How to make a ring from a coin?

Unique and unusual things always attract attention. And a handmade gift is valued many times higher, because a person, doing something himself, puts a piece of soul and all his emotions in his creation that he wants to share with a loved one. Today we will introduce you to an amazing idea - we will tell you how to make a ring out of a coin. Anyone who is inspired by our workshop will be able to make a ring out of a coin and please a loved one with a gift.
to contents ↑History of the idea
In the recent past, the American designer Nicholas Hackman decided to create a ring for his beloved girlfriend from a silver coin and a hammer. No one could have imagined that it would result in an exclusive and original piece of jewelry that would delight not only the young lady, but also her relatives.
Subsequently, inspired by his idea, Hekman released a series of copyright rings. Jewelry brought the author fame and recognition throughout the world. It happened that the designer even had to suspend the sale of products, since they were in high demand. Hekman decided to share with the public his practical guidance, thanks to which now everyone can feel like a home jeweler and make original products in comfortable and convenient conditions for him.
to contents ↑How to make a ring out of a coin with your own hands at home?
First of all, it is necessary to prepare for the process. It is necessary to choose not only a coin, but also tools for work. Coin requirements are not so extensive. Of course, coins with an equivalent of less than 1 ruble are unsuitable for work, as they are not suitable in size. And the remaining qualities are fairly standard for metal.
Choose the right coin
When selecting a coin, pay attention to the following set of qualities:
- Maximum durability. The coin will be processed to create jewelry, so the metal must withstand all mechanical and thermal influences.
- Security. A self-made coin ring should not do any harm to human health.
- Color. This parameter depends on individual preferences. According to the color scheme, the coins are: bronze-yellow and silver-steel.
- The size. A ring of even a medium diameter cannot be made of small coins.
Important! The larger the coin, the wider the ring will be.
A homemade coin ring can be made from the following materials at home:
- Silver.
- Brass.
- Bronze.
- Steel.
All of these materials are completely harmless and quite durable.
Important! Be careful with coins containing copper and nickel. Metals are unsafe. They can cause skin diseases, allergies and body poisoning.
Handy materials for work
In addition to coins, you need to pick up tools. If you have a whole workshop available, then making jewelry will not be difficult using special tools. On how to make a ring of silver coin in such conditions, we will describe further. In the meantime, we will hold a master class for “crazy hands” who prefer to do everything at home.
to contents ↑Ring made of coins. Method number 1
So, for work you will need:
- Drill or crossbar and plastic hammer.
- Vise.
- Strong stainless steel spoon.
- Anvil (or piece of rail).
- Coarse and fine sandpaper.
- Drill.
- Power tool with tips for grinding and polishing.
- Pliers.
- File.
- A piece of woolen fabric.
- Abrasive composition for polishing.
As you can see, there are no technical difficulties with finding tools. Now let's get to work, acting to the best of our skill and ingenuity. However, do not forget about safety measures.
Prepare the following protective equipment:
- Protective glasses. Do not remove your glasses until work is completed.
- Mask.
- Specialized gloves. In the process, you will be dealing with heated metal, and this is unsafe.
Ring made of coins - step by step instructions:
- Take a coin in your left hand, put it on the anvil with an edge.
- Take a spoon in your right hand. When applying the convex part, start tapping evenly around the edge of the coin. For example, tap three times on one side, then turn the money a bit and tap on the other side. Everything should be even if knocked three times on one side, then so many knocks should be on the other side.
- Periodically check the shape of the workpiece. Stop when the edge of the coin is enough for the width of the ring.
- Mark the center of the coin using a nail or other pointed object.
- Make a hole in the center of the coin with a drill and a metal drill. Stop the drill as soon as it passes through the coin. The tool will jam in the metal, and this will move on to the next step.
Important! Be careful, when drilling the coin may become hot, so hold it with pliers.
- Take coarse sandpaper to process the outside of the ring blank.
- Turn on the drill so that the coin spins on the drill. Work on the edges of the workpiece.
- Take the fine sandpaper. After turning on the drill, repeat grinding.
- Prepare the fabric, apply an abrasive compound to it.
- Carry out the final step of polishing the outer surface of the workpiece with an abrasive cloth. To obtain a glossy finish, polish several times.
- Clamp the workpiece in a vice. To prevent scratching the coin and protecting it from dents, use paper or cardboard linings.
- Increase the hole in the coin to the required size using a drill or other device (crossbar and plastic hammer). This is the most difficult and painstaking stage of work. It is very important to monitor the symmetry and thickness. Everything must be done carefully so as not to spoil the product. Remove the coin mount periodically, check the diameter of the hole.
- Turn on the power tool with the grinding roller, level the inside of the workpiece. After processing, the edges of the product will become sharp.
- Walk along the edges of the workpiece on all sides at an angle of 45 degrees until they become more rounded.
- Sand the inside of the product with a polishing pad with a small amount of abrasive material. Remove any remaining roughness.
- Homemade ring is ready.
Helpful hints:
- If you have at your disposal only a drill, a crossbar and a plastic hammer, then to make a hole, place the coin on the crossbar (rod expanding towards the bottom). Accurate, accurate blows of a hammer accompany it to the lower, expanding part of the tool. Focus on the mark located on the crossbar and indicating the completion of work.
Important! To prevent the product from becoming like a cone, periodically remove it from the crossbar and shift it with the back side.
- To grind the workpiece from the outside, you can make a homemade nozzle from a suitable bolt and two nuts. Insert the drilled coin into the bolt and secure it with nuts on both sides. Attach the homemade nozzle to the drill and sand the product using fine-grained emery paper.Then, using the same technique, polish the product with a piece of leather.
As you can see, making a ring from a coin with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can use other methods, which we will discuss below.
to contents ↑How to make a silver coin ring. Method number 2
This method is for those who have specialized tools, such as a press and a punch (puts pressure on the material during stamping).
So, proceed as follows:
- Insert the coin into the punch.
- Punch a hole using a press. The hole can also be drilled with a suitable drill.
Important! You can measure the wall thickness around the hole using a vernier caliper.
- Deburr the inside of the hole with files and sandpaper.
- Place the workpiece in a solution of denatured alcohol and boric acid to protect the metal from flame before firing.
- Pick up the coin at the center with a metal wire and bring the workpiece to the burner to burn alcohol. As a result, the coin is covered with a protective white film.
- Warm the workpiece with a torch until it takes on a dull orange color.
- Submerge the coin in water. Repeat the heating and cooling process several times.
- Decide which side of the workpiece will be outside the ring.
- Place the coin face down in the frame.
- Place a large ball from the bearing in the center of the workpiece.
- Set the coin frame in a vice, squeeze slowly.
- Remove the frame from the vise. The coin should have a conical shape.
- Dress the workpiece on a conical shape. Using a wooden mallet, lower the ring as low as possible by rotating the mandrel.
- Remove the ring. Now you need to align it and check the size on the ring mandrel.
- Align the ring slightly in a vise.
- Take the mandrel with the smallest cup, install the product with the wide side down.
- Squeeze the vise very slowly.
- Check ring after alignment.
- To level the surface, install the ring in the mandrel and squeeze in a vise.
- Check the ring on all sides. Wear a dimensional mandrel to make sure the diameter of the product is accurate.
- File the edges with a file.
- For polishing, use alumina powder mixed with water. Apply the composition on the rough side of a piece of leather and polish the product.
- A self-made ring is ready and shiny.
There is another interesting way to make a ring with your own hands. We offer to make a decoration from a familiar plastic bottle. This way of making a ring will appeal to the female half of our readers, since no special tools will be needed to create a unique accessory.
to contents ↑How to make a ring out of a bottle?
Many original jewelry and crafts are made from plastic bottles. For example, necklaces, bracelets and rings. Different materials are used for decorating products, and the method of manufacturing unique jewelry is quite simple.
For the ring you will need:
- Plastic bottle.
- Scissors.
- Scotch.
- Iron.
- Thermal gun.
- Ribbons (lace).
- Rhinestones, beads, chain (for decoration).
Step-by-step instruction:
- Wash and dry the bottle.
- Cut a strip 1-2 cm wide using the smooth part of the container.
- Make a workpiece from the strip to fit the size of your finger.
- Cut off the excess material.
- Secure the workpiece with tape.
- Turn on the iron at maximum temperature.
- Press the edges of the ring with an iron. Work the workpiece on both sides.
- Decorate the base of the ring with thin ribbons. Wrap the tape around the ring and secure with silicone glue.
- Cut the end of the tape, sing it with a match and glue it.
- Glue a bead (rhinestone) in the center of the ring using a heat gun.
Now you know how to create a unique piece of jewelry from improvised tools and at no special cost. In the same way, rings of various widths can be made using colored threads, lace or ribbons. You can decorate the finished ring with beads, rhinestones or a chain.Glue all elements with a thermal gun.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Create your own unique jewelry by choosing your own improvised tools that you can masterfully master and create for the joy of yourself and your loved ones!
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