How to make a pleasant smell in the apartment?

The unpleasant smell leaves the corresponding impression, as it affects the situation in the apartment, house, office space. That is why to eliminate unpleasant odors, there is a huge amount of chemicals. But what if there is no desire to use them, how to make a pleasant smell in the apartment? The answer to this question, you will find in the lines of this article.

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What can smell in your house?

Perhaps few people think about this, but smells are actually able to positively influence directly the atmosphere in the apartment, create a positive mood. At the same time, perfumes for the home are not only the familiar air fresheners in cans.

You can purchase special aromatic sprays that can be sprayed even on upholstered furniture, interior textiles to make a pleasant smell in the apartment. The result in this case will be saved much longer than from an ordinary freshener. In addition, you can take advantage of the popular essential oils.

Of course, it is best if the house smells of freshly baked bread, but it looks more like a fairy tale. It is clear that not all housewives will bake something every day, which is why you can fill the apartment with other wonderful smells. The following aromas are considered to be the most positive and favorable:

  • green tea or verbena;
  • the Rose;
  • smells of needles;
  • citrus flavors;
  • mint;
  • cinnamon or natural coffee.
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Which fragrance to choose for each room?

Absolutely every room in your apartment can have its own flavor:

  1. In the kitchen, coniferous aromas that perfectly eliminate the smells of burnt food will be more appropriate.
  2. And if you smoke often in the room, coffee, aroma of spices or cinnamon will help to neutralize the unpleasant odor that comes from tobacco.
  3. For the living room, it is advisable to use fresh, invigorating aromas of citrus fruits and mint.
  4. The bedroom may well smell like romantic roses. Although there are attractive smells of jasmine or lavender, which you, of course, can choose according to your own preference.
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How to neutralize unpleasant odors?

Sometimes there are situations when unpleasant odors settle in the house for unknown reasons. In this case, the question arises about the effective disposal of them. Most often, the cause of such aromas lies on the surface, which is why it must be eliminated.

Use the dishwasher bombs

If you have a dishwasher, you probably know that after a few months, not the most pleasant smells appear in it. Therefore, try a simple recipe that will make your car sparkle like new and make a pleasant smell in the apartment.

Important! Another plus is that you need to prepare these bombs only once, and you have enough for at least 6 months.

What does that require:

  • 2 tbsp. baking soda;
  • 3 tbsp. l hydrogen peroxide;
  • 10 drops of any essential oil, such as lemon or peppermint;
  • parchment paper;
  • table vinegar 2 cups.

A method of preparing a bomb to make a pleasant smell in the apartment:

  1. Mix soda, peroxide, and essential oil in such a way that this mixture reminds you of wet sand.
  2. With the help of 2 tsp. shape the bombs and lay them out on prepared parchment paper.
  3. Leave to dry for 1 night.
  4. Pour vinegar into a ceramic bowl and place it in the empty dishwasher to the highest level.
  5. At the lower level or in the compartment, which is designed for tablets, put 1-2 bombs.
  6. Start the wash cycle at maximum temperature.
  7. Open and enjoy the radiant dishwasher as well as the incredibly pleasant smell.

Super-Absorbing Odor Remover Mixture

Quite often, the pleasant smell in the apartment spoils the refrigerator. In addition, overly fragrant dishes soak up other foods with their smell. At best, there should be absolutely no smell in your refrigerator. That is what we will strive with.

What is needed for this:

  • 10-11 sprigs of lavender;
  • baking soda;
  • mug for powdered sugar.

Mode of application:

  1. Fill the mug with soda about ¾, add lavender and mix. Close the lid.
  2. Put to the farthest wall of the refrigerator and do not forget to change the filling every 2-2.5 months.

Throughout this time, you are very reliably protected from absolutely any unpleasant odors.

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The best do-it-yourself fresheners

Having neutralized the fetid amber from household appliances, it is necessary to proceed to the second stage of the process - to make a pleasant smell in the apartment. We offer you some of the simplest recipes that will fill all rooms with a sophisticated aroma and will contribute to your energy, good mood, lightness and good rest.

Natural air freshener

To do this, you will need the following ingredients:

  • half a cup of vodka;
  • half a cup of water;
  • 25-30 drops of essential oil, for example, lemon, orange, rosemary;
  • additional ingredients - zest of orange or lemon, cinnamon stick, sprig of rosemary or lavender.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix vodka with water and essential oils - the amount of essential oils can be reduced as desired.
  2. Pour everything into the spray gun.
  3. Add lemon zest, cinnamon, and rosemary to make the smell more intense and give your home a freshener aesthetic.
  4. Shake before spraying.

Ground coffee freshener

In order to eliminate unpleasant odors in the kitchen, bathroom or any other room, grind coffee beans and leave the fresh mixture in a fully open container for 2-3 hours.

Important! Ground coffee is very effective in removing unpleasant odors from the refrigerator. Fill 2 small-sized containers with fresh coffee grounds or ground coffee, and then leave them in the refrigerator for 1 night.

To enhance the aroma of coffee, you can add a few drops of vanilla essence.

Cotton balls for cleaning

Put a few drops of your favorite perfume on a cotton ball, and then put it in a garbage bag from a vacuum cleaner. During the operation of the vacuum cleaner, a gentle, pleasant aroma will fill the room, as well as freshen the air in the rooms in which you will vacuum.

Important! Cotton balls, just like coffee, can be used to refresh the refrigerator. In such cases, put a cotton pad or swab soaked in vanilla extract in a refrigerator on a shelf.

Fresh Citruses

It is the aroma of citrus that is most opportune to cope with the task of how to make a pleasant smell in the apartment. Choose a fruit that is convenient for you and a method of application and you will forget about the problem of musty and a specific amber in the house.


Put a few slices of lemon on a plate and leave it in the room you need. In just a few hours, the air will acquire freshness and aroma.

Important! To eliminate the smell from the refrigerator with lemon juice, wet the sponge and leave it in it for 2-3 hours.

In order to freshen the air throughout the apartment, office premises, add lemon zest, cloves, cinnamon, and also apple peel to hot water. A pleasant aroma will reach all corners of the apartment.


In order to freshen the air in the kitchen after cooking, you can use fresh oranges. Boil the orange peel in a saucepan and leave the container open for several hours. The air that is in the kitchen is freshening up.

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How to refresh the apartment with spices and herbs?

Completely abandon special products for rooms that aromatize the air, it’s better to prepare wonderful fresheners with your own hands. The benefits of this approach will be much greater than household chemicals with a dubious composition.

The best home fresheners to make a pleasant smell in the apartment:

  • Boil cinnamon sticks, cloves in a pan for 20-30 minutes.
  • For air freshening, you can put 2-3 tbsp. l spices on a tray that needs to be covered with parchment paper. Place the tray in the hot oven for approximately 30 minutes. Be sure to leave the door ajar.
  • In the event that you have dried mint, rub its leaves in your hands and put on a saucer. In addition, it will not be amiss if you start to grow such fragrant herbs on the windowsill, for example, mint, basil, thyme. They will grow with you all year, delighting you with their freshness and aroma.

Important! You can use all this greens while cooking.

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We wish that your apartment always had an exceptionally pleasant smell, which would create a comfortable atmosphere for all households and guests of your home.


