How to make the nose smaller?

Unfortunately, not all nature endowed with ideal proportions of the body. Therefore, sometimes we have to hide our flaws under clothes. Well, what to do if you are not comfortable with the size of your nose. You really can’t hide it, because it is the most outstanding part of the face. Thanks to modern cosmetology, today there are many ways to make your nose smaller. Choosing the one that is right for you, you can no longer shy of your nose and proudly lift it up. We bring to your attention effective methods that will help you correct or adjust the shape of your nose.

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Rhinoplasty: its benefits and harms

This is the easiest and most popular way to date. In order for the shape of your nose to be perfect, you do not need to make much effort, and you will get the finished result in just a few days. Therefore, you can easily say goodbye to your complexes.

Unfortunately, this method has a number of significant contraindications and disadvantages:

  • When choosing an unskilled specialist, you can cause irreparable harm not only to the nose, but also to health in general.
  • Rhinoplasty is an operative measure. Therefore, you should be prepared for possible consequences.
  • The duration of the postoperative period. You will go for a long time with edema, take anti-inflammatory, healing drugs that accelerate healing.
  • You will have to follow a special diet for some time.
  • The cost of this procedure is quite high and not everyone can afford it.
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Make up nose with makeup

Makeup is not only a way to emphasize the bright features of your face, but also the ability to correct it and hide flaws. Thanks to the correct application of makeup, you can change your face beyond recognition. In order to make the nose smaller at home with the help of decorative cosmetics, you can use the following life hacks:

  • Learn the basics of contouring makeup. Thanks to him, you can not only emphasize the beautiful features of your face, but radically change it. In the center of the nose, use a beveled brush to draw a straight line and blend the contouring agent. This way you make it visually shorter. The line should be as thin as possible, since the visual width of your “proboscis” will depend on it.

Important! Unfortunately, contouring will not remove your nose length and it will still be noticeable in your profile.

  • Using shadows, a dark concealer or bronzer, you can also adjust and give the nose more elegant and subtle features. To do this, apply the product from the edge of the eye to the tip and blend it.

Important! To make the nose appear shorter, a contouring agent can be applied to its edge.

  • Using correctly selected powder, shadows and tonal foundation in your arsenal, you can visually hide all the flaws.
  • Avoid flickering shadows. Your choice should fall only on matte.

Important! When choosing makeup, you should take the shadow a couple of tones darker, and the tonal base - on the contrary, lighter than the color of your skin. This way you remove the accent from your nose.

And in the end, the most important thing is that makeup does wonders, but it should be as natural and invisible as possible.

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Correct Eyebrow Shape

Who would have thought that the irregular shape of the eyebrows can not only make a significant emphasis on the nose, but visually increase it even more:

  • If your nose is large, looks like a potato or with a hump, then you are strongly advised not to make straight eyebrows or draw them with a thread.

Important! The light shade of the eyebrows also emphasizes the disproportionate size of the nose.

  • The best option would be curved semicircular eyebrows. They will visually shift the emphasis, and your nose will become more pretty.
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Spectacular hairstyle

Hairstyle is also of great importance, and if you choose the right haircut or styling, you can visually make your nose smaller without surgery. Here are some tips to help you with this:

  • You should avoid straight haircuts with bangs, as they lengthen the nose even more.
  • In order to hide such an unsightly part of the face, you should do a voluminous hairstyle. A great option would be curls and curls.

Important! Dye your hair in bright colors such as red and red. They will easily draw attention to themselves and lead him away from his nose.

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Face gymnastics or facebuilding

To date, having done a lot of research, cosmetologists have come to the conclusion that you can significantly adjust the shape of the nose with the help of special exercises.

Important! Facebook building is so effective that its results are equated with the results of plastic surgery.

The most important thing is to choose exactly the complex that will be aimed exclusively at your problem areas. We bring to your attention several exercises with which you can make your nose not only smaller, but also give it a more pretty shape.

Adjust the width and length

This complex is aimed at training the lowering muscles of the nose. As soon as she gets the right tone, the hump will immediately noticeably decrease. The lesson should be carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Take the starting position: pull the stomach, tighten the muscles of the buttocks and hips.
  2. With your thumb and forefinger, grasp the bridge of the nose and lightly pinch their nose.
  3. With the same fingers, just the other hand, begin to slightly lift the tip of the nose.

Important! During this exercise, with your little finger, you should pull the lower lip.

This exercise to achieve a good result should be done at least 20-40 times a day.

Tweak the tip

This set of exercises is not intended for noses with a hump:

  1. Pull in your stomach and tighten your hips and buttocks.
  2. With your fingertips, begin to direct the nose in the opposite direction of its curvature and hold it in this state for about 30 seconds.

Important! These manipulations should be carried out at least 30-50 times a day.

We adjust the nose of the form “potato”

In order for the nose to acquire a beautiful shape and become more attractive, you must do the following exercise:

  1. Lift the tip of the nose with your index finger.
  2. Slightly open your mouth. The upper lip must be turned to the teeth.
  3. Lower the tip down.

This exercise must be done at least 50 times.

Important! In order to make the nose smaller while performing exercises, it is imperative to monitor the width of the open mouth. The wider it is, the greater the number of muscles will be involved, respectively - the result will be better and faster.

Keeping your nose in good shape

Scientists have already proved that a person’s nose and ears grow throughout his life. That is why the subsequent exercise will help you keep the beauty and the correct shape of your nose for life:

  1. Take a starting position.
  2. With the middle fingers of both hands, grab your nose so that your fingers touch on the bridge of the nose.
  3. With light and gentle movements, begin to tighten the skin to the nose and hold it there for about 10 seconds.

Important! With this exercise, you can significantly reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

The most important thing in the whole complex is the correct breathing.You must breathe slowly and calmly.

Important! After a few workouts, your respiratory organ may swell a bit. Do not be alarmed! This is a normal phenomenon that will pass in a few days.

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Every woman can have a small and beautiful nose, even one that nature has not rewarded with such a thing. You can independently adjust it so that it acquires an elegant and pretty shape. The most important thing is patience and the desire to change something. Only in this case you will achieve great results, and your nose will gain the desired size and shape.

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