How to make a brick wall in the interior with your own hands?

Brick wall is a fashionable element of the interior. She looks spectacular in a luxury apartment, and in a modest small apartment. In order to create it, it is not necessary to be a professional bricklayer or finisher - in construction stores you will find a lot of materials that allow you to create an effective imitation. Now we will tell you how to make a brick wall in the interior with your own hands.

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Use cases

Before you make a wall under a brick with your own hands, decide which room you are going to decorate in this way. Brick or natural stone will look good in almost any room:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in the living room;
  • in the bedroom;
  • in the hall;
  • in the bathroom.

Important! Perhaps this option is not very suitable for children, but it all depends on age. Of course, a brick wall is not suitable for a baby, but in a teenager’s room this method of decoration can be quite appropriate if the young owner agrees. In some cases, a brick partition is suitable for a preschooler or younger student. For example, a low border can provide a corner for creativity or games with building material.


It is not necessary to brick all walls, although this option is also possible - for example, for a medieval or ethnic style. But in any case, you have to combine this material with others, much more modern. So it’s better to finish off one plot, focusing on it. It could be:

  • dinner Zone;
  • apron;
  • niche;
  • workshop, if any.

The materials from which the rest of the items will be made should be treated with utmost care. The brick is organically combined:

  • with decorative plaster;
  • with a tree;
  • with natural stone.

Important! A very interesting option is when one wall is brick, and the rest is upholstered with wooden panels. As for plumbing equipment, in this case a stone, stone-finished sink or shiny metal is suitable.


Living room

In the living room, brick or natural stone wall decoration will look good next to a real or electric fireplace. You can lay out the entire wall or a separate section of it in this way. This option is very suitable for zoning. But we must carefully consider how you will distinguish other zones:

  • Brickwork from the side of the window will look original. You can complement it with molded or wooden decorations.
  • If your room is made in medieval or neo-Gothic style, then you can lay out all the walls with bricks. But we need suitable doors and windows in style - white double-glazed windows and plastic doors will not look very good, in this situation noble wood species are better. In extreme cases, you can pick up plastic for wood.
  • An interesting option can give a brick partition. This is especially true for a studio apartment or a very large living room. It is better to make the partition low, it will simply indicate a section. On it you can place figurines or pots with plants.
  • A niche lined with brick or natural stone always looks great.This is a natural area that can be designed in a completely different way than the rest of the room, so in this case the brick wall is perfectly combined with almost all finishing materials.


In this room it is not necessary to lay all the walls with red brick. There are several reasons for this:

  • the walls, which look as if they are not finished, create the feeling that the room is colder than it actually is;
  • the dark walls of many cause an alarming and gloomy mood.

Important! If you really can’t wait to apply just such a method, there are construction stores at your service, where you will always find “brick-like” wallpapers of various shades. It is better to choose those that are lighter.


You can finish this room with white, red, gray and any kind of brick completely. An ideal option, regardless of how you achieve the desired result. The main thing is to choose furniture that suits the style. She may be:

  • from wood;
  • from metal;
  • with leather upholstery.

Important! For such walls, plastic cabinets and shelves are completely unsuitable. They will be knocked out of the general style.



A fashionable trend is to leave brick walls in the bathroom without finishing. This is not a good idea, besides only residents of brick houses can afford it. In all other cases, it is better to choose a tile or wallpaper with the corresponding pattern. If you like brick walls in the interior - how to make them look like a thorn in the eye? As in all other rooms, it is right to choose the other finishing materials and equipment:

  • As in the case of the kitchen, plumbing equipment under natural stone is preferable - marble or granite, for example. Manufacturers now offer a lot of options - you will find bathtubs, and toilets, and sinks.
  • Cabinets are more suitable for wood or metal, and it is better to build in appliances. However, on sale you can find washing machines that will not break out of the “brick” style.

There are many applications:

  • you can finish all the walls, and even over the bathroom make an “apron” from decorative bricks, and not from tiles, as is usually done;
  • you can finish one wall - for example, the one where the mirror hangs (it is better if it is "antique";
  • if the bathroom is combined, you can make a low brick partition between the bath and the toilet, and in a large room with several sinks - separating the wash zone;
  • If you have chosen a Provencal style, you can leave the brick in the corner at the imitation window, or, conversely, near the door.
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Advantages and disadvantages

Like any material, brick has its undoubted advantages:

  • You can thoroughly save on finishing;
  • it is easy to work with material;
  • all other objects are very clearly visible;
  • brick provides good sound insulation;
  • the brick is resistant to moisture;
  • the wall is breathing.

Important! For finishing, the brick wall does not need to be additionally aligned. This material perfectly conceals small and even not very small surface imperfections.

As for the interior itself, against this background all other objects stand out clearly, it is they who attract attention, and not the wall. Finishing brick gives excellent sound insulation - however, not all materials with which you can make a “brick” wall have this quality.

Few disadvantages

Any interesting idea is not as attractive as it seemed at the very beginning, because any material has its own characteristics and shortcomings. What are the “pitfalls” in the decision to make a brick wall in the interior with your own hands?

  • real brick perfectly accumulates dust, which is clogged in the seams;
  • the room seems smaller than it is;
  • red brick absorbs a lot of light.

Of course, dust will not accumulate if you use not natural brick, but wallpaper.As for the dimensions of the room and the light, the same laws apply here as for other finishing materials: dark walls reduce space and make the room darker, light - on the contrary. From all this we must proceed from the development of the interior.

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We deal with styles

Brick wall in an apartment - how to make it look good and not break out of the interior? Of course, first you need to decide on the style itself. This finishing option is unlikely to be suitable for Classics or Baroque. But in many cases, a brick wall is simply necessary if the room is decorated in such styles:

  • Romanticism;
  • Gothic or Neo-Gothic;
  • Minimalism;
  • Ethno
  • Scandinavian;
  • Pop Art.


The interior in a romantic style is characterized by mystery and some kind of reticence, leaving room for imagination. Natural materials, including bricks, are most suitable for this.

Important! The brick wall will be complemented by ornamental plants in forged flower pots, ceramic panels, porcelain plates.


A room in the Gothic style will throw you back several centuries ago. Brick or stone walls are common in this area. They are combined with rude wooden or metal furniture, embroidered panels or carpets made using the tapestry technique.

Important! In general, draperies need to be given special attention in this case. The tapestry on the wall may not be enough. We need both heavy curtains and a carpet on the floor. By the way, the floor itself can be finished “stone-like”.


A very popular design option that does not require much effort. The main thing is that there should be as few objects as possible in the room, as well as decorations.

Important! A brick wall can be without any decorative panels, planters and hangers. She is good on her own.



Natural materials are an indispensable element of ethnic style:

  • In this case, “brick-like”, for example, you can trim the bottom of the wall or even lay a curb along the entire perimeter. It is better to make the top under a tree - from natural panels or wallpaper of the corresponding type. It will give the impression that the house is wooden, but stands on a stone foundation.
  • The furniture is better rustic - from unpainted material without polishing.
  • Bedspreads and curtains sewn from shreds, homespun mats on the floor, folk toys as decorations, ceramic and wooden dishes are suitable.


Conciseness and spaciousness - this is the motto of the Scandinavian style. This is a cross between Ethnics and Minimalism, but more modern. It is better to finish one wall or even a part of it with brick, the rest - from almost any material, plain or with a small, inconspicuous pattern. Furniture should be light and elegant, and as for household appliances - it can be any.

Pop Art

A rough brick wall with posters or graffiti on it. The original way to solve the interior is now quite popular. Furniture is ultramodern, as are decorations. Any household appliances, plastic dishes and abstract paintings and figurines.

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Brick wall decoration

There are several ways to make a brick wall in a house. Cement mortar is not always needed. There are four main options:

  • the brick of which the wall is made;
  • decorative brick;
  • Wallpaper with the corresponding pattern;
  • decorative tile.

Natural brick

The first way is possible, of course, only in brick houses. No special efforts are needed for this, just remove the entire finish and clean the wall properly. In a panel house, you will have to lay an additional layer, that is, reduce the space.

The main drawback is that the brick will be the color of the house, and when removing the finish you may expect surprises. For example, there are cases when a part of the wall is made of red bricks, and part - of white. This, of course, can be beaten.

The processing method will be as follows:

  1. Use acidic mortars (sold at hardware stores) to clean the wall of salts and cement residues.
  2. Wash it with water.
  3. Sand the surface with a sandpaper.
  4. Rub the joints with putty.
  5. You can cover the wall with water-based varnish.

Wallpaper under a brick

The easiest way to make a wall “under a white brick” in an apartment is to paste wallpaper on the selected surface with the corresponding pattern. By the way, wallpapers can be not only white, but also gray and red. Work with them the same way as with all other wallpapers.

Brick tile

It is a narrow stripes. They are pasted in rows. You can originally finish tile joints - a complete imitation of brickwork is created.

Finishing brick

If you are thinking about how to make a white brick wall in the interior with your own hands, pay attention to the finishing brick. It comes in different colors. In addition, you can meet its different types:

  • matte;
  • artificially aged;
  • glazed.

Important! Such a brick is much thinner than usual. Put it on a special glue.


What tools are needed?

To decorate the wall with decorative brick, you will need some tools:

  • metal square;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • bucket;
  • hammer;
  • lighthouses.

Wall preparation

You need to prepare the wall in the same way as for any other finish:

  1. Remove the remnants of the old finish, possibly removing all fragments.
  2. Close up irregularities - putty is used for this.
  3. Let the wall dry.
  4. Grind the bumps.
  5. Apply a layer of soil - it will provide better adhesion of the finish to the wall.
  6. Dry the surface.


Clinker tiles and decorative bricks are glued with special glue. It happens like this:

  1. Rub the part that will adjoin the wall with a metal brush to provide better grip.
  2. Apply glue to the same side according to the instructions.
  3. Stick on the strips of the bottom row.
  4. Control the process level.
  5. Attach a long and even wooden block to a row of strips and gently hammer in several places with a hammer.
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Gypsum brick

A “brick” wall can be made of gypsum plaster. A wall is prepared in the same way as for a different finish, that is, it is cleaned, closed up, and polished. Then a layer of soil is applied. After this, the sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. Markup is in progress.
  2. Lighthouses are being placed.
  3. Masking tape is glued to the joints of future “bricks” - first with horizontal, and then with vertical strips of overlap.
  4. The solution is made of tile adhesive and plaster in a ratio of 1: 1.
  5. The solution is applied to the wall with a thick layer (possible in several steps) - where the adhesive tape is pasted, there will be seams.
  6. Scotch tape is removed.
  7. With a chisel or spatula, each fragment is shaped like a brick.
  8. The wall can be painted or varnished.

Important! Adhesive tape must be removed before the wall is dry!

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In this article, we offered you some ideas on how to make a brick wall in the interior with your own hands. As you can see, there are a lot of solutions and this trend is in fashion. Which option to give preference to - now think for yourself, based on how much you are willing to allocate time, effort and money for this. Have a good repair!

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