How to make a water filter with your own hands?

Any person quickly gets used to all the good things, so it is quite difficult for members of modern society to do without all the benefits of civilization. Most residents of urban apartments prefer to purify drinking water using special filters that are installed directly under the sink. Unfortunately, residents of private houses and summer cottages are less fortunate, because they do not have the opportunity to connect to the central water supply system and enjoy all the advantages of treatment facilities. In principle, an ordinary filter jug can be purchased for water purification. But what to do if it is not enough and it is necessary to purify water not only for drinking, but also for household needs. Today we will get acquainted with the most popular ways of how to make water filters with your own hands for use in a city apartment and in the private sector.
to contents ↑Making filters for an apartment
There are two options for making a water filter at home, which are very popular among urban residents. Actually, we will consider them further.
How to remake an old water filter?
You may have used a special filter once, but the cartridge responsible for water purification has already deteriorated and is unable to fulfill its function. Do not rush to buy a new one, because it can be restored.
To do this, you will need such materials:
- Housing from old filter element.
- Activated or charcoal.
- Cotton pad.
Do-it-yourself homemade water filters are made very simply:
- Carefully cut out the upper part, set it aside, since you will no longer need it. Leave only the upper clamping ring.
- Remove the used filter contents and rinse the housing thoroughly with water.
- Divide the cotton disk in half, lay one half on the bottom of the case.
- Fill the casing with crushed coal.
- Cover it with the second half of the cotton pad, secure with a ring.
Important! There are cartridge models in which the pressure ring in the housing is not fixed. In this case, you can fix it with a sealant, it will be enough just a couple of drops, the main thing is that it is non-toxic and waterproof.
How to make a filter from improvised materials?
To make a home version of a water filter, you will need:
- An empty plastic bottle with a cap that tightens.
- A piece of cotton fabric.
- Charcoal.
Now, step by step, consider how to make a water filter with your own hands from a bottle:
- The first step is to activate charcoal:
- It should first be crushed into cereals so that the particle diameter is at least 4-6 mm. Coal needs so much that it is enough to fill the bottle by two-thirds.
- Then pour it into a container of water, bring to a boil and let it simmer for another five minutes over low heat.
- Then drain the water using a metal strainer or colander. But note that the water should still be hot.
- Let the coal cool completely.
- At the second stage, make several holes in the bottle cap with a diameter of 3-3.5 mm.
- At the third stage, you need to cut the bottom off the bottle.
- In the fourth step, place cotton on the neck of the bottle.
- The fifth stage is the filling of activated carbon into a container.
to contents ↑Important! Such a filter will last you a long time. And when you feel that the water has changed to taste again, just rinse the used charcoal, boil it again, replace the fabric and then use it calmly.
How to make a filter for a well?
Living in the private sector or in the country, people also want to have some kind of device for filtering water, even if it comes from a clean well. Why do this? The fact is that pesticides and nitrates, which are used during the processing of the garden and the garden, are able to seep into the ground and fall directly into the water of wells with groundwater. There is a solution - you can make water filters with your own hands from natural materials and install it on the bottom.
But first you need to decide what bottom is in your well:
- If it is clay with beating springs, then it is better to install a coarse filtration system in the intake structures. The bottom device in such a situation can only harm and block the outlet of spring water.
- If the bottom consists of soft clay and is washed away by water, then it is advisable to lay a layer of large gravel 15-20 cm thick.
- But the sandy bottom, through which water seeps freely, needs a bottom filter. If this is not done, then when the bucket hits the bottom or water, the sand will erode and create a cloudy sediment.
Important! Pumps are inappropriate here, because they will become heavily clogged with sand and break.
- If the bottom is covered with sand, which is very saturated with groundwater, then in addition to the bottom filter, here you can also install a protective bottom with a shield made of wood from erosion.
What materials can be used for the bottom filter?
At your discretion, you can use such natural materials:
- Quartz coarse sand. It consists of seeds up to 1 mm in size, so before laying it in the well, it must be washed.
- Gravel. It is a loose porous sedimentary rock, with gravel grains ranging in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters.
- River pebbles. These are rounded pebbles of different sizes and colors.
- Rubble. These stones are extracted mechanically, therefore, they can have an irregular shape and different sizes.
Important! To make a filter using crushed stone, it is better to use neutral minerals, for example, jadeite. Building and granite rubble are not suitable for this.
- Zeolite. This mineral is most often used for water treatment, since it steadily withstands the attacks of any microbes, bacteria and viruses.
- Shungite or petrified oil. Often it is used in alternative medicine, and it effectively purifies water from dioxides and radicals. This is a unique bactericidal agent.
Laying the bottom filter
If you need to make a shield for a well, then it is better to make it from such tree species as oak or aspen. They are capable of being stored in water for a long time. The arrangement of the structure is as follows:
- First, you need to put together a shield from the boards, cut according to the dimensions of the well trunk, drill holes 1-1.5 mm, wrap with geotextile and lower it to the bottom. Lay a layer of large stone on top of the shield.
- Next, you need to decide on the option of the installed filter, which can be direct or reverse. If the bottom of the well is covered with soft clay or a bottom shield from floaters, it is better to use a direct filter, that is, to lay from the largest fractions to small ones. Each layer should have a thickness of 15-20 cm. It is recommended to make at least three layers: the first - will consist of crushed stone or stones 5-6 cm in size, the second - from small river pebbles, gravel or shungite, and the third - from washed river sand.
Important! Return filters are used in wells with a sandy bottom, since they do not allow sand grains to rise up and protect the bottom from large debris. Their laying occurs in the reverse order, that is, first there is a small fraction, and then a large fraction.
- This is followed directly by styling, depending on the type of filter selected.
- During operation, the devices are clogged with small particles of sand and clay, so you need to clean them every year. To do this, the sand is completely replaced, and the stones are simply removed and washed thoroughly under running water. The filter is laid back in the same sequence.
Production of filters for wells
In wells, water is also purified using filters. Summer residents and owners of private houses most often use perforated hole systems for this. Such devices are quite efficient and simple.
Before you make a filter for water purification at home of this type, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:
- A plastic pipe made of environmentally friendly material or metal, which is not subject to rust. Its length is determined depending on the depth of the well, but should not be more than 5 meters, and its diameter should be less than the diameter of the well.
- Fine-mesh stainless or brass mesh.
- Drill with a drill.
- A cap in the form of a wooden cork.
Phased production of such a cleaning system looks like this:
- First measure the length of the sump. Depending on the depth of the well, it can be from 1 to 1.5 meters.
- Next, you need to drill holes at an angle of 35-60 degrees, directing them from the bottom up. They should be staggered, while the distance between the holes should not exceed 2 cm.
- Now you need to do the cleaning of the pipe from the chips and wrap the perforated area with a mesh. We fix it with rivets.
- We close the stopper with a plug on the side of the sump.
to contents ↑Important! The water that will pass through the holes and the net will get rid of clay, silt and sand. And larger particles that accidentally fall into the pipe will settle in the sump. Such a filter will make the water in your household plot and private house transparent and clean, but harmful substances will still remain in it. That is why it is recommended to boil it or drive it through a charcoal filter.
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Now you know how to make a filter for water purification for both a city apartment and the private sector. The manufacturing options for cleaning devices described in this article will allow you to enjoy the use of crystal clear water without harmful impurities and debris.
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