How to make a horseshoe of happiness yourself?

Almost everyone knows that a horseshoe is one of the oldest and most famous talismans of success, luck, wealth, but few people thought about the origin of a legend and belief, and even more so few know how to properly position a horseshoe in a house so that it serves as a talisman . In modern life, not everyone is lucky to find a horseshoe on the street to bring it to the house, but to make a charm with their own hands - anyone can do it. Today we will acquaint you with how to make a horseshoe of happiness yourself, and teach you how to properly place a talisman.
to contents ↑Story
There are many legends about the item of horse equipment that people have chosen as a talisman for the house.
Interesting fact: The most ancient horseshoe was found in the tomb of Emperor Nero - the find dates from 482 BC. e.
And today the horse is considered a symbol of fertility, strength, wealth, power:
- For the Slavic peoples, the horseshoe above the threshold symbolizes a full bowl of wealth in the house.
- For the countries of South America, the horseshoe amulet serves as a protection against evil forces, and even scares the devil away.
to contents ↑Interesting fact: Many countries, including Russia, Great Britain, Canada, placed the image of a horse on their coat of arms.
The origin of belief
There are many legends about horseshoes that have not only survived to our days, but also cause genuine interest. That is why many people have a question how to make a horseshoe of happiness yourself.
Legend 1
The very sign that this particular element of horse equipment brings happiness appeared in ancient Egypt. In those days, having a horse, let alone shoeing it, was a luxury that was not accessible to everyone. Only the richest Egyptians could afford this. The horse's hooves were decorated with gold horseshoes, which were encrusted with precious stones, so finding such an expensive product for a poor ordinary Egyptian was an unheard of luck.
Legend 2
There is another ancient legend that says how the devil himself appeared to a blacksmith named Dunstan, and he was in the guise of a horse. The devil began to tempt the blacksmith, trying to lead him astray, but Dunstan unraveled the cunning plans and was not tempted by all the tricks. When the blacksmith began to shoe his hooves, he did it with such force and rudeness that the devil prayed for mercy. The blacksmith regretted and released the devil, but set him the condition that he would never cross the threshold of the house where the horseshoe hangs above the door.
Since then, there are beliefs about a miraculous amulet, and people began to hang horseshoes in their homes, scaring the devil and other evil spirits.
to contents ↑Symbol of horse and horseshoe
No wonder the horseshoe became a happy talisman, because a horse is a noble animal and many consider it a symbol of power and fertility. Horses are surrounded by various myths. For example, Winged Pegasus, bringing inspiration, is a symbol of good luck.
to contents ↑Horseshoe Ritual
In Russia, the discovery of such a symbol of happiness was accompanied by a whole special ritual: the horseshoe had to be lifted, spit and make the most secret desire, and then thrown it over your shoulder as far as possible and leave without looking back.
But, of course, in most cases she was hung above the door.As the legend said: “Whoever picks up a horseshoe, let him bring it into the house and put it as a guard at the entrance. She will bring happiness, and grief will discourage. ”
to contents ↑On a note! Since the horseshoe is a very strong amulet, it must be positioned correctly. Even if you decide to make a horseshoe for happiness with your own hands, these rules must be observed. Otherwise, this miraculous magical item can become only an ordinary element of decor.
How to place the amulet?
Many people still argue about how and where to place the symbol of well-being. Different countries have different ways. For example:
- In European countries, the horseshoe is hung with an arch or horns down from the outside. Europeans believe that the talisman, located with its horns down, is exactly the happiness that directly pours on you from heaven.
- In the East, England and Ireland place a mascot with their ends up indoors. Thus, well-being accumulates, but love does not flow.
- In Mexico, the amulet is decorated with ribbons and faces of saints, it is strictly forbidden to touch the horseshoe with your hands.
- In the CIS, all methods of placing the mascot are practiced: the symbol of good luck is hung above the door, even buried or worn on the body as a decoration, but the most common way is to place the symbol of well-being above the front door, since it is through the door that the positive and negative energies reach us house.
to contents ↑Interesting Facts:
- People who wish to maintain peace and prosperity in the family place the mascot directly above the fireplace or stove, and if there are none, above the table.
- Those who did not find their soul mate hang a horseshoe over the bed. The main thing is to believe that it is the horseshoe that will bring you good luck, and then happiness and fortune will certainly come into your home.
- If you decide to nail the symbol of prosperity over the door or on the wall, then there is a belief that the horseshoe should be nailed with just one nail: if the owner can securely fix the symbol of prosperity, then he will be able to hold the household as firmly.
Which horseshoes are better?
The best horseshoe, of course, is golden, because it is endowed with extraordinary magical power. No worse than silver, iron or copper.
It is believed that the correct horseshoe is the one that was in use, but in modern life not everyone manages to visit those places where the horseshoes are scattered. You can of course take a walk around the hippodrome, horse farms or ask the staff of the private stable to give you a talisman.
to contents ↑On a note! They say that the happiest horseshoe is the one received as a gift. So if you find a horseshoe in the above places, then put a coin, and if you give it, thank you with a return gift.
What else do you need to know about the horseshoe?
Everyone can make a horseshoe of happiness for themselves, but we recommend that you follow some rules:
- Do not create a charm for yourself. It is better to make it as a gift for loved ones.
- When working on a talisman, intent must be pure and voluntary.
- Take seriously the choice of material for making the talisman, as often what suits one may not fit and harm the other.
- In the process of creating a talisman, think about the person to whom he will be intended, imagine his character, needs and energy.
How to make a horseshoe for happiness with your own hands?
Making a horseshoe amulet with your own hands is not difficult. You can search for ideas for inspiration on the Internet, see various images of decorative horseshoes, and the material can be: cardboard, beads, paints, coins, buttons, rhinestones, laces, etc. In general, everything is at hand.
On a note! We recommend making not just a talisman, but a dream card - apply various symbols charged with positive energy to the surface of the horseshoe.
Symbols for the horseshoe
We offer you the following list of characters, and you should choose:
- a bag of plenty (beans, peas) - will attract wealth and prosperity;
- pumpkin seeds - feminine, fertility;
- red pepper - masculinity, love;
- corn - procreation, children's health;
- forbs - health;
- bread - peace in the house, comfort and harmony;
- walnut is the power of the mind;
- garlic and onions - drive away evil spirits;
- coins - success in business;
- sunflower - family happiness;
- berries - a crop on the farm;
- a broom up - for money, and down - sweeps quarrels;
- bay leaf - success and glory;
- mountain ash - female beauty, youth.
Horseshoe for happiness from paper
The easiest way to make a horseshoe for happiness out of paper is:
- For the base, thick cardboard or corrugated cardboard is suitable, plywood can also be used. Cut a horseshoe according to the pattern on the prepared material.
- Cover the base with burlap, twine from flax. They will give a beautiful texture and color.
- Glue the pigtails from the rope along the contour.
- On the top of the horseshoe to disguise a hammered nail, place a camomile - a symbol of fidelity.
- Fill the bowl with various objects that symbolize prosperity: you can make three bags of arbitrary sizes and fill them with grains, seeds, nuts, etc. In the decor, use more greens (blade of grass, leaves), as well as berries and fruits. Imagine and post whatever you see fit.
- Cover everything with colorless varnish to protect the beauty from insects.
Salt Dough Charm
Before starting work, prepare the following products and materials:
- horseshoe paper template;
- for the test: 50 g of salt, 70 g of water and 100 g of flour;
- optionally paints of various colors;
- Toothpicks
- PVA glue;
- acrylic lacquer;
- tassels.
Getting started:
- Knead the dough, mix and add 1.5 tablespoons of PVA glue. The dough should be elastic and cool.
- Roll out 1 cm thick salt dough.
- Put a horseshoe pattern on top and cut it out of the dough.
- At the edges, make holes with a toothpick, through which the talisman will be suspended.
- From the remnants of the dough, blind the flowers, leaves.
Important! The base can be painted in one color (for example, blue), and the rest of the dough from which decorative elements will be molded can be left white or painted in gold. You can color the horseshoe after manufacturing.
- Dry the base slightly in the oven. We recommend keeping the door open.
- On the leaves and flowers, draw veins with a toothpick.
- Decorate the base with decorative elements. For better bonding, moisten them with water using a brush.
- Place the resulting workpiece in the oven and bake it until cooked at low temperature. You can dry near the battery, but it will take 3-4 days.
- Paint the finished horseshoe if desired.
- Coat the talisman with varnish.
- After drying completely, insert the ribbons into the holes.
- The horseshoe is ready for happiness.
Fridge magnet in the shape of a horseshoe made of coffee beans
It is not necessary to strictly adhere to traditions and make a horseshoe for happiness out of complex and heavy materials with your own hands or forge it out of valuable metal. You can give this element a more decorative meaning. For example, an interesting idea in this case is to make the horseshoe of happiness yourself in the form of a fridge magnet. The basis for the talisman must be strong, for example, cardboard.
You will need the following materials and tools:
- packing cardboard;
- fabric for tightening the base;
- universal glue or thermal gun;
- scissors;
- large coffee beans;
- decor material (ribbons, bells, beads, rhinestones, etc.);
- twine;
- magnets
- awl.
Getting started:
- Prepare two 12 by 13 cm templates.
- Attach the templates to the cardboard and cut 2 horseshoes.
- Glue the two parts together.
- Cover the base with a cloth (you can nylon stocking).
- Glue coffee beans (the entire contour) from the end of the horseshoe.
- Fill the whole surface with grains.
- From the braid, prepare three bows (red, brown and one polka dot).
- Glue the bows together to make one.
- Decorate the middle of the bow with a coffee bean or bead.
- Glue magnets on the reverse side of the amulet (if you picked up reliable magnets, you can add other elements to the decor, for example, bells).
- Your product is ready.
Gift for the newlyweds - a horseshoe souvenir made of sweets
A horseshoe can be not only a souvenir and a talisman, but also an original treat, if made of sweets.
You will need:
- chocolates in the form of coins or medals;
- packing cardboard;
- golden paper (can be corrugated);
- golden braid;
- thermal gun;
- scissors;
- double sided tape.
Getting started:
- Draw on the cardboard a sketch of the horseshoe as desired.
- Attach the cardboard to the corrugated paper and cut two identical parts.
- Glue the base with gold paper.
- Close the edge from the end with a golden decorative cord using a gun.
- Glue the finished horseshoe with coins on both sides (you can use sweets of another type and shape).
- The gift is ready, it remains to bandage the horseshoe with a ribbon, but we recommend that you build a podium for it in the form of a basket, strewn with various sweets and decorations.
- Give the newlywed amulet a horseshoe, so that their life would be sweet and happy.
to contents ↑On a note! A talisman that brings good luck to the inhabitants of the house, protects against all sorts of adversities, can also be made of a real metal or other horseshoe, decorating it a bit and decorating it with various symbols that personify positive energy. You can even embroider a horseshoe, for example, on a towel, or on clothes. To do this, just download a variety of embroidery patterns on the Internet. The embroidered talisman on clothes will save the owner from the "evil" eye.
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We hope that our article inspired you to create an amulet with your own hands, which will bring happiness, prosperity, health not only to the owner, but also to all those involved in the creation of the talisman.
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