean my keyboard?

For a caring owner, dust that has settled on the surface is enough for cleaning. More disturbing symptoms are:

  • key sticking;
  • dirty stripes and stains on the entire surface of the keyboard;
  • pieces of dirt and crumbs are clearly visible between the keys;
  • when you press the button, they do not immediately react or there are uncharacteristic sounds.

So, we begin to fight pollution.

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Light pollution

This is the simplest case. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Turn off the computer and unplug the keyboard.
  2. Use a regular hair dryer or vacuum cleaner to blow dust or crumbs.
  3. Use a thin brush to clean the space between the buttons.
  4. Wipe the keys with a lint-free cloth or computer towel.
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Heavy pollution

If the keyboard is very dirty or even worse - flooded, you will have to work thoroughly. The following items will be needed:

  • Plastic bag.
  • Old toothbrush.
  • Washing powder (very little).
  • Crosshead screwdriver.

Important! Before you take apart the keyboard, take a picture of the location of the keys. If there is a lot of time and artistic abilities are better than those of Ostap Bender, you can sketch. This is important so as not to disassemble several times.

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We disassemble the keyboard

How to remove buttons from the keyboard? - The procedure is as follows:

  1. Disconnect the keyboard from the computer.
  2. Turn it with the keys down and loosen the bolts.
  3. Carefully remove the bottom cover.
  4. Under the cover is a film on which contact tracks are applied. You can remove the film by removing the bolts that secure it to the board.
  5. Above each of the keys there are elastic contacts. Take them off. It is important to fold them carefully so as not to lose.
  6. Remove the keys by prying the latch with a screwdriver. The Shift or Enter keys also have metal locks. For this reason, be careful when removing the buttons.
  7. Fold the keys in a plastic bag, cover with detergent and mix. Rinse them under running water without removing them from the bag.
  8. Rinse the base of the keyboard under a stream of cold water and brush with powder using a toothbrush.

Important! The circuit board, film with printed contacts and elastic contacts must not be washed!

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How to assemble the keyboard after cleaning?

After the keyboard base and buttons are washed, they must be thoroughly dried. Assembly is carried out in the reverse order:

  1. Insert the keys.
  2. Lay elastic contacts on each of the buttons.
  3. Replace the design board.
  4. Cover the board with the foil with the contacts and tighten the bolts.
  5. Carefully lay the cable that comes from the board.
  6. Replace the cover and tighten all screws.

It remains only to connect the keyboard to the computer.She will look like new!

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We disassemble the laptop keyboard

With prolonged and not very careful use of the laptop often there are problems associated with the keyboard. The keys are “sticky”, badly pressed, some of them generally stop responding to pressing.

Perhaps the laptop keyboard just needs preventative cleaning. To do this, it is not necessary to send the gadget to the workshop. You can cope with this problem yourself. We will figure out how to remove the buttons from the laptop keyboard, and then assemble it back.

Important! The “keyboard” of a laptop is more complex and disassembled than a regular computer one. If you do not have specific technical skills, do not take on this job. Better to pay the master of the service center than to lose an expensive gadget.

Unlike the old-style technology, the buttons on modern equipment are flat. The laptop key can be divided into 4 parts:

  1. The upper part is a plate with two grooves and a latch in the lower part.
  2. Two levers connected to the center are attached to the button (this design remotely resembles a swing).
  3. In addition, the design is equipped with four pins that fit into the slots on the keyboard board.
  4. The return movement of the key is carried out using a silicone spring.

Important! On the inside of the spring there is a protrusion that provides contact closure on the base of the keyboard.

To remove the buttons on the keyboard, a regular toothpick and a screwdriver (preferably with a curved end) are useful. To remove the keys at the very beginning is more convenient at the bottom of the keyboard. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pry the bottom edge of the key with a screwdriver.
  2. Carefully remove the lower levers from the grooves. This is pretty easy to do. Just click on the place where the antennae are connected, and they will leave the grooves.

Important! It often happens that small keys after such manipulations pop up themselves. If this does not happen, the upper plate is removed with tweezers or with your fingers.

  1. Now about how to parse the keyboard in the space bar. The mechanism of the large space bar is somewhat different from the small buttons. Along the edges of the long key is fixed with two latches. There is an additional latch, which is located along the entire length of the key. To remove the large button, first detach the side amplifiers, then remove the amplifiers near the bottom edge of the button (from left to right). The further procedure is the same as with the small keys.
  2. After you have completely coped with the process of removing the keys, it is necessary to thoroughly clean from contamination not only the buttons themselves, but also the keyboard mechanism:
    • To clean the buttons, a soap solution is best;
    • To clean the mechanism of dirt, you can use ear sticks and a toothpick.

Important! Before assembling the keyboard back, all components must be well dried.

How to assemble the keyboard after cleaning?

If all the fastenings and grooves remain intact, you can install the button in place without much difficulty:

  1. Attach the button to the desired location.
  2. Align it and press until a distinctive click is heard.

The button will sit in its place as if it had not been removed. If it was not possible to snap the button, then most likely the mount was damaged.

Important! The installation order of the space bar is slightly different. First you need to insert metal amplifiers into the grooves of the base. After that, put the key in place. First click on the top edge and then on the bottom until you hear a click.

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Stock footage

All work on disassembling a laptop keyboard needs to be done with utmost care. Repairing the mounts is quite difficult, and replacing the keyboard, especially on a laptop, can become unscheduled, but hard on the wallet, costs.


