How to make a boat?

Many men love fishing, and, of course, you can’t do without a boat here. It is the main auxiliary attribute that is necessary for the implementation of the fishing process, and not only. Currently, the assortment of watercraft is just off scale, but, unfortunately, such a construction is not affordable for everyone. That is why we will help you answer the question of how to make a boat with your own hands with minimal investment. A wooden boat will cost you dearly, but a boat made of plywood will be a great option. In this article you will find the necessary information with a description of all stages of the construction of a water facility.

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Plywood is a budget material for building this device. It has a number of advantages, namely:

  • Light weight. A boat made of plywood sheets will be quite light, but at the same time, have a reliable, solid construction. This is due to the fact that the glue veneer has a lower weight than lumber.
  • Sustainability. Plywood sheets have clear geometric proportions, allowing you to do an impeccably high-quality installation.
  • Low cost. For the manufacture of such a vessel, you will spend money only on consumables: plywood boards, specialized adhesive, boards, compositions for priming.
  • Speed ​​of manufacture. For a person with basic knowledge of carpentry, to build this design will need 2 days of free time, and for an experienced craftsman - 1 day at all. The thing is that a drawing with patterns can be purchased in a specialized store, found on the Internet or compiled independently, using our further recommendations.
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How to make a boat out of plywood with your own hands?

Now we will put on the “shelves” the whole process of making boats from plywood. So it will be more convenient for you to perform step-by-step all further actions.


The modern construction market provides customers with a huge selection of different coloring, adhesive and varnish compositions, impregnation options that are designed to work with plywood sheets. To make boats made of such material special materials and devices are not required.

Let's look at the list of everything you need:

  • Plywood sheets. For the construction of the vessel, you can take birch plywood with a thickness of 0.5 cm. But for the manufacture of frames and keel, thick sheets in the range of 1.2-1.5 cm will be needed.
  • Wood. You can’t do without it. It is needed quite a bit, only for the manufacture of parts for mounting struts, for working with the sides and for the seat of this building. To perform all of the above elements, it is better to take edged wood from light species such as spruce or pine.

Important! Do not forget that each of these materials has certain individual characteristics. For example, spruce is characterized by high water resistance and a beautiful light color, due to which the raw materials are used as a boat skin. Spruce boards have one significant drawback: as a result of driving nails and screwing in the screws, they can crack, which will lead to the alteration of the entire structure.

  • Material for joining the seams of individual parts of the inner and outer skin. Such material is a plastic clamp, flexible thin wire, nylon thick fishing line and others.
  • Adhesive for sealing joints.It is recommended to use compositions based on high-quality polymer resins.
  • Specialized compounds for wood impregnation and protection.
  • Fiberglass to protect the seams.
  • Coloring composition on a waterproof basis.

Important! Do-it-yourself plywood boat with your own hands should be made only of quality materials. The surface of the plywood sheets should be smooth, without damage and defects that could affect the reliability of your structure. Undoubtedly, the cost of purchasing material is high, but water safety is much more important.



  • Saw for woodwork.
  • Sander.
  • Jigsaw with a set of paintings.
  • Hammer.
  • Clamps for fixing plywood during the assembly process.
  • Coloring and varnish compositions.
  • A set of brushes.

Do-it-yourself plywood boats - drawings, patterns

To begin the work of building a boat, you must first of all with the drawings, on the basis of which the pattern will be created. In order to make the calculations correctly, we have developed recommendations for you:

  • The first thing you should indicate on your drawing is a feature of your future boat. Do not forget to indicate for yourself what purpose your plywood boat will be used for. For example, whether you want to build a boat with a flat bottom solely for fishing or have you come up with a powerful boat with a motor for tourism.
  • If you did not find a suitable option for you among the drawings on the Internet, then try to build your own ship using your own scheme.

Important! When making calculations, focus on carrying capacity so that you get a full boat, and not just a decorative product.

  • Study the already tested projects that have been successfully put into action will help you navigate the preparatory phase.
  • After drawing up the drawings with the details, in which even the smallest nuances were taken into account, transfer the contours of all the constituent elements to thick paper. She will be your template for building patterns from plywood sheets.
  • The most important parameters that should be indicated on your drawing are the size of the water product, the width, the height of the structure, the shape of the main and auxiliary parts.



So, let's look at an example of a detailed master class on how to build a punt boat from plywood with your own hands, the drawings should help you figure this out faster:

  1. We proceed to the assembly of the structure. We start work from the bottom. We fold its parts one on top of the other, fixing everything with clamps or other possible methods. We drill along the lower edge of the hole 2-3 mm in size, departing from the edge of 2 cm. The distance between the holes should be 30-35 cm (make a slightly smaller distance in the bending area).
  2. Now we launch thick wire or plastic clamps into the previously made holes, tighten everything carefully, but not to the very end, so that the bottom of the boat can “open”. By such manipulations we connect the left and right sides with each other, and then we fasten them to the bottom of the structure with the help of supports and pads.
  3. According to the technology described above, we attach a transom to the product. We have fastened all the main parts of our structure, but it is not yet ready.
  4. Putty putty seams on the inside of the boat. We impose pre-cut pieces of fiberglass on top of the seams. Once again, carefully coat with glue. We are waiting for the adhesive to dry completely.
  5. We turn the boat over, cut off the clamps and perform the same actions with their seams as with the internal connections of this structure (we glue it with fiberglass).
  6. We twist the frames with screws, and then install them in our future boat.
  7. Glue the strips of plywood to the upper edges of the sides, fasten them with screws.
  8. We put in the middle a partition between the central frames. We install support strips under the upper edges on all frames. We close up the free spaces between frames with plywood.So we got the bow, stern and rowing of the boat.
  9. We fill with the mounting foam (it is possible polystyrene foam) the aft part of the structure so that it is better kept on water.
  10. We putty the joints of plywood, and then glue them with fiberglass.
  11. We fasten the longitudinal edans, keel.
  12. We polish the boat.
  13. We paint the structure inside and out, not forgetting to paint over inaccessible places with a narrow brush.
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  • In order to increase the strength of the joints of frames and transoms, strengthen the joints with self-tapping screws with an anti-corrosion coating. The length of the screws must be such that they cannot pass through the part.
  • Do not make errors in your calculations when building drawings of a boat from plywood with your own hands. Even with a millimeter gain, structural details may not converge.
  • It is extremely inconvenient to assemble boat designs on the ground or floor with your own hands, so make goats 80 cm high for more comfortable work. For such work, take wooden bars measuring 50x50 cm.
  • Take water-repellent glue with a margin - you will need a lot of it to cover the joints.
  • To protect against swelling of wood or plywood sheets, use only water-repellent adhesives and varnishes. So, for example, bakelite varnish perfectly permeates the hull of the boat and lintels.
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You may have a question: how to make a boat out of wood? Everything is extremely simple - exactly on the same principle as a boat made of plywood sheets. Only you will need to treat the wood with several layers of antifungal impregnation and work with the material extremely carefully, in protective gloves. We wish you fruitful work!

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