How to make a doll chair?

Every little girl loves to play with dolls. But for the game to be more interesting, for them you need to purchase or make doll furniture yourself. Wardrobes, tables, chairs, chests of drawers - all this will help to equip a real house for your daughter’s favorite and make it cozy. In this article, you will learn about several original ways to make a DIY doll chair.

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Clothespin chair

In order to make a cozy rocking chair for Barbie dolls, you will need the following materials:

  • 12 linen clothespins made of wood.
  • PVA glue (can be replaced with any other).

Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a doll piece of furniture:

  1. Disassemble clothespins, getting rid of metal parts.
  2. Armed with prepared glue and glue 8 halves to make the details look like a fan - this element will be the back of a rocking chair.
  3. The other 8 halves must be glued evenly to make a rectangle - this is the seat.
  4. Let's move on to the sidewalls. Now you need to take two halves of clothespins and glue them together with a house. Then at the top of this “house”, glue another half of the clothespin with the rounded side up, and at the base with the same side down.
  5. Make the second sidewall the same way.
  6. Glue all parts of the chair together.

DIY rocking chair for the doll is ready!

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Wicker chair

You will need the following materials to work:

  • Cardboard.
  • Needle.
  • Wire.
  • Twine (can be replaced with plain yarn).
  • Sponge for washing dishes.

In order to make such a cozy wicker chair for a dollhouse, you must follow the algorithm below:

  • Cut the back of a chair out of a piece of cardboard.
  • Sew holes along the edge using a needle.
  • Arm yourself with pieces of wire, insert them into the holes, before folding them in half.
  • Using twine or yarn, weave the top.
  • When everything is ready, fasten the thread by bending the wire.
  • Weave the bottom, also securing it with wire to the end.

Important! Make sure that the stool does not stagger.

  • Weave a twine or wool braid of the same color and close it with a curved wire to decorate it.
  • Make them the same wire stool legs.
  • Armed with a thin piece of dishwasher sponge, sheathe or glue it with a suitable fabric and put it on a wicker armchair.

Do-it-yourself wicker chair for the doll!

Important! In a similar way, you can make a table, bench and other pieces of furniture for dolls.

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Chair for dishwashing sponges

In order to make such a soft and cute piece of furniture for dolls, it is necessary to prepare the following items:

  • PVA glue (can be replaced with any other high-quality glue).
  • Fabric of different colors (two will be enough).
  • Cardboard.
  • Buttons
  • Thread, needle.
  • Ribbon, lace or braid for decoration.
  • Foam rubber or ordinary kitchen sponges.


Now you can proceed to the manufacture of chairs. So, for further work, you must follow these steps:

  • Draw drawings of a doll chair - you can find them on the Internet or make them yourself.

Important! The following parts should be available: back, base, two sidewalls and front.

  • Cut these parts out of cardboard or hardboard.
  • Start gluing the parts with packing. First you need to glue the base and back.
  • Tape back the armchair with the prepared fabric.On the reverse side of the part with the help of an awl, you need to make holes, and then sew the buttons to the upholstery - they must be the same.
  • Glue the base of the chair with the same cloth.
  • The front part and armrests must also be glued with material, but of a different color.
  • Give the sidewalls the desired shape, stick them to the product.
  • Now the details must be glued together and left to dry.

Important! The product will finally dry in about 24 hours.

  • If desired, a small pillow can be made as a decor for the chair.
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Crochet round chair

To make this piece of furniture, you will need some basic crochet skills and some materials:

  • Hook - better to take at number 2.
  • Yarn of two different colors - lighter and darker. You can use both wool and wool mixture.

Important! It is desirable that the yarn be from the same manufacturer and that the two colors have the same thickness.

  • Thick cardboard.
  • Needle, threads.
  • Filler (you can use foam rubber, kitchen sponges or synthetic winterizer).

Now let's move on to the master class so that you can easily make a doll chair with your own hands:

  • First of all, you need to make a foundation. Our foundation is a circle. It can be made independently from thick cardboard or you can take, for example, a circle from adhesive tape.
  • Now take a piece of cardboard and double-draw the cooked circle to get two identical circles.
  • Cut out these circles.
  • We glue the blank and two circles together so that the armchair has a bottom and a lid.
  • We knit an air chain of 6 loops of light yarn, knit them in a ring and knit 12 tbsp. b. n In the second row there will be 24, in the third - an increase through the column, in the fourth - after 2 columns, in the fifth - after 3. As a result, you should get a perfectly smooth wool circle.
  • We perform 2 air loops so that there is a rise, after which we knit the walls of the future armchair for the doll. For this purpose, loops no longer need to be added, but the inner sides of the loops of the base circle must be captured.
  • We continue the work until your canvas reaches the same height as the blank.
  • Insert the cardboard blank inside.
  • We knit a woolen circle in the same pattern as before.
  • Using a needle and thread matching the color, sew the part to the base.
  • Now you need to sew the back of the chair for the doll with your own hands. To do this, we collect 4 air loops of darker yarn, connect them into a ring, then tie them with eight single crochet columns. The second row of columns should be 16.
  • Now, as in the basis of the armchair, we knit the columns without increasing, capturing the inner loops. We knit in a circle.

Important! As the part lengthens, it must be filled with filler.

  • We knit another circle from two rows and sew it to the back.
  • Sew the back to the chair, simultaneously bending it during sewing. This should be done with matching thread color or transparent fishing line.

The knitted doll chair is ready!

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Children's play with dolls will be very boring and monotonous if the child does not have a dollhouse or furniture for toys. From this article, you learned about several ways, and now you can easily make a chair for a doll with your own hands.

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