How to adjust the plastic windows yourself?

After prolonged use, plastic windows require maintenance, but it is not always necessary to call a specialist. For example, in order to adjust the plastic windows yourself, efforts are required insignificant, as well as for lubrication. Just follow our tips.
to contents ↑Mechanism setting
To configure PVC systems you will need:
- 4mm hexagon wrench;
- a set of curly screwdrivers with nozzles;
- oil for lubricating windows (engine oil is also suitable);
- crosshead screwdriver;
- pliers.
Seasonal adjustment
If the tightness of the structure is broken, extraneous sounds from the street penetrate into the room, or if it is purged, you just need to adjust the window. This is due to the fact that the sealant is distorted under the influence of sunlight or simply lost its elasticity.
Opening the window on the side, you will see iron slots, inside which are oval-shaped cylinders - they are called eccentrics or trunnions. Attached to the window due to reciprocal eccentrics screwed into it. When the handle is turned, this sash is adjacent to the frame. Scrolling trunnions can adjust the force of the junction.
To adjust the plastic window, namely closing the sash, you need to turn the protruding part of the trunnion inward. And to weaken it - turn back to the outside.
Advice! In order to prevent the flaps from jamming, and our advice was carried out without difficulty, it is necessary to lubricate the mechanisms of plastic systems 2-3 times a year. For lubrication, you can purchase a special oil or ordinary machine oil is suitable. Just use a syringe to drip a small amount of oil onto the working mechanism and work a little with the handle of the construction.
Depending on the type of system and its manufacturer, the eccentrics are configured differently:
- The cylinders that are at the end of the window can be rotated using pliers, and then scroll.
- There are slots on the trunnion - their position can be adjusted using a flat screwdriver.
- The pliers will help turn the eccentric.
If the eccentrics cannot be adjusted, then do not persist. Excessive effort you can break the design. To adjust the plastic windows yourself, simply adjust the reciprocating cylinders. They are fixed with two bolts:
- It is necessary to loosen the bolt clamp with the hexagon.
- In order to loosen the clamp, you need to move the hook towards the room.
- And to strengthen the fit - move in the direction of the street.
Hardware Adjustment
After adjusting the clamp, you need to adjust the hinged side:
- Remove the platband from the lower canopy - it is plastic.
- Use the two visible bolts and one bolt that is hidden in the canopy to adjust the sash position.
Important! Adjustment is best done with the sash closed, so that without breaking the mechanism, learn how to adjust. To weaken the clamp, you need to return the hexagon clockwise, and to loosen the pressure, turn counterclockwise.
On the so-called scissors, the upper segment of the sash is fixed. What you need to configure here in the plastic window:
- Open the sash to find the desired sash.
- Further on the front side you will find a blocker and push the lever.
- Without releasing it, turn the knob to the window mode.
- The upper angle of the sash extends from the groove and is fixed on the scissors and the lower canopy.
- Locate the head and adjust the pressure of the upper sash segment.
- Turning the bolt head slightly, it is necessary to adjust the contact force with the same eccentric setting.
Horizontal setting
The horizontal adjustment of the fittings is carried out in order to remove a small bevel of the sash and move the frame. To do this, it is better to work with only two loops that fit under the hexagon.
Important! The main thing is that the shift does not exceed 2 mm.
If you turn the key clockwise, then the frame is pressed against the hinge, and the lower part rises. Similarly, if the key is turned clockwise, the frame is pushed back and the window is lowered.
to contents ↑Vertical setting
In this case, the lower part of the loop is adjusted. Remove the platband with the grooves for the Allen key and, turning clockwise, raise or, turning counterclockwise, lower it.
to contents ↑Important! Just as with horizontal adjustment, it is recommended to shift no more than 2 mm.
Frame Blowing
To solve this problem, you need to find a groove for the hexagon in the locking cylinders, and simply turn the eccentrics so that they press against the seal. You need to repeat this procedure with all the eccentrics that are located on the frame.
to contents ↑Important! Keep the fit even.
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For the high-quality service of your plastic windows, apply our advice to them from time to time, and then you will feel comfortable and calm. Stay with us and stay tuned for new articles.
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