How to make a bobblehead from nylon tights?

The needlewomen are a very inventive people. There is no such type of product or material that they could not use in needlework and from which they could not sew, dazzle or cut out any crafts. For example, extravagant baby dolls from socks or pantyhose that have a nylon base are successfully invented. The technique is very interesting, and the material itself is malleable and easy to use. For a skilled needlewoman, this is quite an important point. Although even a novice craftswoman can create a small doll-baby doll. In this article we will look at how to make a bobblehead from nylon tights on your own.

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Socks as a great material for needlework

Sometimes, as a material for the manufacturing process, a completely unexpected, inconspicuous, at first glance, item of clothing - such as a sock, can be used. When he falls into the hands of a craftswoman, then suddenly in one instant it can turn into a soft, cute little animal or a chic doll-baby doll with which the kids play.

Important! The special value of such rag little man toys is that they can not only be made very quickly and easily with your own hands. There is an opportunity for each created product to give its own specific character, you can highlight and emphasize the various facial expressions and character traits of the doll, while controlling the facial expressions of the little men. In the watched master classes you can observe how realistic and plastic such dolls-dolls look, as well as other products from socks or tights.


To make a baby doll from kapron pantyhose with your own hands fit:

  • Nylon tights or socks that have a fairly solid foundation. When choosing a material, it is necessary to give preference to complex weaving so that at the most inopportune moment arrows do not follow it.
  • The choice of color must be approached carefully. It is mainly recommended to use flesh, white or light pink colors. However, if you want to make baby dolls from nylon tights that look like mulattos or blacks, then brown or black socks or tights can be used as the color of the material.

Important! You can also make dolls of socks with mohair weaving on your own, while they can be used together with nylon. With this option, the created dolls do not need to make extra clothes.

In the case of sewing the product only from kapron material, for the baby doll, you will have to tinker with additional clothing, since it needs to be dressed in something. As a rule, needlewomen make clothes on baby dolls from old shreds.

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Doll from nylon tights

For the manufacture of baby dolls, it is necessary to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • durable kapron pantyhose or socks;
  • synthetic winterizer or any other filler can be used;
  • two pieces of black beads are needed for the eyes;
  • threads of white and brown colors;
  • scissors;
  • guipure material for vest;
  • white knitted fabric from which we will make panties and socks;
  • yarn of blue and brown colors;
  • Crochet hook.

How to make a baby doll from nylon tights with your own hands:

  1. We select the required sock or the trimmed part of the tights, stuff them with a synthetic winterizer or some other filler.
  2. For convenience, we make temporary fastening in the upper part of the stuffed sock.
  3. After that we create the head. To do this, applying stitches in a circle, we separate the torso from the head - in this part we tighten the sock well.
  4. Then, at the central point of the torso, we make out the navel, using a needle and thread. After - we fix the thread and display it in the lower part of the sock.
  5. On the other hand of the decorated torso we make one large stitch, which has the shape of a constriction, thus we make out the doll-baby doll ass.
  6. Using a small piece of filler, we roll up the nose in the form of a ball, which is placed in the area of ​​the manufactured face.
  7. Now, the fixed fastener in the upper part of the sock is removed, after which it is necessary to apply small stitches, sew the product, tighten and fasten the thread so that it does not run away.
  8. After the procedure, the unnecessary part of the nylon material should be very carefully cut.
  9. After that, we proceed to the design of the ears. To do this, we make several stitches in the inner part of the head, then we remove the needle in the intended place where the future ear will be located, slightly tightening the thread, making small stitches, we make a constriction on both sides of the head. We fix the thread and cut it.
  10. To place the eyes of a baby doll from nylon tights with our own hands, we use two black beads. At the same time we carry out tightening of the corners of the mouth. To do this, we carry out phased actions:
    • At the point of the corner of the mouth, you need to prick the needle with thread and bring it to the location of the eye.
    • Put the bead on the needle and fix it well.
    • Without tearing the thread, make a needle puncture in the area of ​​the second eye, put on the second bead and lock it again.
    • Withdraw the needle at the location of the second corner of the mouth. Lock the thread so that it does not come out.
  11. For embroidery of eyelashes and eyebrows we use threads of black or brown color.
  12. Now we make out a smiling mouth. To do this, with a needle with a thread of bright red color from the corner of the mouth on one side, we make a broach to the other corner.
  13. Take the second sock. For certain patterns, we make legs and handles from it. Using a filler, we form sausages, which we wrap in nylon material and sew them with neat stitches. Sew the manufactured legs to the decorated torso.
  14. Using guipure fabric, we create a pattern of sleeves, in the finished form we sew them on the manufactured handles.
  15. From the exact same fabric we cut out the base of the future baby's undershirt, put it on the doll-baby doll and rather tightly fasten around the neck. Sew the handles that are dressed in sleeves on top of the manufactured vest.
  16. From white knitwear we make panties, tie them with a blue thread, using a knitting hook.
  17. After that we make hair. To do this, we use threads of thick yarn, which with a knitting hook we make into a wig and sew to the head of our sweetie.
  18. From the white knitwear we cut out the socks, which must also be crocheted.
  19. And the very last touch that gives a twist to our product. On the cheeks of the made doll from kapron material we apply gentle blush.

A wonderful baby doll is ready to delight kids with its appearance!

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Dolls from nylon tights and a plastic bottle

How to make a baby doll from nylon tights with your own hands:

  • From the bottle, it is necessary to cut off the lower part and wrap it with a filler, for example, synthetic winterizer.
  • Then you need to pull on the bottle a small segment of pantyhose made of kapron material, the length of which corresponds to the length of our bottle.
  • After this, we proceed to the formation of the front part of the pupa.To do this, it is necessary to roll up the ball from the filler, insert it into the bottle, which is covered with nylon material, and, using a needle with a thread, form a nose.
  • Next, add another filler to create the cheeks, forehead and chin.
  • Then glue the eyes.

Important! You can use ordinary beads or use pre-made cute eyes that are sold in a store in the textile and haberdashery department.

  • Embroider the mouth to give the corresponding facial expression to our doll.
  • In order to highlight the line of the neck, you need to drag it with threads.
  • The lower part must be pulled up and pulled out through the neck of the bottle.

Important! Be sure to use a needle and thread to fix the tights at the top point.

  • From threads of thick yarn, you should make hair and sew it on the head of the doll you are making.
  • For the manufacture of hands used wire. To do this, cut pieces for the fingers, wrap them with filler and gradually connect.
  • The entire handle, starting from the palm to the shoulder, must be wrapped with synthetic winterizer, after which it must be decorated with “leather” made of kapron material.
  • Fingers need to be highlighted with threads.

Important! For this type of pupa, it is not necessary to make legs, since it can be dressed up in a skirt that is long enough to cover imaginary legs. If you make a granny doll from kapron material, then you have a wide field of activity for creating a dress.

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DIY frame doll

Children's frame dolls made of kapron material are the top of hosiery. Such toys look great, are no different from real dolls, they are very plastic, they are nice to pick up.

Important! For the manufacture of the frame base, aluminum or copper wire is used, while it is permissible to use a wire that has a different thickness. Pupa-based dolls can both stand and sit, since the presence of wire allows mobile parts of the body to be movable.

To make a frame:

  1. They make the basis of a wire with a length of about 30 cm. Such a frame structure has a loop of 12 cm, from which the head is subsequently made.
  2. This is followed by 12 cm for the oval body and the remaining 16 cm make up the legs.
  3. Separately, wrap insulating tape on the handle.
  4. At the ends of the legs, loops should be formed, which serve as shoes for the future baby doll.

Important! If you prefer to make a doll about 50 cm in size, then you need to stock up on a wire of about 1.5 m and twist the frame from it.

The frame can be covered with padding polyester to give the toy volume.

Now there remains the most creative part of the process, since it is necessary to cut and sew a beautiful extraordinary dress for our doll and put it on this outfit.

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So different dolls

In order for the work to have a first-class look, it is desirable to carefully mask all seams. When creating little dolls, it is necessary to observe the ratio:

  • If you need to sew a baby toy, the proportional ratio of the torso and head is 3 to 1.
  • To make a baby doll, you need to adhere to the recommended 6: 1 ratio.
  • If you are making an adult chrysalis, then you should use an acceptable ratio of the components - 8: 1.

Important! When making a baby doll, it must be taken into account that the smaller the size of the created masterpiece, the more difficult it will be to make a designer outfit for her.

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Options for creating toys from all kinds of improvised materials - a lot. Try the ideas suggested in this article, and after you hone your skills a little, you yourself will improve the schemes and design unique toys that will not leave anyone indifferent.

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