How to make a tap?

Crane leakage is a problem familiar to many. Irritating sound from drops, rusty stains on the sink or bathtub are quite common troubles. This article is useful advice from experts on how to make a tap and eliminate leaks in a timely manner. We will consider several typical options so that you can feel comfortable and not be annoyed by such household trifles, but quickly fix it yourself.

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How to eliminate leakage of an old type tap?

The most common causes of leakage are:

  • Wear on valve seat.
  • Wear on valve vent valve.
  • Replacing oil seal ring.

Eliminating the leak as such is quite simple. It is only important to establish the correct cause of its appearance:

  • To extend the life of the valve seat, it is necessary to clean it to a shine, hammer a plug made of wood into the valve hole and fill the slots with molten tin.

Important! The installation of a rubber gasket and a perforated metal washer on the valve seat also helps.

  • Gasket replacement. The rubber gasket in old taps gradually wears out of hot water, which causes the valve to leak. To forget about this problem for a long time, you can make a crane yourself. To do this, make a gasket from the side of a car or motorcycle tire.

Important! Due to the cord yarn, the rubber is very strong, respectively - the gasket is very solid.

  • The wear of the stuffing box ring is also easily eliminated on their own. First cut a new ring using the penicillin bottle stopper as a template. Cut the inside of the ring with a sharp metal rod. If the size is inaccurate, adjust it with a razor blade.

Important! Gland ring replacement is best done with a conventional awl.

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What to do if a faucet flows in the bathroom?

Most leaks associated with a faucet or faucet in the bathroom are due to the failure of the gaskets:

  1. Unscrew the crane box and replace the worn gaskets with new ones.
  2. Clean the outlet seat.

These are fairly simple manipulations that do not require special skills.

Important! Before you eliminate the leakage of the faucet in the bathroom, at least once look at how the master does it. The quality of metal in modern cranes is not the best, therefore, if you squeeze too much somewhere, a crack may appear.

If you have a keyboard-type mixer in your bathroom, you need to change not the gasket, but the entire cartridge. Access to the cartridge is simple - just unscrew the handle.

Important! If the mixer breaks down due to rust from the pipe or from salt deposits, the device cannot be repaired. Have to buy a new device.

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Tap water does not flow - what to do?

If the water flows from the tap in a thin stream or does not flow at all, and the pressure is normal for the neighbors, then the problem is most likely in the clogging of pipes or filters. This is a typical problem for cold water supply and is caused by rust coming from the main pipeline. Here are the options for resolving this issue:

  • Replacing the cartridge in the flow filter. This simple operation does not take much time.
  • Cleaning the small filter located near the valve. This is a more complicated operation, requiring a lot of time. First shut off the water. Then use a wrench to unscrew the filter nut. Net, which is in the nut, clean of rust.

Important! When installing it in place, do not forget to make sure that the gasket is not lost.

  • If all the previous events have proved ineffective, cleaning the nets on the mixer will help. Use an adjustable wrench to access them. You can clean the nets with a regular sewing needle.
  • It is possible to restore pipe patency by cleaning the pipes under pressure. Shut off the water with the valve located near the filter, unscrew the flexible hoses. Make sure that the water that flows from the pipes goes into a large container or sewer. Then sharply turn the valve on and off for 2-3 seconds.
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When nothing helped:

  1. If all of the above techniques did not help, then the reason for the poor pressure is that a part of the pipe from the valve to the riser is clogged. It is better not to fix this problem yourself, but to call the plumbing.
  2. An even more difficult situation is if the riser is completely blocked. In this case, no cleaning will help, the riser needs to be changed.
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Even if you entrust the plumber to repair the crane, basic knowledge will not be superfluous. At least in order to clearly explain to the specialist the essence of the problem.

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