How to make a paper butterfly with your own hands?

You can decorate anything with paper butterflies: notebooks, notebooks, shoes, accessories, and even walls. Especially popular in recent years to use them in the interior. That is why the question of how to make a butterfly out of paper with your own hands is so relevant. In fact, this is a very interesting and fascinating process, to which you can attract your child. There are many techniques and methods - we will talk about some of them.

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One of the simplest techniques is quilling. In order to make the decor in this way, you will need:

  • Colored paper - several colors for your choice.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue stick or PVA.
  • Beads and rhinestones - at your discretion.

Master class, how to make a butterfly out of paper with your own hands:

  • Cut thick stripes of colored paper.
  • Glue the ends of the first and give the shape a droplet shape.

Important! Four need to be made - these will be the basics of the wings.

  • The following stripes must be done in the same way, but gradually reduced in size to fill the base of the wings.
  • For the body of the future butterfly, make a small tube and glue up the antennae, also cut out of paper.
  • Glue the parts together.

Your decoration is ready!

Important! You can make dozens of such bright insects and hang them on the ceiling at different levels using a fishing line or thread - they will look very impressive.

This was the easiest option. For more interesting and complex applications using the quilling technique, you will need a special set.

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A lot of butterflies cut from the bright pages of magazines will look quite interesting. You probably have at least one such pile lying around. Just draw the shape of the insect, without drawing details, and cut it out. Glue the butterflies on white paper and frame it.

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The technique of “vytyanka”

This method consists in cutting butterflies with scissors or a knife from thick paper. It is even referred to as folk art.

How to make a paper butterfly with your own hands? The step-by-step process looks like this:

  1. If you have good drawing skills, then draw it on thick paper or cardboard, drawing well. If not, download the drawings from the Internet and translate them with tracing paper.
  2. Arm yourself with a special knife or sharp scissors and proceed to cutting.

Important! You can decorate with this decor postcards, notebooks, diaries, but they look most spectacular on windows and mirrors.

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Another way to create this decor is to use origami technology. It is impossible to say unequivocally whether it is difficult or easy. It all depends on which creation technique your choice falls into. In the vast network you can download a huge amount. The more intricate the circuit, the more interesting the decor.

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To get started, prepare all the necessary tools and objects. Among them:

  • Double-sided colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Wire or fishing line.
  • Rope or satin ribbon.

Your actions:

  1. From paper cut two squares with parameters sixteen by sixteen centimeters.
  2. Fold each of them diagonally to make triangles.
  3. Then fold the accordion towards each other, moving from the edges to the center.
  4. The next step is to wrap the resulting figure with wire or fishing line in the center, and expose the edges, emitting antennae.

Important! You will need to make dozens of such butterflies, and then attach them to a rope or satin ribbon.

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On the wall

As mentioned earlier, it is very important to use the decor in the form of butterflies in the interior. Moreover, this can be done not only in the children's room, but also in the bedroom, living room and even in the kitchen - it will look incredibly beautiful and interesting:

  • The first option is to dry living insects and place them under a glass frame. However, not everyone will like it.
  • Another thing is jewelry made from paper or feathers. True, they will look great only on plain walls. Otherwise, the drawing will distract attention, and most likely no one will notice your butterflies.

Important! You can also purchase special stickers in specialized stores. In addition to them, the set will most likely offer drawings where you can visually observe how to place them on the surface and create a beautiful composition.

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It is worth taking a moment with the mount. There are several variations:

  • The first and easiest - using ordinary glue, however, there are some nuances. Apply glue as a method of attachment only to a surface made of paper or cardboard.

Important! If you chose PVA, and not a “pencil,” be careful not to smudge on the butterflies and the decor to go bad.

  • In the event that there is a space between the wall and the wallpaper, you can use pins.
  • The next mounting option is with adhesive tape. It is best to use thin, but voluminous is also allowed - with it the decor will look more airy.
  • The last variation is threads of neutral colors or wire. Unleash your imagination, and you can create truly amazing applications.
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Light, bright butterflies are a worthwhile idea for decorating the interior. Moreover, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, these insects are a symbol of joy, family well-being and prosperity. Choose one of our design methods, and go ahead - create masterpieces, attracting only positive emotions into your life!

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