How to make cookie cutters with your own hands?

We all love homemade cakes, because it turns out to be incredibly tasty, due to the fact that the housewives in the cooking process put all their love and warmth into it. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to diversify its external performance. For example, mothers want to cook interesting products of their original thematic form for their babies, but they may not have the necessary devices at hand. It does not matter, because today we will learn how to make cookie cutters with our own hands from improvised materials. This article will describe the simplest methods for their manufacture.

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Making metal molds

To make metal molds for cookies with your own hands, which then can be used to cut dough products, you will need such materials and tools:

  • Aluminum molds for use in the oven.
  • Scissors for metal.
  • Clothespins.
  • Pencil, marker and ruler.
  • Thick gloves.
  • Super glue.
  • Pliers.
  • Paper.
  • A rectangular shape template of any material for stripes 4 cm wide.

Important! It is only necessary to be engaged in the manufacture of aluminum molds with gloves, otherwise you can be cut severely by sharp unprocessed edges.


First you need to prepare the material for work as follows:

  1. Remove the side edges from the mold and use a template to draw 4 cm strips on the metal with a marker.
  2. Directly in the middle of the resulting strip with a marker draw another line. Thanks to this line, it will be easier to form a metal blank.
  3. Now you need to cut along the main line part of the workpiece.
  4. Add the cut workpiece in half along the line.
  5. We unfold the workpiece, on the left side we fold it in half along the length directly along the fold line.
  6. We do the same actions on the right side.
  7. Fold the workpiece in with sharp edges.
  8. Using the scissors handle, smooth the edges.
  9. As a result, we get a durable and flexible tape.

Now let's take a look at how to make cookie molds with your own hands:

  1. Draw a sketch of the required shape on paper. You do not need to use too complex bends to make the shape easier.
  2. Form an aluminum strip according to the sketch around the picture. The tape must be bent using any improvised tool - a bottle, a rectangular and a round glass, a pipe or a rolling pin.
  3. When you get the desired shape, you need to leave a few centimeters for fixing, and cut off the remaining piece.
  4. The ends should be glued with superglue, fixed on top with clothespins and left until completely dry.

So we got a solid baking dish.

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Cookie cutters from an old can

Thinking about what to make cookie cutters with your own hands, you can check whether you have an unnecessary tin can in your home? If you are lucky, then you still need to take scissors for metal and superglue for work.

And to make forms out of these materials is easier than ever:

  1. At a can, cut the top and bottom, and cut the wall with scissors along.
  2. The resulting tin rectangle is cut into strips 2-3 cm thick.
  3. From these strips make the necessary shapes, for example, rhombuses, hearts, houses, little men, flowers or sponges.
  4. Glue the ends of the forms with superglue, and if they turn out to be too sharp, then go over them with a file.

Important! Using the obtained molds, it is very easy to cut cookies from sugar or shortcrust pastry, but note that they quickly become unusable.

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Simple foil cookie cutters

If you urgently need to bake a lot of cookies, but at the same time you want to give it a special shape, then you can use ordinary foil and a glass with a round or square bottom.

Follow this pattern:

  1. Cut food foil into small squares.
  2. Wrap a square of foil around the bottom of the glass, iron it thoroughly to get the desired shape.
  3. It remains only to place the billets on the baking sheet.
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How to make molds from a plastic bottle?

Many may be surprised, but you can even make cookie cutters with your own hands from plastic bottles.

Important! You can use finished products to work not only with dough, but also with mastic.

They have undeniable advantages:

  1. We get it completely free, the process of their manufacture takes only a few minutes.
  2. The quality of the molds and the features of their application will depend on the selected material.
  3. You receive the necessary adaptation and utilize a bottle.
  4. Such molds are made of food-grade plastic, thanks to this they are completely safe and harmless.
  5. Making them yourself is quite simple.

To get them, you need to draw sketches of future shapes on paper, then cut the bottle, attach them to the base, cut out clearly along the contour. In the end, you will need to fix their ends with a bracket.

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As we can see from the above workshops, you can make cookie cutters with your own hands from plastic bottles, foil, metal and even old cans. Thus, you will not only get the items you need for baking, but you will also use objects that have been lying on the shelves for a long time, and you will certainly please your loved ones with delicious original cookies of an unusual shape.

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