How to make skin elastic?

Age-related skin changes in all begin at different ages, but the first sign is always a decrease in the elasticity of the skin of the hands and face. In some women, skin elasticity begins to decline at twenty-five years - the first faint wrinkles appear. And for some, and at the age of forty, the skin of the face is young and elastic. If you have already encountered such a problem, in this article we will tell you how to make the skin supple.

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What affects skin elasticity?

The reasons - in the intensity of care, heredity, health status. And a decrease in skin elasticity may depend on its type. Dry skin begins to lose elasticity much earlier, and women with oily skin have all chances to keep it young longer. And yet, the question of how to make skin elastic, sooner or later arises in all women.

If you do not maintain youthful skin, then by the age of 35, many ladies can notice rapidly progressing signs of aging. Care should be taken not only for the face, but also for the skin of the whole body. Particularly strong woman's age can give out the condition of the hands.

The elasticity of the skin directly depends on the production:

  • Elastin - contained in the skin, gives them the opportunity, if necessary, to stretch, return to their original form.
  • Collagen - has a direct effect on the density, elasticity of connective tissues.
  • Hyaluron - mainly hydration depends on its production.

Important! In those cases, if, for any reason that arises, the production of all these substances in the body is disturbed, the skin begins to age quickly and lose elasticity. The hormone estrogen is involved in the regulation of the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluron.

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To increase the elasticity of the skin, you can resort to the use of fatty vegetable oils. The substances that they contain stimulate regenerative processes in cells, improve metabolism, cleanse the epidermis, strengthen cell membranes, and also increase the level of humidity.

What oils are suitable to make the skin supple and toned?

  • You can prolong youth with almond oil, which is rich in vitamin E. This oil improves the complexion, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, and protects against ultraviolet rays.
  • If the dermis becomes less elastic, you can buy castor oil or walnut oil.
  • For rejuvenation, lightening, healing of scratches, wounds, peach oil can be used.
  • Restore skin elasticity with rosemary, apricot oil.
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The preservation of youthful skin is facilitated by the use of certain foods in food. For instance:

  • Buckwheat is rich in the content of rutin, unsaturated fatty acids, due to which the aging process slows down.
  • Other cereals in which there is silicon also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.
  • Silicon is also found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries.
  • If the skin of the face turns pale, loses elasticity, this may indicate a lack of iron in the body. In this case, it is advisable to eat veal, liver, chicken, yolks, oatmeal.
  • Products that contain the selenium element help prevent moisture loss. It is found in large quantities in eggs, seafood, garlic and liver.
  • Another very important and useful element is zinc, which is found in mushrooms, yeast, bran, cocoa, nuts.

Important! An acceptable level of moisture can be maintained not only with food, but also with ordinary clean water (for this you should drink at least two liters of clean water per day). However, this method will be noticeable only on young skin, but older women should think about using special cosmetics.

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Masks for skin elasticity

If the dermis begins to age, lose elasticity, then it can be maintained with the help of masks from products that can be easily found in any refrigerator. Such masks should be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. So, what you will need to make your skin tight and supple.

Mask of potatoes

This is the most affordable and simple mask, make it like this:

  1. Grate raw peeled potato.
  2. Add a teaspoon of olive oil.

Important! The mask is applied to a previously cleansed face.

Egg white mask

Effective mask for skin elasticity. It should be done only from protein: just beat the egg white to a state of foam and apply it on the skin.

Important! You can also add a spoonful of oatmeal to the protein.


Dry mustard mask

Such a mask is made of boiled water, dry mustard and olive oil (1 tablespoon of each ingredient). Apply a thin layer of the mask, and wash off after 5 minutes.

Important! If you want to use herbs for skin elasticity, fit:

  • valerian;
  • wormwood;
  • mint;
  • the Rose;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • parsley;
  • sage.
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Sauna and bath

To maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to visit the bath (sauna) once a week. This procedure helps to remove excess water and slag, as well as exfoliate keratinized particles. In addition, the bath is able to activate metabolic processes, thereby improving blood circulation.

You can improve the effect of this procedure using such means as masks, scrubs and wraps (they can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently from kefir, sour cream, honey, sugar, essential oils and salt). They should be applied after leaving the steam room.

Important! Due to the expansion of pores, after a bath or sauna, the skin absorbs and absorbs beneficial substances from cosmetics much faster.

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If you notice that the skin loses its elasticity and firmness, you can start applying baths at home.

Important! They not only contribute to good appearance, but also help to lose weight, get rid of stretch marks, cellulite and give the skin a healthy look.

Inexpensive and most effective means for prolonging youthful skin are:

  • Milk;
  • Salt;
  • Herbal infusions;
  • Green tea.

Important! A rejuvenating bath is recommended twice a week (approximately 20 minutes). During this procedure, the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees, otherwise - you can harm the cardiovascular system.

How to do:

  • A bath with salt is an effective and inexpensive way to prolong youth. 400 g of sea (preferably) salt should be taken to the bathroom. Additionally, you can add a few drops of any of the essential oils.
  • Bath with milk - moisturizes, relaxes and nourishes the skin. For one bath, you should take 3 liters of milk and half a glass of liquid honey.
  • A bathtub with green tea is very light and affordable. It is necessary to brew strong green tea - take 3 teaspoons for one glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes.
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Daily skin care

The following procedures can be done daily at home, to make the skin supple and keep it clean:

  • Apply moisturizers;
  • Cold and hot shower;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

How to do?

  • A contrast shower is a great way to prevent premature sagging skin.The water temperature should be comfortable for you, increase your mood and cause the release of endorphins. The systematic use of this method tones the skin and speeds up blood circulation.
  • At night, it is very useful to wash your face with cool water, and then wipe it with herbal infusion. You can make ice cubes from a herbal decoction yourself. Regular carrying out of these procedures will make it possible to maintain a healthy color, skin elasticity for a long time.
  • To maintain skin hydration, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer in the morning and a nutritious in the evening. For this, creams, balms and serums are suitable.

Important! Beauticians recommend starting to use nutritious and moisturizing creams after 25 years.

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Lifestyle and skin condition

If the skin has not lost its elasticity, then it is possible to maintain its condition simply by leading a healthy lifestyle and eating rationally. It is advisable to eat natural products that have been cooked at home. Salted, sweet, fatty and fried foods worsen the condition of the skin. Full sleep is also very important.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of decorative cosmetics. It must be of high quality and, if possible, natural. Cosmetics should be selected in accordance with the type of epidermis.

Nicotine is a poison for the skin. For women who smoke, their skin becomes too dry quickly, or, conversely, very oily. Also, smokers have wrinkles quite early, and the face acquires an earthy tint.

Important! Various diets also badly affect the skin condition, in which nutrition is poorly balanced in the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Also, loss of elasticity can occur with a sharp loss of body weight or with a sharp increase in it. Therefore, you must carefully monitor your weight, nutrition and overall health.

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Procedures in beauty salons

For various reasons (illness, age, poor environmental conditions), various procedures at home and daily care may not be enough. In this case, it is advisable to do anti-aging procedures in beauty salons, it can be:

  • Ozone therapy;
  • Mesotherapy
  • Fitolifting;
  • Miostimulation.

Important! As a rule, procedures in salons are selected by cosmetologists. They are quite effective, however, have a considerable cost and require systematic application to maintain the effect.

Such procedures will have to be used after 50 years or due to a serious malfunction in the body due to stress, hormonal imbalance, bad habits.

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Daily care with the help of inexpensive means and simple procedures, the rejection of bad habits and proper nutrition, can maintain elastic and young skin for a long time without expensive and complex procedures.

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