How to make a good antistatic at home

Synthetic fabrics made life easier for people when they replaced less durable and expensive natural materials. But they have a serious drawback - we are talking about static electricity. That it is the reason that the dress begins to "stick" to the legs, the clothes crackle, there are slight jolts of current. The antistatic helps to cope with this. Ready-made formulations are sold in stores, but the housewives believe that the antistatic made at home is safer.

Antistatic at home

Reasons to get rid of static electricity

It would seem that such electricity does not pose any serious threat to health. However, this is a rather unpleasant thing. This is mainly characteristic of such achievements of science and technology as nylon, nylon, lavsan (the latter is even used for the production of plastic for bottles, so friction can occur between clothes and many other items).

Lining for clothes

And often you have to process not only synthetic, but also seemingly natural fabrics. The fact is that today artificial fibers are often added to woolen and silk fabrics in order to improve their consumer properties. A silk or wool jersey dress may have a nylon lining. From the same synthetics they make a lining on trousers and jackets. And pantyhose made from natural fibers is no longer a long time ago.

All this is fraught with the fact that as a result of contact between the body and the garment:

  • friction occurs;
  • an electric charge is formed;
  • skin irritated.

Hair sticks to clothes, and this spoils the look. Dust constantly settles on such skirts and trousers, which also does not add attractiveness to the image. It turns out that an antistatic agent is a necessary thing, and it is simply impossible to do without it.

general information

An antistatic agent is a chemical composition that helps remove electricity from tissues or hair (although the second option is less common in stores). After things are treated with such a tool, they cease to be electrified. That is, the antistatic composition allows you to make sure that they do not stick to your feet and stop electric shock when the material touches the skin.

 Antistatic Sprays

Antistatic agents produce different types, including spray. This option is considered the most convenient, since such a composition is easily sprayed onto clothes, leaving no residue. Antistatic sprays are divided into two large groups. Some are based on ethyl alcohol, while others are based on water.

Theoretically, it is possible to make an antistatic at home of both types. However, a spray containing alcohol evaporates very quickly from the surface of the fabric. In addition, he has a persistent pungent smell. It can only be used with open windows or very good ventilation. It is unsafe for health, can cause allergies to the skin, it cannot be used for hair at all.

Water-based antistatic is considered practically safe. However, this does not mean that it does not cause an allergic reaction. It is necessary to carefully read the description of its composition. There is no ethyl alcohol in it, but there are various surfactants that cause skin irritation.

However, many manufacturers produce the so-called rinse conditioners, which can be added immediately after the laundry is placed in the washing machine. As a rule, such funds are released in liquid form, and an antistatic agent is already included in their composition. This remedy can also cause allergies.If after its application a skin rash appears, then the next wash should already be done without it. In any case, before making a purchase, you need to look at the rating of ready-made funds, read reviews from other users.

All of the above means that the antistatic for clothes at home is an urgent issue for many housewives who need to preserve the characteristics of the fabric and remove static electricity, while not injuring their body, in particular the skin.

Replacement for industrial antistatic

At home, you can use the means at hand. They are suitable for removing static electricity.

Aqueous solution of fabric softener.

The simplest options are:

Weak saline

  1. Aqueous solution of fabric softener. Moreover, the air conditioner itself is added in a very small amount. This product is poured into a spray bottle and gently sprayed with a cloth until it is slightly moistened. After that, you should turn the clothes inside out and iron it with an iron. Things will stick much less to the body, and the risk of irritation will decrease due to a weak concentration of the conditioner.
  2. A vinegar-based product can also be used instead of an antistatic agent. There are several options for this composition. For example, you can simply add vinegar to the rinse water when washing. This allows you to easily remove the remnants of soap and powder, at the same time refreshes the color and removes electricity.
  3. Acetic soda solution. Vinegar is mixed with water in equal proportions (6 parts each) and 1 part of soda is added. Use a rinse aid. This will save things from static electricity, it is almost a natural antistatic, there is no radical chemistry in it. It is also important that the fabric becomes soft and delicate, it is even pleasant to touch it with your hand.
  4. Weak saline is a good alternative to antistatic. The concentration should indeed be minimal, at the rate of 1 teaspoon of salt per bucket of water. Of course, you can cook in a smaller volume, but in compliance with the main proportion. This solution should be poured into a spray bottle and used as a regular anti-static spray. It is enough just to spray them with fabric from the inside, and after drying it will no longer be electrified.

True, the latter method is best used for lung tissue. For a coat that will dry for too long, it is best to simply add conditioner or citric acid to the rinse water. As an option, a couple of tablespoons of fabric softener will help, which are dissolved in a glass of water and used as a spray. Such a tool is suitable for thick and thick materials; furniture and carpets are processed with it.

Useful Tips

Some housewives recommend instead of antistatic use hair spraywhich also contains relevant substances. Spray it at a distance of 30-40 cm from clothing. However, it should be borne in mind that it can also have an unpleasant odor and cause allergies, since in this case a large amount of it immediately gets on the skin.

Lubricate the skin with a moisturizer or lotion

So that the clothes do not stick to the legs, just before starting to pack, you need to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer or lotion, provided that it is well absorbed. Then it does not stain clothes, but forms a thin film on the surface that will help retain moisture on the skin and reduce friction.

If you don’t have any means at hand, you can iron the surface of the tights or the inside of the lining with wet hands. This should remove static electricity, but for a long time this effect is not enough.

To reduce the risk of electrification, you must try to make sure that no more than one piece of synthetic fiber clothing is worn at the same time. If there are two or three at once, no home antistatic will help.

And of course, it is important to properly care for your clothesso that electricity does not accumulate. To do this, you must follow all recommendations regarding washing and ironing.It is required to soften the water (this is in any case useful for fabrics) and refuse to dry in the washing machine.

As you know, to make a high-quality antistatic is easy. The main thing is to follow the advice and not ignore the simple but mandatory rules.

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