How to make a dress from newspapers?

For some, this may be strange, but for most people, especially young people, modern fashion is a huge opportunity for self-expression and imagination, because clothes have long ceased to be made exclusively from fabric. In this article we will tell you how to make a dress from newspapers. This is a great idea, because in this outfit you can go on many holidays: Halloween, New Year, as well as an event dedicated to environmental protection.

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First way

First, make sure that all the necessary items are at hand. Among them:

  • Newspaper sheets.
  • Scissors.
  • Measuring instruments - a centimeter tape and a regular ruler.
  • Needle.
  • Threads.
  • Belt.
  • A simple pencil.


  1. Expand the double sheet of newspaper and put another one on top.
  2. Fold them in accordion. The folds should be close to each other.
  3. In this way, you need to add four “harmonica”.
  4. On each mark the line “waist”, and after that - sew in pairs on a sewing machine. Thus, you should get something like a top. Put on a belt on a waist.
  5. Cut the top of the top in a semicircle and sew on the straps, also made of newspaper with an accordion, but do not unfold them.
  6. Now move on to creating the skirt. To do this, you need to stitch single sheets on the typewriter, making folds “by eye”.
  7. Sew on the basque. Make it simple enough - for this you need to cut single sheets in half horizontally, fold an accordion and deploy. Sew a basque to the skirt.

Do-it-yourself newspaper clothes ready! Feel free to wear it and go to the party - you will be the queen of the evening.

Important! Remember that in such a robe you need to be super-careful and prudent, because it is easy to spoil it - just crush or wet it.

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Second way

In the second method, from the newspapers there will be only the bottom of the dress. The steps to create it are pretty simple, but it will take a considerable amount of time, so be sure to be patient. Be sure the result deserves it.

You will need:

  • Black top.
  • Plain black skirt made of simple material without decorative elements.
  • Old newspapers.
  • Scissors.
  • Threads.
  • Needle.
  • Stapler.


Do-it-yourself newspaper dress - how to make? The master class will look like this:

  1. First you need to make a foundation. It is good if you already have a plain dress on the floor without decorative elements. If there is none, just sew a top (blouse, t-shirt or top) and a skirt between you.
  2. Now the most interesting, but painstaking. Take a double sheet of newspaper and roll it up.
  3. You need to make hundreds of such bags and sew them to the skirt vertically with an overlap.

Do-it-yourself newspaper skirt and top are ready!

Important! You can add a belt, also made from an old newspaper. To do this, fold two double sheets with an accordion and connect them together with a stapler to get a rectangular belt, sew it to the waist.

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Third way

You will need:

  • Newspaper sheets.
  • Scissors.
  • Scotch.
  • Glue.
  • Dress.
  • Salt.
  • Stapler.

How to act:

  1. To get started, cut twelve centimeter wide strips from a newspaper and roll them four times horizontally.
  2. On a dress of such stripes, form a V-shaped neckline. To do this, sew them to the shoulders and bend at an angle of forty-five degrees towards the chest.
  3. Now let's start creating a corset. To get started, prepare the solution by mixing PVA glue, salt and water.Cut long strips from a newspaper, spread with a solution and glue around the body, without touching the neck and part of the back.
  4. Let the top dry for a day at room temperature, then make holes on the sides and thread the laces for the corset into them.
  5. Then continue to stick the strips in the shape of the dress. To create a more voluminous outfit, you can create two layers.
  6. If you have such an opportunity, ask a friend for help, because a newspaper is a delicate material that is difficult to work with.

Important! You can immediately put on a dress, or you can create a decor. Satin ribbons will look great.

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How to sew a paper dress for a girl?

If you have a daughter, then you will probably have to deal with the problem of what to wear for the holidays and events that are organized in schools and kindergartens. Of course, you can buy an ordinary ball gown, but if you want to stand out or are simply not enough money, we suggest you create an outfit from newspapers.

You need:

  • A4 sheets.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle with threads.
  • Ruler.
  • A simple pencil.
  • Stapler

How to act:

  1. Bend the edges of the sheet to the center.
  2. The upper part must be cut in a semicircle.
  3. Place the folds with the middle and fasten the middle.
  4. Such blanks you need to make about seventy-one hundred pieces.
  5. Sew them to the bottom of the dress.
  6. Then sew the satin ribbon at the waist and continue to frame the upper part with blanks.
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So we got acquainted with various options for how to make a dress from newspapers with our own hands. As you can see, this is not so difficult. The main thing is to be patient, so rather prepare the necessary items, and proceed to create the original masterpiece!


