How to make a doll from a sock?

Self-made toys are able to please both yourself and your children. Also, soft products can be presented as a gift for any celebration or birthday of loved ones or friends. The technique of making soft toys made from ordinary socks is very simple. The process of creating such a masterpiece does not take much time and does not require special skills. The most important feature of this technique is that toys made according to the same pattern are unique, because socks of different colors are used for their manufacture. In this article, we will look at how to make a doll from a sock and other soft toys from this available material with our own hands.
to contents ↑How to make a snowman?
Such a charming toy in the shape of a snowman can be made independently with the children, then hang it on the window or decorate it with a Christmas tree.
Materials for work
In order to start making a snowman, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:
- white socks of any size;
- sintepon or some other filler;
- dried beans;
- a floss thread or a woolen thread, with which we will decorate the mouth;
- buttons, pompons and other items of jewelry that are available;
- black beads for the eyes;
- a small ribbon or piece of knitted fabric;
- hot glue gun.
Master Class
Consider the process of making a soft toy from a sock:
- Fill about ¾ of the toe volume with dried beans, tie a string on top.
- Wrap the upper part of the sock and roll it up slightly so that an element resembling a hat field is formed.
- Using hot glue, we fix the rolled-up part of the sock so that it does not unwind in the future.
- We knit woolen threads or a ribbon so that a scarf takes shape.
- Making out the head of a snowman.
Important! The right size must be chosen so that there is room for the eyes, nose and mouth. Therefore, you should first estimate the location of all parts of the face on the head so that the soft toy turns out beautiful and with proportional facial features.
- Glue the bead eyes, mouth and nose. The nose can be shaped using a small pompom made of bright woolen threads. We embroider the mouth with mouline thread or thick black thread.
- Glue buttons or some other decorations.
Cute snowman from socks is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a dachshund?
To create a cute dachshund-shaped sock doll, you need long enough men's socks.
Important! The color scheme of the sock will affect the color of the made dog. You can use socks of the same color, or you can use funny striped socks to create a doggie. If desired, a soft toy can be decorated with a bright vest sewn onto it or a colorful scarf can be tied to the dog’s neck.
Materials for work
To create a cute toy, we will prepare the following materials:
- one pair of men's socks;
- a needle that has a wide eye;
- soft paper napkins to fill their tail and ears;
- pompom for the nose or large button;
- two small black buttons for the eyes.
How to make a dog from a sock with your own hands:
- We turn the sock on the wrong side and cut off the elastic.
Important! From the top of the product, we will continue to make paws, so the more we cut the gum, the shorter the paws.
- Turn the toe so that the heel is on top.
- We make an incision from the edge of the elastic, which was cut to the heel.
- Sew the paws and leave a hole for stuffing the toy with filler.
- We twist the sock and fill it with a padding polyester.
- At the same time, we extend the sock and fill it so that the future product takes the form of a dachshund and hind legs of an animal.
- Sew the previously left hole for filling with synthetic winterizer.
- We bend the legs at an angle of 90 degrees, the resulting fold is fixed with a thread.
- In the same way, we make the neck, bending it back, and fix it by applying a couple of stitches.
- We cut the second sock into the necessary details, cutting off the upper part of the sock and toe. In the future, from these parts we will create the front paws, tail and ears.
- The middle part of the sock, along with the heel, is pulled onto the made “neck” of the future animal and sewed. After that, we fill it with a synthetic winterizer.
- To make the muzzle, you need to wrap part of the sock in the inside and sew along the “chin” line.
- From the remaining toe, cut out the ears. We twist them, sew both halves, leaving the lower section unstitched. Then we turn it on the front side, sew up the hole and sew the ears to the head of the dog.
Important! In order for the ears to be protruding, they should be filled with very soft paper napkins.
- We cut out two blanks for the forelegs, twist them and sew them, leaving one section unstitched. Then we again turn it out, fill it with a padding polyester, sew up the hole and sew the paws to the body of our dog.
- The lower part of the foot needs to be bent and sew up the formed fold.
- Cut the blank for the tail, turn it on the wrong side and sew the side seams. Then again we turn it out and fill it with paper towels, sew up the hole and sew its tail to the body of the animal.
- To highlight the pupils with contrasting black threads, we sew small buttons on the eyes.
- For the design of the nose, sew a large button that has two large holes that will resemble the dog’s nostrils.
Important! You can also sew a large pompom as a nose.
- We make a vest for dachshunds. To do this, take a piece of material in the box, or you can cut the sock into a suitable color, and wrap it around the body of the made animal. We mark the areas where the front legs are located, and cut holes for them.
- Silk ribbon can be used as a collar, which we tie the neck of the dog.
A soft toy in the shape of a dachshund is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a monkey?
For such a cute toy, there will always be a place of honor in a children's room, living room or bedroom. If you sew an eyelet, then such a cute product can be hung in the passenger compartment.
Materials for work
To create a family pet you will need the following materials:
- one sock of the funniest colors - you can use a striped product;
- white felt;
- dried beans or rice;
- buttons of black color, which will be used for the eyes, a diameter of about 11 mm;
- yellow mouline thread;
- sintepon or some other filler;
- paper;
- sewing machine;
- needle with thread;
- sewing pins;
- batting;
- scissors;
- bar of soap or chalk;
- iron.
Important! For making a monkey, it is best to use socks on a denser basis, since after the sock is filled with sintepon, the fabric can stretch.
How to make a sock monkey toy:
- We fill the lower part of the body with rice or dried beans, then the toy will be best fixed in a sitting position.
- We cut out a template for the eyes from paper, transfer it to a piece of white felt.
- Mark the location of the black eye buttons.
- We turn the socks on the wrong side and iron.
- With chalk, we transfer the required details to the fabric.
- With sewing pins we fasten both halves of the sock, along the laid lines we cut the blanks of the future product.
- We turn the monkey’s body to the wrong side, we straighten the “legs” well.
- We iron the seams on the created part.
- We turn out all the other parts of the product.
- We fill the body and legs with a synthetic winterizer, sew the hole with a blind seam.
- We also fill the toy hands with a padding polyester, leaving about 1.5 cm on top.
Important! It is necessary to twist our product in your hands so that the filler is evenly distributed inside.
- Sew the hole - for this, we sew stitches along the cutting edge, thread the edges inward and tighten the thread.
- We stuff ears with a synthetic winterizer.
- We fill the trimmed edge, and sew the hole with a blind seam.
- Vertically fold the ears in half and sew.
- We make the tail of the toy. To do this, cut out a strip of fabric from batting, which would be three times longer and wider than the details of the tail.
- Fold it three times and sew to two cutting edges of the part.
- Since the narrow and long tail of the animal is hard to fill with batting, we use this method: we turn the tail and “pull” it on the batting. Then sew the hole.
- We sew all the details to the body of the future toy.
- Sew white thread with yellow thread. It should be located approximately in the middle of the “head”. Sew on button eyes.
- We attach the desired shape to the muzzle and sew it to the head of the animal, while leaving about 2 cm not sewn. Through this hole we fill the muzzle with filler and sew.
- Threads of yellow color mouth.
- Sew tail, ears and hands.
Important! When you sew your hands, you need to stretch the thread through the whole body of the toy and tighten it tightly so that they can be tightly near the body.
- In order for the monkey’s head to be round in shape, a small fold should be gathered “on top” and stitched with a hidden seam.
Cute monkey is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a teddy bear?
Other toys can be made from a sock, for example, an interesting bear.
To create such a toy you will need the following materials:
- any socks that you may have already disagreed with, but they must not have a single hole and scuffs, otherwise the toy will have an untidy look;
- filler, which can be used as a synthetic winterizer or cotton;
- needle with thread;
- scissors;
- all kinds of jewelry - bows, ribbons, buttons for the eyes are suitable for this purpose (eyes can be purchased in a special store for needlework);
- marker;
- fabric glue;
- sewing machine.
Tailoring workshop
To make a bear out of a sock with your own hands:
- We turn the sock on the wrong side.
- On the toe, we apply with a marker part of the body of the future product.
- We cut off pieces of fabric along the designated lines, while on the future head of the teddy bear we cut off the small tip of the sock, so that later we can insert a synthetic winterizer through this hole.
- Cut the body with the hind legs, forepaws and head.
- From the wrong side we sew all the details - it is best to sew on a sewing machine so that the product is stronger and the seams do not open.
Important! Since the child will constantly play with the toy made, the stitched seams should be strong.
- We turn the stitched blanks onto the front side and fill them with a synthetic winterizer. After that, carefully process the hole for filling with a blind seam.
- We begin to draw up a muzzle. We take the second sock, or you can use a small piece of material suitable for the color scheme, and from it we cut an oval, which will be the muzzle of the teddy bear. Sew carefully to the head.
Important! At the base of the forelegs and in the neck, be sure to leave a hole for further padding with padding polyester.
- You can use buttons or beads to shape your eyes. For the nose, you can use several buttons of different colors that sew on each other.
- The finished product can be very interesting to decorate:
- If you create a teddy bear for a girl, then on such a toy you can attach hearts, flowers, bows.
- If the toy is intended for a boy, then the little bear can be in a bow tie, cap, on the toy you can put on a jacket, also made by yourself.
Charming teddy bear is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a cute plush kitten?
Children love to be played with soft toys. A cute plush kitten will bring joy to your baby.
The following materials will be required to create this product:
- two socks of interesting colors;
- scissors;
- needle with thread;
- sewing machine;
- cotton wool or synthetic winterizer for filling;
- small buttons for the eyes;
- a small piece of black felt;
- black thread to create antennae.
Workshop tailoring toys from a sock
To make a toy from a sock with your own hands:
- After cutting the gum off, take one sock and make two cuts on both sides.
- We turn the part to the wrong side, stitch the edges of the cut. Where the gum was, leave the hole unstitched.
- We turn the workpiece to the front side. At this stage, the body of the future sock toy is already visible.
- We stuff the part with filler or cotton and sew the hole.
- From the second sock we cut the head of the kitten. To do this, cut the gum of the sock, and on the other hand, where the heel is located, cut the triangle. Thus, the heel will serve as a muzzle, and the triangles will be the ears.
- We turn the workpiece to the wrong side, stitch along the edge of the ears cut.
- Again, we turn out the part, fill it with a synthetic winterizer and sew up the hole.
- Sew to the body head.
- From the part of the sock that remains, cut the tail and do the same actions as with the rest of the blanks.
- Sew the finished tail to the body of the future kitten.
- We design the eyes and nose with a mustache, for the manufacture of which various materials are used. In our case, the nose and eyes of the animal are made of small buttons and felt circles. The antennae are sewn with a black thread.
Funny kitten is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a boa constrictor from an old sock?
It is very easy to make a boa constrictor toy from an old sock. This will require
- one long green sock;
- a small red sock;
- needle with thread;
- sewing machine;
- button eyes;
- synthetic winterizer.
How to make soft toys from socks with your own hands:
- From a red sock we make a small blank in the shape of an oval.
- We cut the seam on the toe of a long sock, thus forming the “mouth” of a boa constrictor.
- Insert the cut out part into the supposed “mouth” of the snake.
- Using a synthetic winterizer we evenly stuff the product.
- Sew the hole in the gum location - thus the tail of the boa constitutes.
- At the end of the work, we draw up the snake's muzzle.
- Sew on the eyes, which are cut from the fabric.
A beautiful boa constrictor from an old sock is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a striped hare?
A do-it-yourself striped hare looks very pretty.
To create such a toy, you need to prepare the following materials:
- one toe, preferably striped;
- button-shaped eyes or craft eyes;
- any soft stuffing material, it can include both synthetic winterizer and cotton wool, small grains or even special small balls;
- a medium-sized needle for stitching parts;
- thin needle for embroidery;
- threads for a decor of black color;
- thin stick or knitting needle;
- a simple pencil;
- scissors;
- all kinds of decor elements - scarves, buttons, hats;
- optional hot glue gun.
Workshop tailoring toys from socks
To make a doll from a sock in the form of a bunny with your own hands:
- Choose a striped sock.
- We cut off the elastic at the top of the sock with scissors.
- On the opposite side of the product, cut a small piece.
- Fold the toe so that the heel sticks out from above.
- Using a simple pencil, draw rabbit ears.
- We carefully cut the workpiece along the outlined lines.
- We sew the part along the contour and turn it back.
- We fill our product with filler. The thinnest part, and in our case these are the ears, is filled using a knitting needle or a long stick.
- With a needle and thread, we collect along the edges of the sock, but do not completely fix it.
- We begin to draw up the face of our animal. We draw a muzzle or we sew the necessary form with a black thread.
- We make out the eyes. You can use cute buttons or glue special blanks with hot glue.
- We sew the bottom of the product in a circle with a simple stitch. Then tighten and fasten the thread.
- The appearance of the toy is affected by both the color of the sock and the shape of the muzzle. From pieces of wool you can make a bunny a pretty hairstyle. The remaining elements of the decor can be applied based on your imagination.
The striped bunny is ready!
to contents ↑Stock footage
Having considered the above workshops, you can create any doll or animal from socks. The sewing process does not take much time, but it gives you and your baby a creative pastime. The emotional part of your soul is embedded in a self-made toy, which means that the craft will definitely not be left without attention!
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