How to make a border in the bathroom?

Water is the main enemy of most building materials. No matter how beautifully you decorate your bath, in the case of poor-quality waterproofing, it will quickly lose its original attractiveness. That is why many are interested in how to make a border in the bathroom to protect expensive high-quality materials from the negative effects of moisture. Without the use of special materials, it is simply impossible to make a joint between plumbing equipment and a wall tight, which threatens the growth of fungus and the appearance of mold. Consider the correct order of this work and the best tools for this purpose.

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Classification of modern bathroom borders

The installation of the bathroom corners begins with the selection of the right material. Depending on the decorative design of the room and your own preferences, you can choose one of the following options.

Self-adhesive tape element

This is a polyethylene tape with glue applied on one side, which provides the most tight fit to the surface of the walls. Such an inexpensive and practical option is available in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes. With its help, the issue of sealing joints is solved quite quickly.

The protective layer is simply removed from the back of the product, it is firmly pressed by one part to the bath, and the second to the wall. But the life of such a decorative element is quite limited.

Important! It is better to use it at the initial stage of insulation, when you have not yet decided which border is better to use - ceramic or plastic.


Plastic corner

This border can be called universal, because you can fix it not only on the tile, but also under it. Manufacturers supply the market with a huge assortment of such products that differ in width, size, color, texture. Its advantages include low cost and simple installation of the curb on the bath. Plastic designs can have a different configuration.

Important! The main disadvantage is the limited lifetime.

Ceramic border

These are corners of different widths, textures, colors, made of high quality ceramics. They are incredibly durable, have a long service life, and provide the highest level of waterproofing. But they also have disadvantages:

  • Laying such a border should be professionals or people with minimal experience in laying tiles.
  • The material itself is incredibly fragile - if you handle it carelessly, you can break it before you even start work.

Important! Laying the corner should take place at the stage of laying the main finishing materials.

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How to install a plastic border on the bath yourself?

Before gluing the border to the bath, purchase everything that you may need in the process of doing the work:

  • Prepare the required number of plastic decorative strips.

Important! Calculating this number is simple: just measure the width and length of the bath.

  • Still useful to you: aquarium silicone, masking tape, “liquid nails”, a construction gun.

Installation is divided into several stages:

  • Foundation preparation. It is necessary to carefully clean the adjacent walls and the bath itself from fine dust and dirt.Then it is advisable to wipe everything with a cloth previously moistened with a chlorine solution. The base should dry completely.
  • Using a construction gun, sealant should close the gap between the edges of the equipment and the surface of the wall, after which it is carefully dried.
  • Cover the edge of the tub with masking tape to prevent scratching or damage to the enamel.
  • Then it is necessary to apply “liquid nails” to the laying base with a construction gun.
  • Lay the curb, press it against the bathtub with one edge, and the other as close to the wall as possible.

Important! It is better to do this together, since the strength, tightness, reliability of gluing, and the service life of the material depend on how much the tape is pressed.

  • If glue appears from under the curb, carefully remove it with a spatula.
  • In addition, seal the tape joints with sealant.
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How to make a ceramic border in the bathroom with your own hands?

Nowadays, there are daredevils who are not at all afraid of installing a ceramic border on a bathtub, despite the complexity of this process. Those who refuse this idea are simply afraid to do everything beautifully, efficiently, correctly, but even if you entrust the work to professionals, this does not guarantee that they will do everything as they should. It’s better to do everything yourself.

Materials for work:

  1. First you need to purchase the required number of ceramic corners. This number is calculated based on the width and length of the bath, plus a small margin is made in case of pruning or possible damage.
  2. In addition to corner parts, you will need more direct elements, sealant, tiled waterproof glue, grout.

Installation of the border includes the following steps:

  • At the initial stage, all dust and dirt is removed, the base itself is wiped dry.
  • Then the cracks between the walls and the bathroom are closed. It’s enough to use silicone, if, of course, the hole is not too large.

Important! Larger slots have to be pre-covered with foam, then processed and dried.

  • It is important to choose the right thing to glue the ceramic border in the bathroom to ensure the material has a long service life. Tile glue is diluted according to the instructions, then put a spatula on the back of the corner, which is applied to the desired location, then glued.

Important! Well established mixes from the trademarks “Ceresit”, “Unis”, “Knauf”.

  • To avoid gaps between parts lying next to them, you should lay them as tightly as possible.
  • Then, with the help of special corners, corners are formed. To fit them, you can cut off two straight elements of the part at an angle of 45 degrees. This manipulation is performed using a grinder. Marks of cut lines are made on the details, then the pliers carefully clean the pieces until the desired shape is obtained. All sections are ground.
  • After a few days, the laid curbs are poured with water to fix the adhesive composition as much as possible.
  • Any irregularities, gaps and transitions between corners and tiles are eliminated by moisture-resistant grout or silicone sealant.

Important! It is recommended to install ceramic borders already on the laid tile.

Remember that the joints between the wall and the bathroom not only look unaesthetic, they are incredibly dangerous in terms of the appearance of fungus, mold, dampness, because all this negatively affects the health of the residents of the house.

Important! So that the ceramic borders look perfect, do not stand out against the background of the walls, it is recommended to leave the gaps of the same size during gluing with the help of special plastic crosses.

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Now you know how to make a border in the bathroom against the wall, but this is not enough, because it is important that the decorated joint lasts for many years without causing trouble and pleasing to the eye. To achieve this, to perform all the work at each stage should be of high quality. These instructions and tips will help you achieve this goal.

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