How to do hair removal in the intimate zone at home?

Agree, hair removal of intimate places is an integral procedure of every modern girl. She has so firmly entered our lives, but still raises many questions. Which way is better? Does it hurt or not? How to care for skin after depilation? And much more. In our article, we will help you understand a little and make the right choice. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the best option - depilation at home. About all the secrets of how to do hair removal in the intimate zone at home, you will learn further. Ready? Then we begin!
to contents ↑Should I do intimate hair removal?
Of course, many girls wonder if intimate hair removal should be done at home. Not everyone is ready to decide on such a procedure. Someone is afraid of pain, while others are simply embarrassed to consult a specialist. In any case, the choice is yours. But the lack of hair in such an intimate place is primarily aesthetically pleasing and hygienic.
A well-groomed girl will always catch the eyes of caring men, and even the most pleasant and more confident when the skin is smooth and delicate. How to make intimate area hair removal at home? Believe me, this is not so difficult. You just need to choose the appropriate method and perform the depilation as correctly as possible in order to avoid pain. Moreover, currently, drugs are available that can reduce irritation during depilation of intimate areas. Therefore, do not worry, everything will be successful!
to contents ↑How to do depilation at home? Intimate area without irritation
Depilation procedure is the removal of the upper part of the hair. In this case, the hair grows much faster than when the substance acts on the root bulb. There are methods where the hair is removed along with the hair follicle. This pleases many modern girls, because sometimes we just do not have time to do hair removal so often. Each girl will choose exactly the method that is most convenient and comfortable for her.
Hikes to the salon are expensive, and you can do this procedure at home, where it is comfortable and everything is at hand. Do you agree with that? If yes, then we will consider in detail the methods for removing hair of the intimate zone at home, get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages.
to contents ↑Shaving Intimate Area
If you do not pay attention to some inconvenience and side effects, razor hair removal continues to be the most popular and fastest way to get rid of unwanted hair.
Many girls choose this option because of a number of advantages:
- Simplicity and accessibility. The razor does not require large financial costs. You can use the machine at almost any time. In addition, in our time there are machines with several blades, a floating head and a protective coating, which greatly facilitates the depilation process.
- Time saving. This procedure does not need to spend a lot of time. Hair is removed in minutes.
However, the razor has several disadvantages:
- The appearance of irritation. This method can cause serious skin irritation.
- Cuts.Using a razor, you automatically agree with the appearance of unpleasant cuts. Most often this happens in a hurry and due to a very sharp razor blade - redness, irritation and other skin disorders appear.
- Constant shaving. If you have chosen this path, then you have to shave the intimate area almost every day, and the hairs will be harder and thicker every day.
Important! Remember that frequent shaving can lead to dry skin.
- Ingrown hair. After such depilation, the process of hair ingrowth is possible, since only the surface of the hair is shaved, and the bulb remains under the skin further.
Important! To reduce discomfort and consequences after shaving, you can use a special gel, ointment, cream, lotion, or shaving foam. These products soften the skin during shaving, take care of it after.
To avoid various injuries and irritations, you need to follow simple rules:
- Steam your skin well before shaving.
- Use a gel or shaving cream, in extreme cases - you can use ordinary liquid soap.
- Shave the hairs diagonally, do not run the razor twice in the same place.
to contents ↑Important! Shaving is the most painless means of depilation of the intimate area at home, but remember that the result is extremely short-lived - in a couple of days an unpleasant stubble will appear.
Depilation cream
This method is considered one of the best for hair removal at home. In the cosmetology market, this means for depilation is released in the form of creams and aerosols.
Important! They are based on thioglycolic acid, which dissolves the hair. The depilation of intimate areas with cream is well suited for sensitive and delicate skin.
The main disadvantages of depilation with cream:
- Allergy. When applied, an allergy to the ingredients of the cream may occur. In order to check the skin reaction to this product, you need to apply a little cream on the skin and wait a couple of minutes. If irritation does not appear, then you can use the cream. Otherwise - you need to abandon such a tool.
Important! Do not forget about skin care. After the procedure, treat the skin with a nourishing cream or lotion. This will not only relieve peeling and irritation, but the hairs will grow much more slowly, and this is what we need.
- Bad smell of chemicals. If you do not tolerate harsh odors, then you should abandon this method of depilation.
- A short result. When using a depilation cream, hair grows fast enough.
Now, let's get acquainted with the advantages of this method:
- Ease of use. Using such a cream is easy. Just need to apply the product on the intimate area, wait a bit, and remove the excess with a spatula or just rinse.
- Profitability. When applying the cream, do not apply too much.
- Speed and comfort. The waiting time after applying the depilation cream will be about 10 minutes. The smoothness of the skin lasts approximately 1 week.
- Lack of cuts and irritations. When using the cream, the risks of mechanical damage to the skin are completely eliminated, as is the case with the machine.
For painless depilation with cream, follow these recommendations:
- Before buying, make sure that the product is suitable for the bikini area, as the body parts have different hair structures.
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. For example, if you leave the cream longer than the specified time, in the end - you can get a severe chemical burn or irritation. For the same reason, avoid getting the cream in the eyes and other mucous membranes.
- As in many cases of depilation, apply hair growth, and remove in the opposite direction.
to contents ↑Important! If there are rashes or cuts in the bikini area, then the cream can not be used so as not to aggravate the situation even more.
How to do depilation at home is an intimate topic that excites many modern young ladies. At home, you can carry out intimate depilation using hot or cold wax. But for its use, some skill is needed. For the procedure you need wax, a special spatula for applying and fabric strips (not always). Apply preheated wax to the skin, squeeze with a special strip and jerk sharply with one jerk of hair growth. That's the whole procedure!
Important! You can buy ready-made strips on which wax has already been applied and is ready for use.
We highlight the main positive aspects of this procedure:
- Availability. On sale there are special devices that allow you to heat the wax to the desired temperature at home. To do this, simply insert a special cartridge, turn on the device and after a couple of minutes we get ready-made material for depilation of the bikini zone. Thus, the whole process will be much faster and easier.
Important! If you do not have a special preparation for the formation of liquid wax, then you can use a water bath or microwave.
- Ease of use. A narrow strip allows you to apply wax to small areas. Therefore, wax strips are very convenient to use.
- The long result. After depilation of the intimate area with wax, new hairs will not grow soon, after about 3-4 weeks. With regular use of wax strips, you will notice that the hair has become much thinner.
But there is a flip side to this depilation:
- Thermal burns. If you warm the wax incorrectly, for example, overexpose it, you can get serious burns and skin damage.
Important! Do not forget about caring for the bikini area before and after the procedure. Use a scrub to prevent hair ingrowth, which is sometimes so unpleasant.
Some subtleties of waxing:
- In the intimate area, hairs of at least 5 mm long can be removed.
- Try to remove the hair sharply, in one fell swoop.
- If you notice noticeable hairs after removing the wax on the skin, then repeating hair removal in the same place is not recommended, as microtraumas and bruises can appear, and this is completely useless to us.
to contents ↑Important! If there is no hair removal experience at home at all, then we advise you not to start immediately with the intimate zone. Get to know wax in more accessible areas, such as on the legs or armpit area. Having trained well, you can start depilation of the bikini zone.
There are girls who for depilation choose the popular method of self-removal of hair - an epilator. This method has more disadvantages than advantages. What kind? We will learn more about this later.
So, let's get acquainted with the advantages of hair removal with an epilator:
- High quality and durability. The quality of such a shave will be much higher than when using the machine, as tweezers pull hairs together with the bulb.
- Profitability. An epilator does not need to be constantly bought. It is enough to buy once and use for a rather long time.
Now, let's get acquainted with the unpleasant side of using an epilator:
- Painful sensations. The epilator removes hair almost painlessly, for example, on the legs, but when depilating the intimate area, it turns the procedure into unbearable torture. Therefore, it is possible to use a more gentle method for such a delicate area.
Important! You can use modern types of electroepilators that cool the skin during depilation, or those that can work in water.
- Limitations This method is categorically not suitable for very long and thick hair. The hair length should be no more than 4 mm, otherwise the epilator simply will not do its job.
- Irritation. At first use, severe irritation and skin rashes are possible. But with subsequent use, you will get used to it and there will be less discomfort.
- Ingrown hair.When using the epilator, such an unpleasant aspect as hair ingrowth is quite possible. This problem is quite difficult to solve, so it is better to prevent it in advance.
Important! To reduce unpleasant sensations during depilation with an epilator, you can use various types of painkillers, for example, an antiseptic spray, which will slightly dull the pain, but this is only for a while.
Now you know how to do hair removal in the intimate area at home using an electric epilator.
to contents ↑Shugaring
Shugaring is a new procedure, but every day it is gaining popularity. It has some similarities with waxing - the mixture is applied to the skin, and then removed. But there are still differences between two similar procedures. We will talk about this a little further.
So, shugaring has several advantages:
- Painless procedure. This is the most important advantage of this method, since excess hair is removed by hair growth, and not against.
- Does not injure the skin. Sugar paste does not damage the upper layer of the skin, and the properties of sugar help to avoid the appearance of rashes and irritations.
- Availability of ingredients and time saving. With a bit of practice, you can cook shugaring paste yourself at home. Therefore, you do not have to spend a lot of personal time going to a beauty salon and money to buy a special product.
- Does not grow hair. After depilation with the help of shugaring, the hair practically does not grow, since in the process of depilation the skin surface is peeled.
There is a downside to shugaring:
- Not everyone can cook such a sugar mass - this requires experience and patience.
- The depilation process takes a lot of time.
- This method has a number of contraindications and conditions under which the application of the method is simply impossible: the presence of skin burns, irritations and other skin lesions and diabetes.
- Shugaring can be done when the hair is at least 4-6 cm long. Some girls simply cannot afford to grow hair of this length.
How to cook pasta?
Before you do depilation in the intimate zone at home, you need to prepare a paste for shugaring. You can make your own pasta using simple and affordable ingredients. Believe me, it will come out much cheaper than asking for help in a salon.
To do this, take the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of sugar.
- 7 tablespoons of lemon juice.
- 8 tablespoons of water.
Important! For the first test, it is better to take the ingredients proportionally in much smaller quantities.
And here is the process of cooking and applying paste:
- Mix all the ingredients in a metal saucepan and set on fire.
- The mixture is cooked over low heat, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved and the paste begins to foam.
- We wait until the mass becomes light brown, remove from heat.
- Pour the paste into a plastic container until it cools completely.
- When the mass can be picked up, you can safely proceed to the depilation of the intimate zone.
Important! To avoid possible irritation, sprinkle the skin with baby powder before the procedure. We do not recommend using talcum powder - it clogs pores and ingrown hair may appear.
- We take a little ready-made mixture and mash in our hands until it turns light yellow.
- After - we distribute it according to hair growth and sharply pull it against growth.
to contents ↑Important! Ready pasta can be safely stored in the refrigerator, and heated before use in a water bath or microwave. Thus, you will significantly save food and time for its preparation.
Recommendations for depilation of the intimate zone
Almost all after depilation, skin irritation occurs. Do not worry, this is a completely normal reaction to this procedure, as the upper layers of the epidermis are removed. That is why the skin after depilation needs proper care.
In order to remove irritation before and after depilation, it is necessary:
- Rinse off the depilation cream with cool water.
- Before depilation, clean and scrub the skin.
Important! To avoid ingrown hairs and irritation after depilation, do a peeling about a day before the procedure and once a week after.
- Do not apply depilatory product to irritated or damaged skin.
- To remove hair only on steamed skin - this will make the procedure less painful and safe.
- If you still get injured while using a razor or epilator, anoint the area with aftershave.
- An ordinary baby cream will help remove irritation.
- After the procedure, do not wear tight clothing or underwear for at least a few days.
- After shaving or waxing, wipe the skin with an effective antibacterial agent.
to contents ↑Important! If you follow all the recommendations, you can permanently maintain the smoothness of the skin in the most delicate place.
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As you already understood, there are quite a few ways to get rid of vegetation in the intimate zone. Each of them has both disadvantages and advantages. Intimate hair removal at home is possible and affordable for almost everyone. You can choose only one method, or you can try different methods in order to stay at the most comfortable depilation. Agree, the lack of hair in an intimate place is the key to a good mood and self-confidence. Let no one know about this, but you will feel at your best. Never save money on beauty and health, always stay bright, stylish and charming! You deserve it!
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