How to make a bed for dolls?

Any girl’s favorite toy is a doll. However, it is impossible to imagine a game of dolls without a certain set of furniture, because your favorite toy needs somewhere to rest, sit, eat and store all your clothes. Therefore, many parents are interested in how to make a bed for dolls from improvised materials, because furniture is expensive in the store, and it is impossible to buy furniture for all dolls at once, including small dolls, Barbie and other representatives of your favorite toys. The process of making furniture is very simple, you just need to connect your imagination and prepare improvised materials. The most common materials for doll furniture are cardboard, paper and wood. Today we will tell you how to make a doll bed using simple materials and skillful pens.

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What to make doll furniture?

Making a bed for a toy must begin with the selection of material. The most popular are:

  • Wood. Strongest and most durable material. Not only your daughter, but also the granddaughter can play with a wooden bed.
  • Plywood. Practical material for the manufacture of furniture. Plywood allows you to make removable parts that can be easily transported without depriving your favorite toy of comfort. The only drawback is that the parts must be carefully and accurately cut.
  • The made foam polyethylene allows to make furniture of the most intricate design.
  • Paper and cardboard. The most economical and simplest material to work with. However, one nuance should be taken into account: in order for the furniture to be strong and strong, cardboard should be laid in several layers. To make a bed for a doll with your own hands out of cardboard, you can take any boxes from household appliances or shoes as a basis. The furniture cut from such boxes will be durable and beautiful.

Important! If you like to crochet or knitting, then you can please the child not only with a knitted bed, but also with a doll sewn with his own hands. In this case, in addition to yarn and a hook (knitting needles), you will also need foam rubber or other filler.

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Determine the type of furniture

Having decided on the material, choose a model of furniture. It could be:

  • Classic single bed.
  • A sofa bed.
  • Bunk bed.
  • Couch.

Each version of furniture can be made independently, but you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. The size of the finished bed should be 5-7 cm larger than the height of the doll. Before proceeding with the manufacture of furniture, take measurements from the toy and add the necessary centimeters in length and width.
  2. Each detail of the future model of furniture should be outlined on paper in compliance with all proportions.
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DIY wooden furniture

Observing all the necessary rules, it is not difficult to create a bed for a toy from any material. If you want to create a solid bed made of wood, then prepare the following materials:

  • Thin board. As a basis, you can take pine furniture panels 16 mm thick so that the product is not bulky. Material can be bought at any hardware store.
  • Plywood.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Glue.
  • Waterproof paint.
  • Decorative elements for decoration (stickers).

The process of making wood furniture will require carpentry skills, as it is much more complicated than gluing toy models out of paper and cardboard. But, nevertheless, any parent is quite capable of it, if you act as follows:

  1. Cut the pattern of the front, back back and bottom of the crib from cardboard.
  2. Transfer the drawings of parts to a tree. The bottom can be made of plywood.
  3. Saw and sand the parts.
  4. Connect the parts to each other with glue.
  5. Wait for the glue to dry.
  6. Paint the crib with paint and decorate with decorative elements.

Important! To connect the parts, you can use cloves or wire.

Of course, working with wood is a little more difficult than with paper or cardboard, so we will introduce you to simpler furniture manufacturing options and tell you how to make a doll's bed out of cardboard using shoe boxes or household appliances. For the manufacturing process of such furniture, you can attract a child who will gladly take part in the design of a berth for his favorite toy.

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How to make a doll bed out of a shoe box?

Cardboard boxes are the most common packaging material, so you can find it in almost every home.

Materials for work

To make a bed, you will need the following materials:

  1. Cardboard box.
  2. Scissors.
  3. The cloth.
  4. Glue.
  5. 4 pencils for legs.
  6. A small section of synthetic winterizer or cotton for the mattress.

Step-by-step process:

  • Cut the shoe box into separate sheets.
  • Draw on the cardboard the details of the crib - the base, the head, the foot and the sides.

Important! Do not forget to first measure the growth of the pupa and add additional centimeters so that it can easily be placed in the finished bed.

  • Cut the workpiece.
  • Glue the parts with a suitable cloth, give them time to dry. To make the furniture look good, place a synthetic winterizer or cotton under the fabric.
  • Glue all the prepared parts into a single whole. Start with the head and back. Glue them to the base of the bed, and then glue the sidewalls.
  • Use pencils as legs.
  • Decorate the product to your liking. For example, you can cover the crib with a canopy on top.



  • You can decorate furniture not with cloth, but with paper. Take the white sheets and tear them into pieces. Dip each piece into PVA glue, and then stick it on the surface of the finished crib. With the help of small pieces of paper you can close up all the joints. At the end, cover the product with beautiful paper in a suitable shade. Top the product with varnish, let it dry. Sew beautiful linens, and you can put the doll to sleep.
  • If you do not want to mess with glue, then make a folding bed. Cut several parts, make special cuts on them, thanks to which, you can connect the workpieces to each other. For beauty, you can round the sides of the bed.
  • It is easiest to make a sofa bed from a shoe box. In order to make a bed for a doll, you don’t even need to cut out complex parts and glue them. It is enough to cut ⅔ of the front part from the deep part of the box and glue the blank with colored paper. Make a mattress cover from the fabric and fill it with padding polyester or cotton. Sew the details. Everything, the bed is ready.
  • From the box for shoes, you can make a low crib for the doll, using only the bottom and cover. To do this, cut off the bottom of the base so that it is 2 cm above the cover. Put a synthetic winterizer at the bottom of the cut workpiece, and cover the structure with a cloth. Glue the fabric on the inside of the box. Put a soft base in the box lid and the bed is done. From the remaining cardboard, cut 2 backs of any configuration. Glue the bed to the backs.

Important! To make the bed more stable, durable, use double cardboard, which is used for packaging household appliances.A bunk bed can also be made of double cardboard, but this will require a little more time and more accurate calculations.

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How to make a bunk bed for dolls?

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Double cardboard (e.g. microwave box).
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.
  • Several sheets of colored paper.
  • Ruler, pencil.
  • Thread, needle.
  • Fabric for bedding.
  • Synthetic winterizer.
  • 4 pencils or cases from ballpoint pens.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Draw 2 identical rectangles on the cardboard. On one part, make 3 cm allowances on the short side, and on the second rectangle, 1.5 cm allowances.
  2. Cut out the details.
  3. Bends allowances down.
  4. Draw 2 more rectangles on the cardboard - this is the lower back and the headboard. The figures may be the same, but you can make the headboard a little higher.
  5. Cut out the details.
  6. Glue all the elements. Connect the upper and lower bases with supports (pencils or cases from pens), putting them on glue.
  7. Coat colored paper with glue and decorate the crib.
  8. Sew the linens and make mattresses of appropriate sizes.

The crib is ready!

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How to make a bed for dolls from paper?

A beautiful paper craft bed is made very easy using the origami technique. From a single sheet of paper you can make an original piece of furniture for Barbie, and you don’t have to glue anything. For work you need only a sheet of paper of size A4.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Bend a rectangular sheet along the length, connecting the narrow sides and ironing the middle.
  2. Bend the sides at the sides to the inflection line.
  3. Collapse the rectangle.
  4. Lower the sides to the bend line.
  5. Bending corners, open pockets.
  6. Fold the side parts away from you.
  7. Pulling the rectangle toward you, bend the bottom. Repeat the action at the top.
  8. Bend the rectangles, tuck them into the pockets.
  9. Bend the corners away from you, forming legs.

The bed is ready!

If this option of a crib seemed difficult to you or the bed is not suitable for your child’s favorite toy, then use another method of making a crib from paper. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Sheet A4.
  • Cardboard or heavy paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Transparent adhesive tape.
  • Wire (4 pieces 50 cm long).
  • The cloth.
  • Pencil and ruler.

The manufacturing option for the bed is quite simple and looks as follows:

  1. Draw 2 backrest and side parts on a piece of paper. One part of the backrest can be made higher, and the other lower.
  2. Cut the base into a rectangle (6 cm more than the doll’s height).
  3. Cut out the patterns and circle them on thick paper or cardboard.
  4. Make 3 copies of the blanks so that the bed is strong.
  5. Glue 2 blanks together.
  6. Give the paper time to dry.
  7. Place prepared pieces of wire along the bed. Secure the wire with tape.
  8. Apply a uniform layer of glue over the wire and glue the last copy of the bed.
  9. Put the workpiece under the press and dry it.
  10. Flatten the ends of the wire.
  11. Attach the details of the back. In the place where the wire is in contact with the back part, put a dot in pencil.
  12. Make a hole in place of the mark, thread the wire into it.
  13. Lubricate everything with glue, carefully attach the back to the bench.
  14. Tie the wire ends, and remove all unnecessary.
  15. Do the same on the reverse side.
  16. Allow the workpiece to dry and apply paint.
  17. Decorate the product at your discretion. A good option would be decoupage technique.
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We make a doll ottoman from paper

For small toys, you can make a tiny ottoman from paper and cardboard. To make it you will need:

  • 4 sheets of A4.
  • A piece of cardboard.
  • PVA glue (“Moment”).
  • Scissors.
  • Ruler and simple pencil.
  • Fabric and synthetic winterizer for sitting.

To make an ottoman, proceed as follows:

  1. Draw 2 rectangles for the bed on paper.
  2. Cut out the details.
  3. Fold the short edges 0.5 cm down.
  4. Draw the same rectangle on the cardboard and cut it out.
  5. Glue the cardboard part with paper blanks.
  6. Cut A4 sheet horizontally into 4 pieces.
  7. Twist the finished rectangles into tight tubes - these will be the supports of the crib.
  8. Glue the supports to the bed.
  9. Cut 2 rectangles from the fabric to the size of the berth and sew them.
  10. Put the synthetic winterizer in the case, carefully sew it.
  11. Put the mattress on the bed and the craft is ready.
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How to make a baby doll bed?

A baby doll is very reminiscent of a newborn, and the child wants to not only nurse the baby doll, but also surround him with care, providing all the necessary things in the form of furniture, linen and clothes. Making a bed for Baby Bon is quite simple, because for its manufacture you will need only a plastic container or a capacious box. An excellent option is a waterproof plastic box, which is no longer used in everyday life. Make a mini pillow and a blanket from improvised means and cover the container with soft textile.

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As you can see, there are a lot of options for manufacturing items of furniture for relaxing your favorite toy. Show creativity, imagination, and your baby's favorite doll will find a wonderful comfortable place to sleep. Good luck

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