How to do depilation?

Removing unwanted vegetation on the body in the summer is one of the most pressing issues. Short shorts or beach vacations do not tolerate unnecessary hair in the bikini area. How to make the skin in the groin and legs soft and smooth?

Depilation at home is an effective procedure when the hair shaft, which is located above the surface of the skin, is removed. For many girls, this option of getting rid of hair is preferable, because it is fast, uncomplicated and affordable. In this article we will consider the question of how to do depilation at home.

Important! There are different concepts in their essence - epilation and depilation, but not all girls strive to understand all these subtleties, therefore they use both terms for any hair removal procedure.

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One of the most effective and common, but not the most painless methods is waxing. This also includes sugar (shugaring) depilation. The hairy part is eliminated with the help of folk remedies - wax, sugar mass, resin and other natural remedies.

When waxing, different types of wax are used, which are applied in a dense layer on the skin. Next, the wax is sharply removed in the direction against hair growth. In this case, the issue with the growth of unwanted hairs disappears for a long time - approximately 3-4 weeks.

Important! If the procedure was carried out qualitatively, then you will not be bothered by inflammation, itching of the skin or ingrown hairs. With smooth and delicate skin, you can lead an active lifestyle by swimming in the pool or sunbathing on the beach.

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Wax for depilation

For waxing at home, it is good to use wax, which is in the cartridge with the applicator provided for a deep bikini. Thus, the composition can be applied even to the most difficult places.

You can heat the wax so that it takes on a liquid form both in a professional heater and in a water bath. It is necessary to act very clearly and accurately so that the nerve endings do not have time to react.

Important! For work, they take a beekeeping product of various temperatures.

Hot and warm wax is best handled by specialists in this field who have the skills and mastery. But the cold composition can be successfully applied at home, applying it to strips of special paper.

Oils are added to a solid product made from resin or an oil mixture for the desired viscous consistency. To obtain a soft wax, to make depilation, honey and beeswax are added to the pine resin as substances for softening.

Important! Waxing is especially effective with hair lengths of 5-6 mm.

For warm wax, body temperature is considered the best option. It is sold in cartridges and warmed up on a special stand. After hardening, the product applied to the skin is sharply removed along with hair and strips for depilation.

Hot wax mass (38-43 degrees) is applied with a spatula or spatula to the bikini area in the direction of hair growth. Further, the tool, which will harden after a while, is removed in one precise motion in the direction against the growth of hairs.

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Hair Removal Strips

You can also do depilation using wax in the form of ready-made strips or with a roller applicator.Durable non-woven strips can be used to reduce pain.

Important! If the wax is too cold, then it can be slightly warmed up right in the hands.

As a rule, the procedure ends by applying a soothing agent to the treated skin, which can prevent irritation, as well as remove hair residues.

Important! Some believe that you need to remove such strips sharply, while covering as much of the skin as possible. Others advise you to shoot gradually and very carefully. In the second case, the process is really transferred a little easier, and the pain becomes weaker.

It’s not difficult to do hair removal at home, but it’s quite painful, so waxing is best avoided for people who are very sensitive to pain. In women, the threshold of pain is much higher in the middle of the menstrual cycle, so this procedure is best done during this period. In addition, to reduce pain, you can drink a tablet of Nurofen before the session or after the procedure, apply a cooling gel to the skin.

Important! It is believed that the face is the most painful area, so it is necessary to use wax strips over the upper lip very carefully.

The effect of waxing with wax strips lasts about 3 weeks. Gradually, the hairs will begin to grow rare and thin, and the interval between sessions will increase.


Disadvantages of waxing:

  • Relatively high cost.
  • Painful sensations.
  • Inconvenient to use in the bikini area.
  • The length of the hairs should be from 5 mm.
  • Take a lot of time.


  • New hair grows after about 2 weeks.
  • Regrown hairs will be thinner and lighter.
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Sugar depilation

You can do depilation with sugar - this method is also very popular. When shugaring, a special sugar mass is prepared, which is removed with the hairs after it hardens.


  • The huge advantage of this type of hair removal is that only natural products are used in this tool: sugar, lemon juice, sometimes honey.
  • Natural components after the procedure are easily washed off, do not harm health.
  • After the sugar procedure, you will not have any burns, because the mass has a body temperature, and you will get rid of even the smallest hairs and ingrown hairs.
  • Sugar is also a hygienic ingredient that destroys bacteria, so it is almost impossible to infect from the outside.

Important! Sugar depilation is perfect for various parts of the body - the bikini zone, legs, armpits, face.


  • It can not be carried out for people suffering from diabetes, because even a small amount of the mixture can cause an exacerbation of the disease when it enters the bloodstream through the pores.
  • Also, do not replace lemon juice with citric acid to avoid irritation.

Important! If you are not allergic to honey, then for the intimate area it is better to use a mass based on it, as it will reduce pain and make the skin softer.

  • Shugaring is best done only after all scratches and wounds have healed on the skin.
  • It is also undesirable to carry out the procedure immediately after you have sunbathed or visited the solarium.

Important! Regular shugaring procedures will cause the hair to soften and weaken, which means it will be easier to remove.


How to cook a lot for shugaring?

In order to make depilation using sugar, it is necessary to prepare the sugar mass. There are many recipes, but all of them are based on three components: water, sugar, lemon juice. But the quantitative composition is different.

In one embodiment, sugar and water are offered in a ratio of 1: 1 (1 glass each) and the juice of two lemons, in the other - 1 tablespoon of water, a glass of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, in the third or tenth it is completely different.

For the sample, we will make a small amount of sugar mass for depilation.If everything works out right, we can immediately try it for ourselves - for the first time it is better to start on your feet. So let's get started:

  • Prepare two containers: one glass or plastic for the finished composition and one metal for cooking. A spatula is also required in order to stir the syrup.
  • Take granulated sugar 10 tablespoons without a slide, 1 tablespoon of water and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir all ingredients in a metal container.
  • Put the container on a small fire, stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Boil should be slow, with small white bubbles. As the liquid evaporates, the syrup will acquire a golden hue.

Important! Typically, a direct boiling process takes approximately 10 minutes. Syrup should not turn brown.

  • Remove the container from the fire, carefully pour into another container for cooling. This usually takes at least three hours, so sugar for depilation can be prepared at night.

Important! Do not forget to fill the metal container from under the syrup with hot water.

  • The mass is ready if it is warm to the touch and elastic, and from it you can dazzle the ball, as from plasticine. If it sticks to your hands, then it has not completely cooled down. And if it is too hard, you can melt it in a water bath and add a little water, then cool again.

Important! To properly prepare the mass for depilation, you need to know the following:

  • In the process of heating and boiling, you can not change the intensity of the flame (neither reduce nor add) - the fire should be the same.
  • If the mass does not acquire the desired shade (caramel or golden), then there is too much water in it, and it will boil longer. You can add a little sugar.
  • If the mixture still gets too brown and smells like burnt sugar, then it will not work for hair removal. From it you can only make roosters on a stick for children.
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Surely, everyone knows this procedure for removing unwanted hair on the legs and in intimate areas. Shaving is the easiest way to do depilation at home without pain, which does not take much time and money. However, in this case, the hair is cut only at the root, and its bulb remains in the skin.

Important! This method is considered ineffective, but many girls prefer it, because it is the fastest and does not take much effort.

Razor razor strife

If you use disposable devices with protective strips, then shaving can be absolutely safe. Thanks to strips on a razor with oils and various extracts, the skin is well moisturized, itching and dryness do not appear on it.

Manufacturers who produce shaving machines equip them with a comfortable handle and “floating” blades to effectively shave hair in different areas, repeating the contours of the body. Some of the shaving devices are equipped with vibration heads that prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs.


Cons of the procedure

Shaving is the easiest and cheapest way to deal with unwanted vegetation on the body, but it also has its disadvantages and disadvantages:

  • Often there is irritation.
  • Compared to the methods described above, hair grows much faster.
  • After each session, the hair becomes more stiff.
  • There is a chance of injury.

Important! To prevent the ingrowth of hairs, you should move the razor against their growth.

If ingrown hairs nevertheless appeared, then it is necessary to treat the skin with scrub or alcohol, and then remove the ingrown hair with manicure tweezers and again treat the wound with an antiseptic.

Important! The blade will do its job better if you carry out the procedure immediately after taking a bath, when the skin becomes softer. It’s good if you use foam or shaving gel for better glide of the blade on the skin.

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Removing hair with tweezers is not the most pleasant procedure, besides, it is quite painful, tiring and takes a lot of time. Typically, this method is used on small areas of the skin, plucking eyebrows or removing antennae above the lip.

Important! Often the hairs are partially pulled out with the root part, so the effect of this procedure lasts longer than from shaving.

To do depilation using tweezers:

  1. Disinfect the treated area and apply special oil.
  2. It is necessary to pull out the hairs against hair growth in order to avoid growing them into the skin.
  3. To reduce pain, you need to slightly stretch the skin.
  4. After the session, let the skin relax a bit, and then apply a softening cream on it.


Depilation can also be carried out using an electroepilator. This procedure is carried out on clean skin, previously rubbed with alcohol lotion. It is advisable to conduct it after taking a bath or shower, on steamed skin - so hair removal will be more effective and not so painful.

Important! After the session, be sure to apply lotions and creams with emollients, which often include vitamins, extracts of medicinal herbs, as well as extracts from clover and walnut shells.

On the shelves of shops you can find models of electroepilators, with which depilation can be done directly in the bath, because they are not afraid of water. Short and thin hairs are removed at the first speed, and long and hard at the second and third.

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Depilatory creams

Another common way to do hair removal at home is to use a hair removal cream. Such creams are sold in a wide range.

Operating principle

Depilatory creams work by dissolving the hair shaft in the region of its transition to the root. After this, the hairs are easily removed.

Important! The most famous brands include Velvet, Epilex, Eveline, Gillette, Veet. When choosing the best brand for yourself, be sure to check the product for allergies first.

With proper application, the depilation cream does not cause itching and irritation. Use it very carefully, without smearing the skin with a thick layer. Having been on the skin for 6-7 minutes, thioglycolic acid, which is part of it, dissolves the vegetation on the body.

Before using such a tool, be sure to read the instructions for it, but often it is applied for a certain period, and then with the help of a special spatula they are removed along with the hair.

Important! If the depilatory cream is left for a time longer than recommended according to the instructions, then skin irritations or even burns may appear.

In order not to get irritation in the intimate zone, it is necessary to choose a remedy for this particular part of the body. The action of such a cream should be checked in advance on a small area of ​​the skin. In no case should cream be allowed to enter the mucous membrane. After using the cream, it is washed off the skin with warm water and be sure to treat the skin with a soothing cream.

Contraindications of the use of depilatory cream:

  • Irritations, inflammation, burns.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Varicose veins or sensitive vessels in the treated area.
  • Herpes.
  • Warts, moles, benign papillomas.
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Male Depilation

Some men also remove unwanted hair from the body. The same methods are suitable for them as for women, but it should be remembered that often men's hair is thicker and coarser. Therefore, it will be much more painful for a man to make hair removal at home, so before the procedure it is better to go to the salon and get a consultation with a cosmetologist.

The difference between female depilation from male depilation also lies in the fact that men are more hairy, which means they will need more funds to eliminate hair.

Important! Since a man’s body produces a lot of testosterone, new hair will grow back much faster than women.

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So we examined the most famous and effective ways that you can do hair removal at home. Choose the one that suits you best, follow the recommendations and enjoy smooth and delicate skin.

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