How to make a slime from a fabric softener?

Soft linen after washing is the dream of any housewife. But what if the air conditioner in the bottle isn’t enough for loading, there’s no time to run to the store, and then the child got upset and doesn’t know what to do with himself? The main thing is not to fuss. Rinse aid can be made from what is always in the cabinet. We’ll talk about this now, and at the same time about how to make a slime from the fabric softener to keep the baby busy while you mess with the rest.

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We start with a lizun

The branded air conditioner has almost disappeared and it literally remained at the bottom? And more is not necessary. On a fun toy for a child is enough. Better, of course, if it's Persil, but you can experiment with others.

In addition to rinse aid, you will need:

  • stationery glue;
  • baking soda;
  • cup or deep plate;
  • tea spoon.

Important! A slime is just a plastic substance that can be stretched or squeezed into a lump. It is necessary that he sticks to objects, but easily falls off and does not stick to his hands. At the same time, it is advisable that he does not stain. However, there will be no dirt from “Persil”.


  1. Pour a bottle of stationery glue into a cup.
  2. Add air conditioning a little.
  3. In the process, mix thoroughly until the mass thickens.
  4. If the contents of the cup do not thicken, knead it by hand.
  5. Try to stretch the toy - the slime should be stretched into a big pancake, but not torn.
  6. To prevent the substance from sticking to your hands, add a pinch of baking soda and knead the “dough” again.

Important! You can add watercolor paint to the cup - other dyes may stain.

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We make air conditioning

So, your fidget is busy. Now is the time to think about how to make your own fabric softener. In principle, the laundry is washed in such a way, but it may turn out to be too stiff or it will not smell like you want.

Why is it needed?

Air conditioning will certainly soften sheets and shirts, but you need it not only for this. It plays the role of:

  • antiseptics;
  • antistatic;
  • flavoring;
  • color stabilizer.


The bacteria around us are visible and invisible. Not all of them are destroyed during washing. Many branded air conditioners add substances that prevent the spread of germs. But it is not necessary to buy expensive products in beautiful bottles.


Antistatic, flavoring, antifungal drug

The air conditioner is capable of removing static electricity. After washing with such a preparation, the skirt will not stick, and the shirt will not spark. This is especially important if you have a lot of things made of synthetic fabrics, they are especially well electrified.

Important! Both wool and silk have the ability to accumulate a static charge.

Fragrances are almost always added to the fabric softener. The underwear will smell good even if you have not been able to dry it properly. In addition, the conditioner prevents the appearance and reproduction of the fungus. In a word, air conditioning is a very useful thing.

Important! Do not forget about the washing machine. Using too hard water leads to scale formation. To some extent, the fabric softener slows down this process, as it softens not only the laundry, but also the water.

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What are we going to do?

First, let's look into the kitchen cabinets, first-aid kit and refrigerator. You can also inspect the shelf with cosmetics. Maybe there are:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • borax;
  • hair conditioner;
  • bottle with essential oil;
  • perfumes that you and your family members like.

All this is perfect to make do-it-yourself fabric softener.

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Vinegar Conditioners

Perfectly softens linen the most common food vinegar. It generally has a lot of useful properties:

  • kills bacteria;
  • does not appear fungus;
  • interferes with molting;
  • does not allow fabrics to sit down.

In a word, this is the most ordinary substance, which can be bought very cheaply at any grocery store, has all the qualities necessary for an air conditioner.

What vinegar is needed?

In the hypermarket you can find this substance in different concentrations. The one where 3% or 9% is written on the label is suitable for you.

Important! Acetic essence or concentrated acid are also suitable, but they must be very diluted with water. This should be done extremely carefully, with gloves on, as these are caustic and rather dangerous substances.

Acetic acid is hardly at your fingertips, because it is something like a piece of ice. You can find something like this only in laboratories where all the necessary conditions are met, including humidity. This substance absorbs water very quickly and turns the essence to a concentration of 70% or 80%.

It can sometimes be seen on the shelves. Apply it for many purposes:

  • obtaining food vinegar;
  • canning products;
  • neutralization of harmful chemicals;
  • for dyeing fabrics.

Important! For rinse aid, this composition is also suitable. If you dilute 70% of the essence with water ten times, you will get a lot of food vinegar with a concentration of about 6-9%, that is, quite suitable for your purposes.

Option 1

If you have a bottle of 3% vinegar, just pour it into the tray, into the container for the air conditioner - it is marked with a snowflake or flower. It will take only 1 glass, if things are colored, then half a glass.


Option 2

It is better to dilute 9% vinegar with water, about half, and then pour it in the same way into the air conditioning compartment. To get rid of the smell, dry your laundry outdoors.

Important! Vinegar should be transparent.

If you don't like the smell

Vinegar is a wonderful substance that can be used for a variety of purposes. But it has one significant drawback - it smells very sharply, and not everyone likes this smell. To get rid of it, you can make a liquid conditioner with a flavor.

For this you need:

  • a bottle of food vinegar;
  • essential oil (lavender, mint, rose, pine);
  • water;
  • jar with a lid.

Air conditioning can be done at once, but you can - prepare for the future:

  1. Pour 3% vinegar into a jar.
  2. Add a few drops of essential oil.
  3. Pour the part into the air conditioning compartment.
  4. Pour what remains into a jar with a tight-fitting lid and place in a place protected from the sun. You can store for two months.

Important! Vinegar contributes to shrinkage, so you should not use it when washing new cotton and linen items.

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Vinegar and soda

Greatly softens laundry and baking soda. To prepare the air conditioner, you will need:

  • a pack of soda;
  • water;
  • vinegar 9%;
  • measuring utensils;
  • essential oil.

Important! In this case, the soda is quenched with vinegar - this is a violent chemical reaction. It is safe, chemical glassware and protective equipment are not required for such an experience, but what will happen in the bowl should not unsettle you.

How to make do-it-yourself fabric softener from these tools:

  1. Pour 140-150 ml of vinegar into a bowl.
  2. Add 1 liter of warm water there.
  3. Pour soda into small portions - the contents of the cup will begin to “boil”.
  4. When all the soda has been filled and the drilling stops, add a few drops of essential oil.
  5. Add the conditioner to the rinse aid compartment, pour the rest into a jar and close the lid; store in a dark place.
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For hair or for laundry?

An interesting composition that perfectly softens linen and gives it a pleasant aroma, is obtained from a hair rinse. In addition to it, you will need:

  • vinegar 9%;
  • water;
  • measuring utensils;
  • Bowl.

Important! Keep in mind that you need a rinse, not a shampoo.


  1. For 2 parts of an air conditioner, take 3 parts of vinegar and 5 parts of water.
  2. Pour it all into a bowl.
  3. Stir to make a homogeneous mass - this will happen very quickly.
  4. Pour half a glass of what you got into the air conditioning compartment, put the rest in a jar with a tight lid and put in a dark cool place.
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Soda Air Conditioner

Well softens things not only vinegar. Soda also has these properties. We have already found out. By the way, you can not mix it with anything at all, but just pour it into the air conditioning compartment - half a glass is enough. This simple substance not only softens the tissues, but also eliminates unpleasant odors.

Soda itself does not smell, so you don’t need to add flavoring either - well, unless you have an oil that you really like. But do not mix anything - pour soda into the compartment, and put the essential oil directly into the drum.

Important! You can do otherwise - make special pads with essential oil and place them in a cupboard. Just do not overdo it - the smell of linen should be very light and gentle.

Soda solution

It is not necessary to use soda in a dry form. You can make a liquid conditioner, then the essential oil can be added directly to the solution:

  1. Take half a standard packet of soda.
  2. Pour it with a liter of water and stir.
  3. Soda should completely dissolve - if this does not happen, add more water.
  4. Drop a few drops of essential oil.
  5. A glass of this drug is enough for washing, the rest can be poured into a jar or a bottle with a tight lid and stored for as long as necessary.
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You can always buy buru at the pharmacy. The simplest air conditioning is done exactly the same as soda:

  1. Measure ¼ cup borax.
  2. Pour it into an air conditioner container.
  3. Set the desired washing mode.

Important! Borax will not only soften clothes, but also protect your washing machine from scale.

Liquid conditioner with borax

From borax, as well as from soda, you can make a liquid conditioner. Pour the same quarter of a glass with a liter of water. Add a little lavender, mint if desired. Fill the air conditioner compartment and store the rest.

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Soda and borax

These substances can be used together. Lingerie will become especially soft and snow-white.

  1. Mix borax and soda in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. Fill the air conditioner compartment.
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What else is air conditioning useful for?

If you have made too much air conditioning, and there is nowhere to store it - it does not matter. It can be used in other ways. Of course, home air conditioners are not suitable for the manufacture of children's toys - instead of a lizun, you get something consisting of lumps.

But with the help of an air conditioner you can wash:

  • window;
  • porcelain and earthenware;
  • plastic and metal dishes.
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Stock footage

So not a single substance will be wasted in vain - vinegar, soda and borax will always come in handy on the farm. And how to use them - we have already told you.

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