How to make a swan from a towel?

Soon guests will appear in your house, and you want to really surprise them with something? Then make sure that they sleep comfortably on a chic bed, with clean, ironed linens, which can be decorated with beautiful, delicate, snow-white swans. Often such birds are found in hotel rooms of expensive hotels, symbolizing their presence as joy and prosperity. They will certainly please your guests with their original and beautiful design. By the way, if you are thinking how to make a swan from a towel with your own hands, how much time it will take, then know: it's simple and you will spend only a few minutes. Having trained a few times, you will become a true professional in the manufacture of such stylish things.

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How to make a bird towel yourself?

Now we will learn how to make a swan from a towel in a matter of minutes without a lot of effort. Prepare one or several bath towels for work - it all depends on how many birds you want to get in the end.

The diagram of how to make a swan from a towel looks step by step like this:

  1. Lay out a towel on the bed first.
  2. Take the long sides by the corners, fold them to the middle of the narrow sides. Such a step will save your time at the stage of rolling the product in the next stage.
  3. Roll up the left side so that your roller on top is bigger. You can help yourself with your finger, hold the material during all the manipulations.
  4. In the same way, roll it from the other end so that both rollers meet in the middle.
  5. Turn the pointed edge.
  6. Fold a sharp edge so that it forms a head. In principle, this could have been completed, but the neck of this noble bird must necessarily bend.
  7. To make the neck taller, take a small hand towel, roll it along its long side.
  8. Fold it in half, then place it on the body of the bird. This will make the neck taller and more refined.
  9. This design can be modified in every way at your discretion. For example, you can make the wings spread.
  10. If one swan is not enough for you, then according to the same scheme, make a couple more birds.
  11. Place the second swan on the side or directly in front of the first. Only in this case the pointed edge will become the feathery tail, and not its head.
  12. Bend and straighten the wide end.
  13. If desired, you can turn a swan into a peacock, for this it is enough to make him a magnificent tail. Material in this case will need more. If you fold one bath towel in the shape of a paper fan, you can create an impressive bird.
  14. Place two swans in such a way that they are in contact with their beaks, while their necks are intertwined and form a heart.

Important! In principle, this can finish the production of the classic version of the composition. But no one forbids the fantasy to include, the product can be decorated with various objects and decor. For example, you can make a magnificent tail from colored towels, decorate with ribbons, beads.

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Warnings and Tips

Now that you know how to make swans from towels, check out the main warnings and tips from experts who will come in handy during the work:

  • Make swans only where they should be according to your plan. In the case of movement, they instantly disintegrate or unwind.
  • To create a more romantic, cozy, warm atmosphere, add a fresh flower or the whole composition to the finished products.
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By learning how to make a swan from towels on your own, you can even help your girlfriend getting married in the future. For example, make beautiful birds, and decorate one of them with a veil. In addition, simply giving bath accessories is somehow trite, and in the form of swans it is original, interesting, fashionable. You can also please your loved one with such home-made figures, he will definitely appreciate your creativity.


