How to make large flowers from paper with your own hands to decorate the hall?

Modern trends in the organization of celebrations require compulsory thematic decoration of the hall. Most often, flowers are used for these purposes, as they fit perfectly into any subject. The use of fresh flowers is very expensive, and they fade quite quickly. Therefore, today it is very fashionable to decorate the hall with paper flowers. Besides the fact that it’s quite cheap, but also due to the huge range of different colors and textures, you can create the most uncomplicated compositions of isolon and napkins. Therefore, if you soon have a festive event or celebration, we will tell you how to make large flowers from paper with your own hands to decorate the hall.

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How can one decorate a room with flowers?

Before making such a decor, it is very important that you first think about its location. This is necessary so that the finished product is ideally suited in size and fits into the overall interior.

Most often, voluminous paper flowers are placed on:

  • Walls and ceiling;
  • Along the edges of the scene;
  • Along the path along which guests or heroes of the occasion will pass.

Important! In addition to standard places, you can fix them on absolutely any surface, including curtains. The main thing is that this decor harmoniously fits into the general atmosphere.

Decorating a room with paper flowers has several advantages:

  • Thanks to them, any celebration will become unique and original.
  • You can save on a florist and make bulk flowers from paper with your own hands to decorate the hall.
  • A great alternative to fresh flowers.
  • Simplicity and low cost of manufacture.
  • The ability to make a flower of any size - from the smallest to the largest.
  • Wide color palette.
  • The ability to radically transform the space.
  • Such decor will fit into any thematic design.
  • If there are flaws in the room, then paper flowers will hide them.
  • Unlike the living ones, they do not crumble and serve much longer.
  • Can be reused.
  • Do not require additional care.
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What you need

In order to make paper volumetric flowers, you will need the following materials:

  • Colored or white paper;
  • Threads;
  • Glue;
  • Stapler;
  • Paints;
  • Scotch;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Satin ribbons;
  • Cardboard;
  • Various decorative elements, such as rhinestones, beads or butterflies.
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Master classes in making flowers

We bring to your attention several step-by-step lessons on how to make paper flowers with your own hands to decorate the hall. It is very easy and simple, and the manufacturing process will give you a lot of pleasure.

Flower balls

This decor is very popular and in demand for decorating living quarters and at various celebrations, including weddings. They can be attached to the wall, and miniature options - decorate the table.

Important! In addition to solemn decorations, such floral balls can be used to decorate a children's room.

In order to make a flower pompom, you need:

  • Take a few sheets of paper. The larger their number, the larger the pompom will be.

Important! In this option, corrugated paper will look best.In addition to being easy to work with, the finished product will turn out to be airy and neat.

  • Fold the entire stack with accordion.
  • Use a pair of scissors to round the edges.
  • Secure the middle with wire.
  • Spread out each petal and give the finished product a neat appearance.

Important! To create a more original flower, you can use sheets of paper in several colors at once.


Kraft paper flowers

Kraft paper is a high-strength wrapping material made from long-fiber, low-boiled cellulose. Despite its simplicity, it looks very stylish both for gift wrapping and in various crafts. Especially original flowers are obtained from it. In order to make them, the following sequence of actions should be observed:

  • Draw a spiral on the paper and cut it out.

Important! Cutting a spiral is best done with curly scissors. So the finished product will be much more beautiful.

  • Wrap the ends of the spiral outward and twist it, gradually loosening the tension.
  • Secure the end with glue or double-sided tape.
  • Bend the edge, which is located in the center of the workpiece.
  • Add a stalk or leaves to the finished bud.

Spring snowdrops

The process of making snowdrops is very simple and even a child can do it. You just need sheets of size 10x10 centimeters.

Important! In order not to rush around to office supplies in search of paper of this size, you can simply take A4-size sheets and cut them to the size you need.

The order of the work:

  1. Take the sheet and fold it several times diagonally.
  2. Connect the corners together and fasten with glue or a stapler.

Important! Depending on the future wall decor, you can either attach or draw stems and leaflets.


To make a rose, you will need corrugated paper, as it is softer and more pliable during operation:

  • Make the petals of the right size out of paper. They should be in the form of an oval, expanded on one side.

Important! If desired, you can make cloves or fringe on the petals.

  • Each petal must be screwed onto the pencil along the length and in this position hold for a while, after which the pencil must be carefully removed, without unfolding the petal.
  • Rose formation begins with more folded petals. They need to be fairly tightly attached to the stem with glue.
  • Next, the petals need to be fixed in a checkerboard pattern, while more developed to bring out. This operation should be done gradually, slowly.


In order to make voluminous flowers from paper onto the wall, you will need an A4 sheet.

Important! To make a peony, pay attention to double-sided colored paper. Thus, the finished bud will look more realistic.

We make decor with our own hands:

  1. Fold the paper sheet with an accordion.
  2. Fold again, only in half and tie with a thread in the middle.
  3. Make some more such "harmonica".
  4. Fasten the finished workpieces together, laying one layer perpendicular to the other.
  5. Spread the resulting petals.

You should get a voluminous bud that can decorate not only the walls of the banquet hall, but also use it as a decor in a house or apartment.



These flowers can be used not only for self-decoration of walls, but also complement them with various compositions - garlands, bouquets or brooches. The manufacturing process is quite simple, and the finished product will delight you:

  • Take a sheet of paper and cut out a square measuring 15x15 centimeters.
  • Bend the edges at an angle of about 40-45 degrees.
  • Fold the edges again.
  • Align the resulting accordion.
  • Apply glue to one of the bends and connect to the other side. Press firmly to glue. Thus, you get a petal.
  • Fabricate 4 more such parts.

Important! You can make the petals colorful. This is very original, and your daffodil will find an unearthly origin.

  • Connect the finished petals or attach to the stem so that a bud forms.

Important! Inside you can make stamens or glue colored beads.

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We make flower garlands for the hall

Since you can decorate with flowers not only walls, but also the ceiling, colorful garlands will be an ideal option for this. For their manufacture you will need the following materials:

  • Fishing line;
  • White or colored paper (depending on the theme of the holiday);

Important! If a garland needs to be made to decorate a wedding feast, then white paper is just right, for children's parties - bright and rich colors, for an anniversary - golden or silver.

  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Thick cardboard.

When all the materials are prepared, you can safely get to work. The sequence of steps for making a garland of paper flowers is as follows:

  • Draw the desired stencil on the cardboard and cut it out.
  • Using the finished stencil, cut out an even number of elements of the future flower from paper.

Important! You can cut parts of absolutely any shape. It all depends entirely on your imagination and imagination.

  • Spread the line.
  • Glue the parts overlapping them so that the fishing line is in the middle. Next - in the same way, fasten all the workpieces.
  • At the ends of the fishing line, form and fasten the loops for which the garland will be attached.

Important! In addition to the garland, you can glue leaflets, pigeons, hearts, butterflies, beads and many other decorative elements.

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We make numbers or letters from paper flowers

Today, at holidays, especially for children, it has become very fashionable to create a photo zone where the name of the hero of the occasion or his age will be posted. Therefore, we want to offer you a step-by-step lesson in the manufacture of these decorative elements.

The process is very easy and takes very little time:

  • First you need to cut out the bases from thick cardboard - these are the numbers or letters on which the flowers will be attached.
  • Then form the buds.

Important! To create such a decor, floral balls will be an excellent option. In addition to the fact that they can be made very quickly, but they look great in such a composition. The finished decoration is fluffy and voluminous.

  • Fasten the finished buds with glue or double-sided tape to the base.
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Stock footage

Self-made flowers - this is not only a great way to save the family budget on the design of the holiday, but also to cheer yourself up. In order to create such compositions, you do not need much time and effort. The most important thing is to include imagination and imagination, only in this case you will succeed!


