How to make a paper ring?

A ring is an exquisite accessory worn not only by women, but also by men. Little girls want to be like mothers, so they are also often asked to buy little rings for them. Such accessories for children can be purchased at any store, or you can make them yourself. This article will show you how to make a paper ring to please your child.
to contents ↑Method 1
In order to make such an interesting accessory for a girl, prepare the listed materials for work:
- Old books or magazines.
- PVA glue.
- Sharp scissors.
- Stationery knife.
- Fine sandpaper.
- Nail polish (transparent).
- Brush.
- Compass.
- Ruler.
- A simple pencil.
Working process
So, all the necessary materials are in stock, it remains to perform the following actions:
- Draw a sketch of the future product on a landscape sheet of paper. First you need to measure the thickness of the child’s finger, and only then draw a circle of the desired diameter.
Important! If your daughter already has some kind of ring, you can circle it. If you are making an accessory in this way for the first time, try to make the sketch as simple as possible - with experience you can make more complex variations.
- Take the cooked magazine and break it into separate sheets.
- Attach a template for the future ringlet, circle it. Such details will need a fairly large number, so it is recommended to fill out several pages with such strokes, and only after that proceed to the next step.
- Cut drawn elements. The perimeter of the ringlet is best cut with scissors, and the inside with a clerical knife.
Important! How many details you cut depends on how thick the ring will be.
- Now you can proceed to gluing paper rings with your own hands. For this, the workpieces need to be glued together. The surface of one element must be greased with prepared glue, and then put another part on it.
Important! The overlay should be smooth so that no inaccurate shifts are formed.
- Press the paper ring with some kind of press. It can be a heavy book or an iron.
- Let the product dry on its own.
Important! Do not dry the ring near the stove, as it may change its shape and color.
- After complete drying, sand the product with fine sandpaper.
Important! To protect the ring from imminent deformation, apply a transparent nail polish to it.
Baby paper ring is ready.
to contents ↑Important! If you change the size of the sketch, you can make a basketball ring out of paper for a children's room in the same way. However, to make such an accessory for a room, it will take a lot more time and effort.
Method 2
Such a ring manufacturing method will be much simpler. Moreover, such an accessory can be made with a child.
In order to get a beautiful decoration, you need to stock up on the following items:
- Sleeve from toilet paper or paper towels.
- Colored paper or cardboard.
- PVA glue.
- Scissors.
- Clips for linen.
Working process
To make such a ring, you need to follow a simple step-by-step algorithm:
- Cut a 3.5 cm wide ring from the prepared sleeve.
- Cut it in half so that you get two rings.
- Cut them across.
- Measure one of the blanks on the baby’s finger.
- Glue the edges of the ring between them using PVA glue.
Important! To ensure that the sleeve adheres well, hold them with clothespins and leave the adhesive to dry completely.
- Cut three strips of approximately 4 mm wide from colored paper or cardboard.
- Apply PVA glue to the ends of each strip, stick them along the sleeve ring. It is not necessary to tighten them strongly, or, on the contrary, to make them too loose.
- To make a paper ring beautiful, you need to cut strips of colored paper of the same thickness as the previous ones.
- Insert one strip across the ring under the middle glued strip.
- Trim the edges.
- Insert the second strip under the first and third strip.
- Decorate the whole ring in this way. You should get a chess pattern.
- Fold the ends of the strips into the hub ring.
- Glue the second blank of the sleeve ring into the blank, press with clothespins for strong bonding.
The paper ring is done!
to contents ↑Stock footage
Any thing that a person creates with his own hand is unique and individual - no one else has such an item. The person to whom this thing is presented will always be happy, because someone spent a lot of time and effort on its manufacture. From this article, you learned how to make a paper ring with your own hands, which means you learned how to make new accessories for a child.
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