How to make an envelope?

In souvenir shops you can find a lot of interesting gizmos, including envelopes. But the assortment of such paper products is not original, although at a high price, too. Therefore, many make gift envelopes with their own hands. And those who have not been able to do needlework, and decided to try themselves in this for the first time, are wondering: how to make an envelope? In fact, there is nothing complicated - the process takes a tiny amount of time, but as a result, you will be happy with your work.

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Making the easiest little envelope

To fold an envelope with your own hands, you need only a sheet of white paper of the desired size. The main thing in this method is that the paper sheet should be square in shape.

We begin to create:

  1. Fold the leaf in half, try not to squeeze it tightly.
  2. Attach the bottom corner of the paper to the middle of the leaf.
  3. The resulting bend must be applied again to the center.
  4. Bend the corners on both sides so that you get vertical bends.
  5. The top edges of the workpiece should be slightly larger than the bottom. Gently bend the top edges.
  6. Fold the product horizontally and close the envelope.

Important! To decorate the finished product, you can stick a sticker or postage stamp.

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Making an envelope using glue

Such a product is ideal for letters or as a gift box. In order to start the creative process, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • Well sharpened pencil and ruler.
  • A4 sheet of paper.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • PVA glue.

Getting to the creative process:

  1. Lay the paper horizontally on a flat surface.
  2. Using a pencil, mark the points from the lower corner to the left and from the upper corner to the right of 7.2 centimeters.
  3. Using a ruler and pencil, draw two lines: one from the bottom to the middle of the top corner, and the other from the top to the center of the bottom corner.
  4. Use scissors to cut the part in lines. As a result, you get something like a rhombus.
  5. Place your workpiece on the table so that you can bend the lower and upper corners. The main thing is that they do not overlap, but touch a little.
  6. We bend the bottom edge to the center and smooth along the fold lines.
  7. We glue the edges of an already bent corner and glue them to two bent corners.
  8. Let the glue dry (about 20 minutes), and the product is ready!
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We master the English envelope

One of the most original and simple methods of creating an envelope with a message is the English version. In order to do it, you need a minimum of materials - a sheet of paper and a pen.

Operating procedure:

  1. Write a message on one side of the paper, but do not forget to leave two centimeters for gluing the product.
  2. Fold the paper sheet three times, leaving a narrow strip for gluing.
  3. Coat the left strip with glue and fix it on a paper preparation.

Thus, we get a simple but original envelope with a text message.

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Create a heart-shaped envelope

To create this product, stock the following materials:

  • Colored paper of medium density.
  • Cardboard sheet.
  • Decorative ribbon.
  • Fittings (beads, beads).

Getting to the production of:

  1. Draw a heart on a cardboard sheet (try to do it smoothly and accurately).
  2. Using a cardboard template, draw a picture on colored paper.
  3. Cut a heart outline.
  4. Fold the bottom edge of the part to the center.
  5. Lubricate the side edges with glue and fix.
  6. Decorate the envelope with beads and a narrow satin ribbon.

Important! You can use decorative multi-colored paper - so your application will look much more spectacular. In addition, the size of the heart can be arbitrary. It all depends on the result you expect.

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Paper case for disc

Usually paper disk cases are made using the scrapbooking technique. In order to get a practical disk bag, you should follow these steps:

  1. Lay out a sheet of A4 paper on the table.
  2. Place the disc below the center and fold the sides of the paper.
  3. Fold the paper with the disc up, wrap the top so that the disc is inside the product.
  4. Remove the disc from the paper cover. Glue the internal parts, leaving room for the disc.
  5. As a decoration, you can stick strips of double-sided tape.

Important! Make such a paper box using a disk, since it plays the role of a guideline for performing high-quality and accurate work.

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Rounded Envelope

Making a paper composition of this type is very simple:

  1. You need to take a sheet of thick paper - you can medium-density cardboard.
  2. Draw a square of the required size.
  3. Make rounded shortcuts on the sides.
  4. Contour the workpiece and bend all sides to the center.

Such an envelope can be tied with twine or a wide satin ribbon. The product can be used as a gift wrapping for money or some kind of invitation card for a celebration (wedding, anniversary, birthday).

Important! In the middle of the finished product, you can glue or sew a small bow from a piece of satin material. Organza flowers also look very impressive.

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Are you convinced that there is nothing prohibitively difficult to make an envelope with your own hands? Then choose the option you like and go ahead to draw up the craft!

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