How to make eyelets for curtains at home?

Recently, curtains on grommets have quickly become popular due to their reliability, lightness and ease of installation. Fortunately, the time has long passed when the housewives had to suffer with the installation of curtains and curtains with the help of uncomfortable clothes pegs on metal cornices. Eyelets are special rings designed for fastening curtains. In this article we will look at how to make eyelets on curtains at home, thereby greatly facilitating the performance of everyday homework.

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The advantages of using eyelets

Eyelets are the most common rings that play an important functional role and are an excellent design decision. Today on sale you can find a large selection of eyelets in terms of shapes and colors. If you know exactly how to install the eyelets on the curtains with your own hands, then you do not have to limit yourself to the presented assortment - you can fantasize as much as you like.

Important! Use them not only for curtains, but also for decorating window openings.

The advantages of installing curtains on the grommets are obvious:

  1. Thanks to these simple devices, you can perfectly evenly distribute material along the ledge, creating beautiful waves. By the way, even after washing, this uniformity is guaranteed to remain.
  2. The fabric does not stretch or deteriorate, as in the case of using ordinary hooks as fasteners.
  3. Eyelets can have different shapes and colors, so choosing the perfect option for a particular room, design, or interior is not a problem at all.

Curtains, curtains, curtains suspended on such rings look incredibly beautiful, stylish, original. If you do not want to spend a huge amount on their purchase, then take up their manufacture yourself.

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Selection rules and types of eyelets

Before you make eyelets on the curtains with your own hands, you need to choose which option suits you best. In principle, they are combined with curtains of almost all varieties, the only exception being only too light fabrics.

Important! Most recently, eyelets were made exclusively round, but today there are even triangular, oval, square, rhombic models. You can also purchase eyelets in the form of clouds, flowers and even animals. Thanks to this diversity, they fit perfectly into the interiors of children's rooms.

Useful tips for choosing:

  • Most often, grommets are made of metal or plastic; the surface they have is shiny or matte. Less often they are made out under the skin, wood, natural stone and other popular materials. When choosing, remember that it is plastic models that do not rust after a while, they fasten easier than their metal counterparts.
  • Choosing rings for fabrics, first decide what role in the design design will fall on them. Depending on this, they can be completely invisible or in perfect harmony with other elements of the decor, concentrating all the attention on themselves with their unusual color or shape.
  • The rings are attached to the cornice using special holes, while their diameter ranges from one and a half to five centimeters, since this size is considered optimal for attaching curtains.
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How to make curtains on the grommets yourself? Selection of materials

The first step is to purchase or make eyelets for curtains. How to install these elements yourself - we will consider a little later. Before you begin, prepare the following set of necessary materials and tools:

  • Fabric for sewing curtains.
  • Eyelets in finished form.
  • Tape for eyelets or non-woven.
  • A set of pins.
  • Scissors.
  • Centimeter.
  • Chalk or pencil.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Iron.
  • Duct tape.


Useful Tips:

  • To make the most attractive waves, buy an even number of rings.
  • The distance between them is calculated based on the depth of the fold you want to get in the end. For deep and relief folds, make a distance between them of 22 cm. To get more frequent folds, reduce this distance to 15 cm.

Important! If the distance turns out to be too large, then the curtains will begin to sag, respectively - there can be no talk of any wave effect.

  • If you intend to attach the curtains to two curtain rods, lay the waves in a mirror image so that the symmetry effect is not affected.
  • Also pay attention to the indentation from the upper edge when attaching the rings.
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Do-it-yourself eyelets mounting on curtains

Carefully measure your windows before going to the store for rings and cloth. To get perfect waves, focus on the following indicators:

  • The required amount of light tissue is determined by tripling the width of the window opening.
  • The footage of dense materials is calculated by doubling the width of the window.

Once you have decided on the necessary amount of material, get to work. Follow the diagram, which describes in detail how to put the eyelets on the curtains with your own hands:

  1. Bend the top and bottom to hem the fabric.
  2. Cut a piece of non-woven fabric so that its width matches the doubled width of the bend. Its length should be equal to the width of the curtains themselves.
  3. Place a non-woven fabric on the eyelet tape and iron it to glue it to the fabric.
  4. Bend the upper part of the material 11 cm inward with a non-woven part, fasten everything with pins. Fold 1 cm and hide the edge.
  5. Sew the curtain on the sewing machine.
  6. At the bottom, double hem 1 cm, also sew.
  7. Using a centimeter, calculate the location of the eyelets.
  8. Attach one half of the ring to the fabric, while departing from the top 3 cm. Outline the diameter inside the ring with chalk. Make such marks throughout the curtain.
  9. Cut the middle of the circled circles, then cut them out.
  10. Set the eyelets around the holes, click them on both sides.
  11. Pull the cornice into the rings.

Curtains can be additionally decorated at your discretion. As you can see, the answer to the question of how to attach the grommets to the curtains at home is quite simple. Any housewife will be able to cope with this work - all the work will take a total of no more than two hours.

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How to care for curtains on grommets?

Washing these curtains requires certain knowledge:

  • If you plan to wash the purchased curtains in a washing machine, first check if you can do it with them.
  • To avoid damage to the drum, it is better to place the fabric along with the grommets in a special bag.
  • It is recommended to choose the washing regimen the most gentle, in order to avoid negative consequences.
  • Curtains and tulles should not be wrung out; they should be dried only in a wet state - this way the material will perfect perfectly.
  • If the fabric does not lend itself to such washing, then it is best to soak it for several hours, then remove and rinse it.
  • Add a minimum of powder so that white stains do not form on the fabric. Better yet, use a liquid detergent.
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In this article, we told you how to simply hang curtains on eyelets. We hope you managed to beautifully design the window opening and emphasize all the beneficial aspects of the room interior.


