How to make soap bubbles at home as a store?

A cheerful and carefree childhood is simply impossible to imagine without a variety of sweets, colored soda and, of course, soap bubbles. Even adults are mesmerized by the view of a flying soap ball, which shimmers in sunny colors with all the colors of the rainbow. In order for you to have fun with your children and plunge into childhood for a couple of hours, we will tell you how to make soap bubbles at home, like shopping.
to contents ↑The history of the rainbow ball
The history of the appearance of rainbow bubbles originates from the moment the soap appeared, since it was it that gave the current name to such a carefree fun. Archaeologists during the excavations of Pompeii discovered murals, which depict the moments of blowing bubbles. The Etruscan vase is also stored in the Louvre, on which similar images are applied. Such fun did not pass by Asia. In the 17th century, special soap bubble kits were already sold in Japan. In Europe, such kits appeared at the end of the XIX century. With each year, the launching of soap balls began to gain its popularity among both children and adults. To date, various circus performances have even been invented, where bubbles of various sizes and shapes are produced.
to contents ↑Defining a blowing tool
Before you start blowing bubbles, you should prepare the tool through which you will blow it. It is necessary to select it, depending on what size and shape you would like to get soap balls.
Important! In ancient times, clay pipes or straws, which were split at the ends, were used for these purposes.
Today on sale there are a wide variety of devices for the production of soap balls. But if for any reason you do not have the opportunity to purchase them, you can use the improvised tools that are in every house:
- Tubes for cocktails;
- Tubular pasta;
- The hollow part of the ballpoint pen;
- Cropped plastic bottle;
- Wire frames of different sizes.
Basis - soap solution
Once you have prepared a blowing tool, you must take care of the soap solution. We bring to your attention the most popular and repeatedly tested recipes for the preparation of compositions for blowing soap balls.
Classic version
This is a proven method for years, thanks to which you can create large and durable bubbles. You will need:
- 0.5 liters of water;
- 50 grams of baby or laundry soap.
Important! Soap should be free of fragrances, synthetic fragrances and dyes.
- 2 tablespoons of glycerin.
In this case, the correctness of the preparation of the composition plays a huge role. The sequence of actions to make soap bubbles at home, like shopping, will be as follows:
- Finely chop or grate the bars of soap.
- Fill the soap shavings with hot water and gently stir until it is completely dissolved.
Important! If the soap does not dissolve well, then you can heat the water and, stirring over a fire, bring it to complete dissolution. Be careful - do not let the solution boil.
- Strain the prepared solution through cheesecloth and add glycerin to it.
We use dishwashing liquid
This is an excellent option for making soap bubbles at home, like in a store, without glycerin. You will need:
- 100 milliliters of boiled or distilled water;
- 100 milliliters of dishwashing liquid;
- 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Gently mix everything in a container, and you can start pampering.
Fragrant Bubbles
We bring to your attention the option of making a liquid that is safe for children, while it has a pleasant and tasty aroma. You will need:
- 50 milliliters of baby shampoo;
Important! Try to choose a “no tear” shampoo. If the bubble bursts and droplets fall into the eyes so that they do not cause the baby to irritate the mucous membrane.
- 200 milliliters of distilled or boiled water;
- 2 tablespoons of glycerin or 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Use liquid soap or bath foam
To prepare such a solution, you will need to take three parts of bath foam or liquid soap for one part of water. Mix everything gently.
Important! In order for the foam to settle, it is necessary to use the prepared solution for 20-30 minutes (if possible, it is better to 1-2 days) in the refrigerator.
Making strong soap bubbles
To make such soap balls you will need:
- 200 milliliters of warm water;
- 50 grams of grated baby or household soap;
- 3 tablespoons of sugar syrup;
Important! To prepare sugar syrup, you need to mix sugar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 and boil it until thickened.
- 100 milliliters of glycerin.
The finished solution is so strong that it can make balls of various sizes and shapes.
Large soap bubbles
In order to make soap bubbles at home, like in a store, you will need:
- 300 milliliters of boiled or distilled water;
- 50 milliliters of glycerin;
- 100 milliliters of dishwashing liquid;
- 4 teaspoons of sugar.
Such a solution must be prepared in a basin. As for the tool for blowing them, then in this case you should use a hoop for gymnastics. You need to dip it into the solution and gently stretch the bubble.
to contents ↑Important! In order to check the quality of the solution, it is necessary to lower the finger into the foam and touch the bubble. If it bursts, then you need to add some more sugar or glycerin. If the soap balls come out tight and are poorly blown out, in this case the solution must be diluted with water.
Blowing bubbles
After you have prepared a soap solution, you can start pampering. You should take into account the fact that the type and shape of the bubble that you get depends solely on where you will release them. For example, if this happens on the street, it is very important that the weather is good, since with a windy weather you are unlikely to succeed. Also, do not blow bubbles on a very hot day. The optimum temperature for such fun is 25 degrees, and it is desirable that the air be humid.
Important! The best results in blowing soap balls are obtained after rain or after watering the lawn.
If you are going to let out bubbles without leaving the house, then you should be wary of drafts, and the air should not be excessively dry.
to contents ↑Important! If you blow bubbles in a house, you should consider the fact that when bursting, they can leave marks on walls, furniture or parquet.
Useful Tips
If you want to produce not just soap balls, but beautiful and durable bubbles, you need to take into account several recommendations:
- Do not take tap water to prepare the solution.
- Soap, shampoo or dishwashing liquid should have a natural composition, without dyes and fragrances.
- Do not abuse glycerin or sugar. Proportions should be equal.
- If you are preparing a solution for the smallest, then it should not be dense.
- If there is foam on the surface of the solution, then before inflating the bubble, you need to wait until it settles.
- The ball should be blown slowly and evenly. There is no need to rush in this matter.
to contents ↑Important! Despite the fact that blowing bubbles is pretty safe fun, you should always adhere to the following safety rules:
- When working with the solution, be extremely careful so that it does not get into the eyes.
- Watch your child so that he does not taste the solution.
- Bubbles should be blown in the direction where there are no people and animals.
- If splashes from the bladder nevertheless get into the eyes, they must be washed immediately with plenty of clean running water.
- Once the fun is over, be sure to wash your hands with soap.
Stock footage
As you can see, making soap bubbles on your own is quite simple and you do not need a lot of time for this. Using one of the above recipes, you will give a holiday to yourself and your child, and most importantly - you will plunge into the magical moments of childhood.
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