How to make a dress from paper?

Paper dresses can replenish not only the wardrobe of your daughter’s favorite dolls. They also allow you to simulate future outfits made of fabric. In this article, we will look at several examples of how to make a dress out of paper so that it looks unusual, stylish, extravagant. Ready-made sketches in the future can be used to make chic dresses for adults.

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Features of paper doll dresses

With such models, we associate a variety of things - it all depends on how well a person has developed imagination. Every girl loves to remember how, as a child, her mother brought her lovely dolls, then together in the evenings they sewed clothes for them from fabrics and paper. It really was incredibly interesting and fascinating, however, several decades ago.

Important! The modern younger generation does not show much interest in this occupation, because nowadays dolls are sold complete with whole sets of bright and beautiful clothes. But you can always be interested in a child - try to make a paper dress with your own hands with your baby. In addition, today it is easier to do this, because on the Internet you can find ready-made patterns, then print them on paper.

The following materials are mainly used for work:

  • Origami paper.
  • Newspapers.
  • Paper from school notebooks.
  • White or colored office paper.

It may seem to many that clothes made in this way are outwardly completely ridiculous, but this is a mistake. Such miniature outfits allow you to change dolls if you wish, they can decorate notebooks, workshops and albums. You can even use thick sheets of newspaper and cardboard to implement your ideas. You may not believe it, but a dress made of toilet paper with your own hands will turn out no worse. It is not difficult to find a master class, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

Important! Printed texts and letters are in fashion today - you must have seen people dressed in jackets, jackets and dresses made of fabrics with such an unusual pattern on the street. As a decor, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, bows, geometric shapes, and other decorations. By the same principle, you can even make greeting cards.

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Making dresses from modules

Modular toys are becoming more popular every day. Outwardly, they look elegant, especially if you use multi-colored paper for decoration. So why not take this idea and create a gorgeous paper dress with your own hands for a contest for a girl?

Having a little time left, you can make an excellent outfit from the modular range. The main thing is to remember that such an activity requires a lot of patience and perseverance. To work, you will have to find a special scheme according to which you first make, then put all the elements together. The simplest and at the same time unusual is considered a triangular module.

If desired, even a child can learn this technique, because no special skills are required, you only need to consider such points:

  • All modules have the same size, regardless of the parameters of the finished model.
  • To make the outfit interesting and unusual, you can independently change the shape of the figure, for example, increase or decrease the number of modules in each row.
  • It is recommended to start work directly on the doll, so that it is easier and there are no problems with putting it on. In addition, you can visually assess the result at each stage of the work.

If you have absolutely no doubts, you are 100% confident in your abilities, then you can safely get to work. There are many ideas for building modular things. An ideal option for beginners is to make the top out of plain paper, make a large multi-colored fluffy skirt from below. Such an outfit is considered universal, since the bottom remains unchanged, with the upper part you can endlessly experiment.

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Dresses for dolls made of napkins and corrugated paper

Corrugated paper is ideal for such an undertaking. But if you decide to make a dress of corrugated paper with your own hands, then remember that you must work with this material with extreme caution - it is very delicate, and in case of careless handling it is easily torn. You can make from it not only the outfit itself, even accessories.

A dress is made of napkins or paper according to the following scheme:

  1. First you need to make a frame of wallpaper or cardboard. You can find his pattern on the Internet or in a fashion magazine. Once you complete it, you can begin to work on other details.
  2. To make the product more colorful and vibrant, use several colors at once.

Important! To create a dress from napkins, you will need at least 70 pieces. Naturally, the larger the doll, the more material will have to be taken.

  1. All napkins are recommended to be torn into small pieces. It does not matter what form they turn out, the main thing is that their size should not be less than five centimeters.
  2. Then all the details roll into small balls and simply attach to the base.

Important! They should not be placed too close, but the density should be such that the frame is completely hidden from view.

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How to make an adult dress for yourself from newspapers?

If you make a little effort, soon you will be able to create even adult paper dresses with your own hands. Of course, you won’t be able to go for a walk in such an outfit, but for a party or photo shoot it will fit perfectly.

Newspapers or corrugated paper are used for such models. For work, it is better to purchase high-quality and expensive material, which is distinguished by its special density and strength. In principle, matte paper is also suitable; a dress from it will turn out to be incredibly beautiful, stylish, original. Many well-known fashion designers use paper things in their work to realize their ideas. First they make their models out of paper, and only then transfer them to the fabric.

Important! The newspaper is a fragile material, so for greater convenience, the frame must be made of thick cardboard, which can hold the entire structure.

Below we describe the easiest option for making a newspaper dress. This model consists of two parts - the top and a skirt-tutu. To create it, you must perform the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare all materials before starting work, take measurements.
  2. Expand newspapers, stack them in stacks of two.
  3. Make them corrugated with a ruler. This is done simply - you should measure two centimeters, then alternately bend the strips and smooth them again with a ruler.
  4. When you make all newspapers corrugated, you can begin to fasten them with a sewing machine or glue.
  5. It’s best to add Velcro on the back of the seam, so that if necessary, the skirt can be removed or put back on.
  6. The top of the product is created on the same principle, but just remember to cut out the spaces for the neckline and armpits.
  7. The straps are further made of paper - just take a few wide stripes for this.
  8. From a wide cardboard it is necessary to make a belt, then fasten it with Velcro.
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This is how a dress is made of paper with your own hands in stages, you must admit, there is nothing difficult in this.You can decorate the outfit with various accessories. Using your own imagination, you can create stylish, unusual, beautiful things from any material at hand.


