How to make a shower cabin in the bathroom yourself?

Major repairs in the bathroom cannot be completed without installing or replacing a shower cabin. Most often, it can be purchased at ready-made plumbing stores. Well, what if the standard booths do not fit the size of your room or do not fit into the style of interior design? If you have this situation, then first of all, do not despair, since there is always a way out. You can do it yourself at home. And in order for the process to move forward quickly and efficiently, we will tell you how to make a shower cabin in the bathroom yourself.
to contents ↑Making a shower cabin do it yourself
Making a shower cabin yourself must be done in the following cases:
- To create an exclusive bathroom interior design;
- In the absence of finished products of the required parameters or forms;
- To save the budget;
- If you want to self-actualize yourself, your creative and engineering abilities.
Therefore, if you have a need for independent production of a shower cabin, you can individually select a tray, curtains, faucet and other fittings. Thus, you can assemble a shower cabin in a short time and without much physical effort. Well, if you want a more individual and non-standard approach, then you should start by planning the shape and size of the future product.
The main types of showers
Self-made showers are conditionally divided into three types:
- Without a pallet;
- On the site;
- With a pallet.
Depending on the type you have chosen, a further sequence of work on the manufacture and decorative decoration of the shower will be built. Therefore, we will consider each view in more detail and options for how to make a shower in the bathroom ourselves.
to contents ↑Shower without a tray
When planning your future bathing spot, you should not forget that sometimes using shower trays is not advisable. Therefore, it is best to make a shower cabin without a tray yourself, since this option will be much more practical.
Features of arrangement:
- Showers in gyms and fitness centers are a great example. You can make the exact same floor at home.
Important! When making a shower without a pallet, when installing a ladder (drain), a small depression in the floor should be created using special tools.
- In order to prevent stagnation of water and constant puddles in the bathroom, the tiles must be laid at an angle, focusing on the drain hole.
- Before laying the tiles, you should also install the sewer. It is very important that the new sewer communications are as reliable as possible, and their installation is designed for access in the event of a possible repair.
- Before starting installation, first of all, you need to consider the quality protection of the surfaces of the bathroom from leaking at the installation site of the cabin. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out preliminary waterproofing along the entire perimeter of the room.
How to make a shower cabin without a tray - the sequence of actions:
- First you need the ceiling surface and the walls that are involved in installing the cab, be sure to clean it up to the concrete floor. After carrying out these preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the waterproofing.
Important! For these purposes, you can apply bitumen mastic or special waterproofing materials, which must be laid in 2-3 layers on the surface of the wall or ceiling. Joints should be pre-glued with non-woven tape, and the place of the sewer pipe should be insulated with a special gasket
- Next, you need to screed the floor. For greater strength, it can be reinforced with a special metal mesh.
Important! For floor screed, the mixture should be used exclusively on a cement basis, since gypsum is very unstable to moisture.
- Laying sewer communications. You should consider the correctness of their placement, so that subsequently the water does not stagnate and unpleasant odors appear in the room.
- At the end you can set the drain. Most often it is placed closer to the wall opposite from the entrance. This is due to the fact that in this place it will not interfere, and the summing up of sewer communication is much simpler.
The advantages of this technology
Despite some difficulties that may arise in the manufacture of a shower cabin without a pallet, this bathing product has a number of advantages:
- Convenience in cleaning after taking a shower;
- The complete absence of various bulges which can be tripped and fell;
- Unlimited ability to choose the size of the future shower;
- Stylish design.
On-site shower
This option applies to showers without a pallet, only in this case, to simplify the laying of communication, the floor surface is specially raised above the base. The manufacturing process for such a site is quite simple:
- First you need to install a wooden formwork in the place of the future installation of the shower.
- Prepare the flooring by waterproofing and pre-screeding.
- Along the perimeter of the future cab, lay out a layer of brick and install a ladder.
- Fill the formwork with a screed in accordance with all technologies.
- Remove the formwork and check the horizontal surface at the edges.
- The finished base is subsequently tiled.
Shower cubicle with tray
Despite the same function that pallets perform, they can be of different types.
Ready option
It can be installed directly on bricks or made a base of foam blocks. Ready-made pallets are divided into the following types:
- Acrylic Their advantage lies in their light weight and non-slip surface. The main disadvantage is that such a pallet is subject to yellowing over time, respectively - it loses its attractive appearance.
- Enamelled. Characterized by a fairly high performance. The main disadvantage is that it has a rather slippery surface, respectively - the risk of falling and getting injured increases.
Made of brick or cast concrete
Such a pallet is decorated with tiles or mosaics. This is a capital and quite difficult to implement solution.
Important! In this case, the height of the sump makes it possible to easily lead the sewer pipe to the drain hole.
Intermediate option
A “trough” is brewed from metal, the surface of which is treated with special anti-corrosion materials. Then it is installed on a podium made of brick or foam blocks.
Important! If necessary, such a pallet from the outside can also be overlaid with brick or made a special step.
How to make a shower tray with your own hands?
We offer you a step-by-step guide on the manufacture of the most popular pallets that can be made at home.
Made of bricks
In this case, a very important point is the implementation of waterproofing, since it must be carried out inside and outside the pallet:
- The waterproofing of the floor surface, the connection and wiring of sewer communications, as well as the cement screed, are carried out in the same way as in the version for installing a shower cabin with an already-completed pallet.
Important! During the installation of the drain, it must be ensured that its top always coincides with the bottom surface of the future pallet.
- Next is the organization of the pallet itself. To do this, use the most ordinary brick and lay a parapet with a height of 10-20 centimeters.
Important! In order to avoid problems with the subsequent installation of doors, it is necessary at this stage to check the level of the pallet.
- Then secondary waterproofing is performed, only the pallet itself. For this, the same bituminous mastic or special waterproofing agents are used.
- Aerated concrete or other filler is placed on top of the insulation, after which they are poured with another additional layer of screed.
Important! When pouring the screed, the angle of inclination towards the future drain hole should be taken into account.
Made of cast concrete
In order to make a pallet of monolithic concrete, the following sequence of actions must be observed
- Fabricate the formwork.
Important! To do this, it is best to use a wooden board or fiberboard trim.
- Waterproofing is laid, after which a layer of screed is poured.
- The perimeter must be glued with a waterproofing tape.
- If a “warm floor” system is installed, it is necessary to lay a layer of insulation along the walls.
- Next is the installation of expanded polystyrene. Joints must be glued with reinforced tape.
Important! The density of expanded polystyrene should not be lower than 35 kilograms per m3, and the thickness - from 5 centimeters.
- The next layer is a metal mesh with cells of 10x10 centimeters.
- Set up the lighthouses and form a drain.
- Pour a layer of mortar into the level of half the height of the screed.
Important! The consistency of the screed should be fairly dry, using a minimum amount of water.
- The second half is filled with a screed of already normal consistency.
- After a day, the lighthouses can be removed, and irregularities can be leveled with a solution.
- After everything is set, you can cover with waterproofing and start laying tiles.
Shower Trim
Decorative decoration of the shower cabin always begins with the preparation of the walls. This is due to the fact that no glue sticks to this surface. Therefore, you should fill a special fine-mesh metal mesh over the wall, and then plaster it.
Important! In order not to do unnecessary work, you can waterproof the surface of the wall with plaster, with the addition of a mixture of liquid glass.
Once the surfaces are prepared, you can approach their direct decoration:
- The technology of laying tiles or installing plastic panels is the most ordinary and there are no deviations in this case.
- For floor decorative finishes, you should choose tile models with anti-slip coating.
- Pipes are also best hidden behind the cladding. To do this, it is necessary to pre-pierce the gates in the wall, into which all communications will fit, and after that - to carry out decorative decoration.
Important! When laying tiles, grouting is best done using silicone-based sealant.
- As for the ceiling, in this case there are several possible variations of the cladding. This is suitable for both plastic PVC panels, and tile, rack or tension structures. It all depends entirely on your taste preferences.
Choosing doors for a shower cabin
For homemade cabins, a fairly large selection of all kinds of door options is offered:
- The most popular and practical are made from cast acrylic. This material is quite stable, and thanks to its properties even bent products can be made. In order to make cast acrylic doors, you will need a future product template and a building hair dryer.
Important! If you are burdened by this process, then you can make such doors to order in special workshops.
- You can also make glass doors with your own hands. To do this, you need to prepare glass cut to the size of your shower room and special fittings. The only drawback of glass doors is the high fragility of the material itself and the likelihood of injury if it is damaged.
Important! In order to protect yourself, you can stick a special film on the glass surface. A more expensive option is to purchase tempered glass doors.
Shower cubicle with curtains
If for any reason, installing doors in the shower does not suit you, then curtains will be an excellent solution to the problem. In addition to the fact that this is a fairly budget option, by its functional characteristics it is equal to the doors. Among other things, today on the market there are a wide variety of models and colors of curtains for showers. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to find exactly those that fit the overall design of the room.
to contents ↑Plumbing for a shower cabin
As for plumbing equipment and other trifles, their installation should be carried out at the stage of connecting the shower directly to the water supply. Today, the plumbing market offers several types of watering cans:
- With a hose;
- Static (its fasteners occur to the wall surface);
- Ceiling.
Important! It is best to choose two types of watering cans, for example, with a hose and a ceiling.
You can also purchase various hydromassage installations, steam generators, sauna equipment that will help you maintain your body in beauty and strengthen your health.
to contents ↑How to make a shower cabin from a bathtub?
If your bath is outdated and you want to improve it, to make it more functional, it can be converted into a shower cabin. To do this, it is not necessary to begin overhaul. You just need to make glass or cast acrylic doors-compartments.
Important! When manufacturing, consider the height of the door so that the spray does not fly around the room when taking a shower.
As for the faucet and watering can, you can use it as usual (what was purchased for the bath) or buy a new one - a shower. In this option, it all depends solely on your desires and financial capabilities.
As you can see, the process of creating a shower cubicle from a bathtub is rather complicated and requires not so much physical and financial expenses. The advantage of this option is that you can take a bath or shower.
to contents ↑Useful Tips
If you decide on an independent production of a shower cabin, we offer you a few recommendations that should be followed if possible:
- At the very beginning of the work, it is very important to determine the shape and size of the future shower. Based on these data, you can already decide what type of pallet you need and whether you need it at all, as well as the number of wings.
- Before you make a shower cabin in the bathroom yourself, the walls should be checked for evenness with the help of a level. Their angle should be 90 degrees.
- Do not forget about tightness. Observe the correct screed proportions, always check them with a level.
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As you can see, making a shower cabin is quite simple. The most important thing is to comply with the above recommendations and the technology for construction and installation works. If everything is done correctly, then a finished shower cabin, made with your own hands, will become not only a subject of your pride, but also a universal object of admiration.
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