How to remove iodine from the skin?

Iodine is a specific medical solution. It is used as a prophylactic to prevent edema, to heal wounds, abrasions, and in everyday life, with its help, you can even restore wooden furniture. But because of its rich hue, getting into unwanted parts of the body that is open to others can cause confusion - how can iodine be removed from the skin? What to do in such a situation, you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Should iodine be washed?
Features of the composition of this medical solution are that it is quickly absorbed by human skin. Therefore, if you do not expect any urgent events, do not panic. Wait 1 day - the spots themselves will disappear and your skin will be clean again.
If you managed to get dirty thoroughly, and the specifics of the work does not allow you to go “painted”, or you are going to a celebration with your family, friends or just acquaintances, then you have to deal with spots. How to do this - how to wash iodine from the skin, read below.
to contents ↑We remove iodine from the skin
If you are faced with an urgent task, how to remove iodine from the skin, just use one of the tools below. Such a pharmacy preparation can be easily cleaned with the right approach.
So what come in handy:
- Acid-based products - these can be either natural or synthetic. Suitable for this purpose: fresh lemon juice or a solution of powdered citric acid (half a glass of water a pinch of powder), ascorbic acid (or vitamin C in powder).
- Solvents - alcohol, acetone, nail polish remover on an acetone-free basis.
- Cosmetics - those that contain alcohol or cleansing toners for the skin with any composition.
- Soap products - household, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.
to contents ↑Important! Apply any of these products to the skin to wash iodine, rub a little and rinse with running warm water. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times in a row.
Precautionary measures
All of the above funds are relatively safe if they do not have long-term effects on human skin in large quantities. However, taking some precautions will not hinder your task, like removing iodine from your skin, not becoming a more complex problem of large-scale allergies.
What are the basic rules here? - They are extremely simple:
- Do not use aggressive acids, alkalis and caustic chemicals on the skin of a child. In young children, the skin is much thinner than in adults and the product is instantly absorbed into the bloodstream. The result of such exposure can be extremely detrimental.
- In pursuit of clean skin, do not rush to immediately use the most aggressive substance that you found at your fingertips. Start with softer ones - like soap or cosmetics that you use all the time. Most likely, with such simple means you will be able to solve the problem of contaminated hands or face.
- Do not apply acidic products to the skin of the face - it is much more tender here and an unpleasant reaction can go on for you.
Useful Tips:
If you have stained iodine not only yourself, but also interior items, clothes, use these tips to remove unnecessary stains:
- you can remove iodine from things with a simple mixture - 5 drops of ammonia plus 1 glass of water;
- it will be possible to wash this pharmacy preparation out of things with large impurities faster if you mix potato starch with a detergent for dishes - you should get a paste that is applied to the fabric, and after 15-20 minutes it is washed with warm water;
- in the case when iodine is spilled on metal furniture or kitchen utensils, ordinary raw potatoes will help - cut it to size and put it on a contaminated place for a while, you can wipe it with a half of the vegetable beforehand.
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Now that the problem of how to remove iodine from the skin is solved, you can go to work or a party with a calm soul and confidence in your own irresistibility. Have a nice time!
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