How to make a mask from a t-shirt?

There are situations when you urgently need to buy a carnival mask, since you were invited to a theme party or simply a child has a matinee at school or kindergarten. Shops are all closed for a long time, and the event is on the nose, what to do in this situation? You need to immediately go online and consider options for home-made masks from improvised things. Children, of course, have enough imagination to prepare for the holiday. But adults get into a panic and they are interested in the question: how to make a mask covering their eyes from a T-shirt or other thing? To dispel panic, you should consider several popular ideas on this topic.

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T-shirt ninja mask

Even if you do not have a quick reaction and you do not own martial arts, it does not matter! You can become a ninja if you have a black T-shirt in your closet. In order to make a mask from a T-shirt, you need only two elements:

  • Black T-shirt.
  • Hands.

Getting to the manufacture of super - masks:

  1. Turn the t-shirt inside out.
  2. Pull it over your head so that the neck is located above the bridge of the nose. Do not put your hands through the sleeves.
  3. Fold the top and bottom of the neck inward. This way you hide the seams and the label of the t-shirt.
  4. Sleeves tightly knotted at the back of the head.
  5. The rest of the mask is evenly distributed around the neck.

If you decide to wear a full set of “ninja”, then the lower part of the mask will have to be tucked under the suit.

Important! It is not necessary to do such a master class only with a black t-shirt, clothes of dark blue or swamp color are suitable.

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Cloth Ninja Mask

In order to make a mask or bandage from a scarf fabric, you will need one large piece of black material and scissors. The manufacture of the product is carried out in several stages:

  1. A piece of black material is placed on a flat surface.
  2. Cut a small oval in it (eye hole).
  3. Darken the cut hole to make it look neat.
  4. We fix the mask at eye level and tie it behind the head.

Important! If you do not have a single piece of matter, you can use two identical shreds. In this case, one of them needs to be wrapped around the mouth, and the other, respectively, around the forehead. Thus, the result will be the same as in the first embodiment. Only here is one step more difficult. Both the one and the other method are considered the simplest, which even a child is able to cope with.

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We make a mask of thread and scissors

How to make a cool mask with a pattern? In order to make a product using this method, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Sharp scissors.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Paper.
  • Needle with thread.
  • T-shirt in blue or black.

Getting to the production of a spy mask:

  1. We measure the head from all sides (from the crown to the chin and the back of the head, from one temple to the other).
  2. We transfer all measurements to a large sheet of paper, draw an oval of your face (it is not necessary to do everything perfectly even).
  3. According to the pattern from the T-shirt, we cut out two identical parts.
  4. Attach one of the parts to the face and at least roughly mark the place for cutting out the eyes.
  5. Cut a piece of cloth from the part, making a hole for the eyes.
  6. Sew both parts together.

Important! When stitching parts together, you can use a sewing machine - so the process will accelerate significantly.

Performing all these actions, in the end you will get a real spy mask.

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Making a mask from a bandana and a scarf

This is the easiest, you can even call it a primitive way to create a mask at home. You need to purchase a small scarf and a dark bandana. We tie the bandana around the head, and the scarf around the mouth.

Everything, the product is ready! Now you will look like a super-spy, and it will be hard for friends to recognize you.

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How to make a special forces mask at home?

Such a mask is perfect for drawing friends or for a theme party, since under it no one can recognize you. Then the draw will be very realistic. In order to make such a mask, you will need the following:

  • Long black hat.
  • Needle with thread.
  • Scissors.

We begin to create:

  1. Buy the longest black hat at the market or store.
  2. Put it on and pull it so that your whole face is covered.
  3. Mark on the cap with a chalk or a piece of soap the places where the eyes, mouth and nose are located.
  4. On the cap, with the help of scissors, cut openings for the eyes and mouth.
  5. We sew a hole for the eyes in the middle of the bottom and top, as the mask may part.
  6. We sew the mouth hole with thread so that small fabric patches do not stick out.

Thus, you will get the simplest special forces mask without unnecessary costs and efforts. By the same principle, you can sew a terrorist mask, only in this case you can exclude the item with a cutout for the mouth.

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Some tips

Before you start making a masquerade mask at home, do not forget about the most important recommendations:

  1. Choose subtle matter so that it is not hard to breathe through it.
  2. You can put on a jacket with a hood and use it as a mask.
  3. Try to hide your face very carefully, because the main rule of the terrorist and ninja masks is stealth, unidentification.
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If you adhere to these recommendations, then you will get an excellent masquerade outfit. At the same time, you will not spend a single extra penny, but you will look great at any thematic event.

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