How to make an origami flower from paper?

Origami is a type of paper art that came to us from Japan. Previously, products made in this technique were used in various church ceremonies and to decorate homes. The tradition of decorating the room with the help of paper elements has been preserved to this day. Craftswomen interested in this type of needlework should be patient and be very careful, since origami is a very painstaking work. In this technique, plants and animals are most often performed, hence the question arises: how to make an origami flower from paper? In order to learn, you should use several step-by-step instructions and get the necessary materials and tools. With this we will help you in this article.

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Making a Kawasaki Rosette

Since ancient times, roses personified beauty and tenderness, so they were presented to future brides and mothers. Regardless of whether it is a living flower or artificial, it will still give a lot of positive emotions to a lady. Making such a flower out of origami paper is quite difficult for a novice master. But if you use simpler schemes, you can get an excellent result.

Start to create

Rosa Kawasaki is one of the simplest floral arrangements. You can execute it yourself in an hour, if you approach the process responsibly:

  1. We take a square sheet of paper, the right size.
  2. We fold it two times diagonally.
  3. We bend the corner of the square to the center of the sheet (repeat the procedure with all four corners).
  4. The resulting figure must be folded in half.
  5. We unfold the sheet, add two opposite sides.
  6. Apply the edges of the figure to the middle, smooth it well.
  7. Expand the future product, fold its sides inward.
  8. Raise the resulting triangles, we get a square.
  9. Bend the square (it will serve as the basis for the petals and bud).
  10. Turn the product over to the other side and do the same.
  11. Pull the upper corner slightly towards you, and then away from you. Get a bud.
  12. Carefully shape the bud, slightly hide it inside.
  13. Spread paper petals.
  14. Slowly scroll the figure in your hands, the bud in one direction, and the petals in the other.

Thus, you will get the simplest version of the rose.

Important! Perform all actions carefully, as the lines may turn out to be uneven and the flower as a result does not meet your expectations.

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Master violet

Violet - a small purple flower, symbolizing modesty and innocence. Therefore, if you are presented with a bouquet of such flowers, be sure that you have the most tender feelings. Violets bought in a flower shop will certainly be able to impress the girl, but if you make such flowers with your own hands - the impression will be no less strong.

Getting started creating

In order to make such a flower from origami paper, you will need to follow these instructions:

  1. Fold the purple sheet of paper diagonally (twice).
  2. We apply the corners to the center of the leaf, thereby obtaining the same square, but smaller.
  3. We bend corners in the outside (visually it looks like a small square in a small square).
  4. Make folds for the petals.
  5. The petals twist until a square is obtained.
  6. We bend a sharp corner from ourselves, and then - to the side. Got a core.
  7. In the product we form three spaces between the petals.
  8. From the paper parts we form five petals, gently spreading them with your fingers.
  9. All folds are well smoothed and pressed.

We get a small simple flower.

Important! If you add several other paper flowers to the violet, we get a beautiful and original bouquet.

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Making sakura paper

Sakura flowers symbolize purity and purity, and are also inspirational for Japanese artists and creative people. There are many options for creating sakura from paper, but we will consider one of the simplest.

We perform the following algorithm of actions to make an origami flower out of paper:

  1. Take a small pink leaf and bend it twice.
  2. We apply all the corners to the center of the leaf, turn the workpiece over.
  3. Fold it in half, and connect the opposite corners in the middle.
  4. Hide the side corners inward.
  5. Put the resulting figure down with undisclosed corners.
  6. Bend the side corners to the middle of the future flower.
  7. Turn the workpiece over and do the same.
  8. Expand the figure a little and bend the paper pieces inward.
  9. Bend the resulting angles of the hexagon in the center.
  10. Gently unfold the petals without damaging the inner paper layer.

Important! In order to make sakura more like a living one, you can make stamens from wire and paper balls.

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A few tips for beginners

In order for your products in the origami technique to turn out very beautiful and spectacular, experienced craftsmen advise the following:

  1. Use very sharp scissors or a special knife for the creative process. This is very important, since work requires accuracy.
  2. Use transparent clerical glue in small quantities, as the result of the paper figure will be sloppy.
  3. Buy special origami paper, it is from it that you will get a high-quality paper product in this technique.
  4. Apply schemes - with their help the creative process will be much simpler and faster.
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By following these simple guidelines, you will quickly learn how to create real miracles from paper.

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