How to make a rose out of paper?

A bouquet of flowers is a great decor that will not only decorate the interior of the room, but will bring some spring freshness into it. This is especially true for roses. Unfortunately, bouquets of fresh flowers are very expensive, and they fade quite quickly. But there is always an alternative. We offer you to make paper flowers. In addition, they will last quite a long time, while not requiring additional care. And in order for the process to move forward quickly and bring you pleasure, we’ll tell you how to make a rose out of paper.
to contents ↑Paper roses making - materials for work
You can make a beautiful rose from just one sheet. This way you get a small but pretty cute flower. If you want more diverse and complex options, then you may need the following materials:
- Corrugated paper. Despite its simplicity, it can produce spectacular and most similar to living flowers products that can be used both for making bouquets and for creating various decorative accessories, for example, boutonnieres or hair clips.
- Standard A4 paper. You can make the most diverse and non-standard flowers of different sizes and colors from it.
- Paper napkins. Using this material, in the end you will get voluminous and rather delicate rosebuds.
Important! You can use even the most unusual material - glossy magazines, newspapers, books or calendars. The most important thing is to turn on imagination and find the unusual in the ordinary.
- Various decorative elements - beads, satin and lace ribbons, sequins.
to contents ↑Important! Before you purchase the necessary materials, you first need to decide on the method by which you will make a rose from paper with your own hands, and only then boldly go to the store.
We make a paper rose. Basic manufacturing methods
Today on the Internet there are many very diverse options for the manufacture of such crafts. We bring to your attention the most popular and original ones.
Method number 1. Simple twisted rose
This is a fairly easy option, the crafts on which you can do in just 5-10 minutes.
You will need:
- Scissors;
- A sheet of colored paper;
- Glue.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- On an A4 sheet, draw a spiral outline.
Important! Depending on which bud you want in the end, the borders of the contour can be perfectly flat or wavy.
- Moving along a previously drawn spiral, cut the paper.
- Starting at the outer edge of the spiral, twist it.
Important! In order to simplify this process, you can use a pencil, knitting needle or pen.
- When the bud is already twisted, fix the second end of the spiral with glue. Now you can optionally add the stem and leaves.
Method number 2. Making a rose by patterns
You can use such a flower both for creating bouquets and decorate gift wrapping with it. To make it you will need:
- Colored paper (pink and green);
- Glue;
- Template for printing;
- Double-sided tape;
- Scissors.
Operating procedure:
- Draw leaflets and petal patterns on paper. In total, you should get 10 of them.
Important! You can draw such templates yourself or download from the Internet.
- Using scissors, cut the blanks of the future flower.
- Folding the bud should start from the middle.To do this, take 3 identical petals and wrap around a pencil. Fix everything with glue.
- Take other workpieces, with the help of scissors twist the petals so that they become more voluminous.
- Put one edge of the workpiece on the second, secure them with double-sided tape.
- Do the same with all remaining blanks.
- Now it remains only to put together the bud. To do this, take all the parts and insert them into each other, fixing everything with glue.
- Press the petals firmly. After the glue has dried, spread the bud.
Method number 3. Corrugated paper roses
Corrugated paper is a material that allows you to produce unusual and voluminous flowers. They fit perfectly both in the boutonniere and in a large bouquet. In order to make a rose out of paper with your own hands, you will need:
- Pink and green corrugated paper;
- Wire;
- Glue for paper, for example, PVA.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- From paper of pink color cut 4 small flowers.
- Take your wire and pierce it in the middle of one of the flowers.
- At the end of the wire, form the center of the bud.
- Then pierce the remaining parts in the same way, fastening them together with glue.
- Wrap the wire with green corrugated paper, glue the leaves if desired.
Method number 4. Large rosebuds
This is a great option for creating large and voluminous bouquets. To make such a flower you will need the following materials:
- Pink and green paper;
Important! In this case, the use of corrugated paper is a great option.
- Wooden skewer (you can take a wire and a stick for sushi);
- Glue for floristry;
- Pencil.
The procedure for creating crafts:
- On paper, draw a template in the form of an elongated heart about 15 centimeters high.
- Using this template, cut out 5-6 pieces of colored paper.
- Take the wand and wrap it in green paper. You will get a stalk.
- Stretch the petal slightly and pull it up.
- Wrap the upper edge of the heart on the handle.
- Wrap the finished petal around the stalk and secure it with glue or floral tape.
- Do the same with the rest of the details.
- Wrap the wire in green paper and attach leaflets to it.
That's all, your rose is ready! Make a couple more of these, and you will get a very original and delicate bouquet.
Important! Sprinkle the finished bud with your favorite perfume. Thus, even paper flowers will be fragrant.
Method number 5. Rose from the newspaper
This is a more complex technique than the previous ones. But if you approach the matter with patience, then in the end you will get a voluminous and identical to a living rosebud.
Important! In this case, you can use not only newsprint, but also other soft colored paper.
In order to make a rose out of paper, you will need:
- Newspaper;
- Glue;
- Scissors.
Operating procedure:
- From the newspaper cut the petals of different sizes.
Important! In order for the bud to be voluminous, each type of petal must have at least 4 pieces.
- Make the core. To do this, cut one petal, which will be thinner and taller than all the others. Twist it with a tube and fix it with glue.
Important! If there is a stem in your flower, then it can be fixed on an already prepared core.
- At the bottom of each petal, make a pinch, and move the upper circular part slightly back.
- To form a bud, it is necessary to fix all the petals in turn on the core, starting from the smallest. So you can adjust the shape and splendor of the bud.
- At the bottom of the joints, glue a thin tape that will hide them.
Method number 6. Origami roses
In order to make a voluminous rose out of paper with your own hands, you can use the Japanese origami technique. To make it, you need only a double-sided colored sheet of paper.
Important! Despite all the apparent simplicity, the origami technique is quite complicated, and not everyone succeeds the first time.
Create a craft:
- From a sheet of paper you need to cut a square.
- Bend it first horizontally, and then vertically. Expand it.
- Fold horizontally again, only so that the edge is closer to the center. You need to do this 4 times.
- For the small bottom, bend the edge of the sheet in half. This action must be repeated three times.
- Expand the square again.
- Fold the square along the folds to the center.
- Fold the square formed in the corner of the fold diagonally. Repeat this 4 times.
- Fold the resulting corners to the right.
- Bend the edge of the formed petal from the center. Do the same with other parties. Thus, your rose will be more voluminous.
- Bend all corners to the center of the square, and then bend it back to its original position.
- Hide all 4 corners behind the upcoming folds.
- In those places where there were corners, slowly and accurately spread the petals.
Important! To make the bud more realistic, bend one side of the petal towards the center, and make the other flat.
- Fold the outer edges in half.
That's all, your origami rose is ready!
Method number 7. Roses with a surprise
Today it has become very fashionable to give a variety of hand made crafts. Bouquets with a surprise were no exception. Indeed, besides the fact that you present a bouquet of flowers, a candy is also hidden inside the bud. This solution will be a great option as a complement to the main gift.
In order to make this bouquet, you will need:
- Candies;
- Gold foil
- Corrugated paper in two colors (for bud and stalk);
- Stick or wire;
- Double-sided tape;
- Floral tape;
- Glue.
When everything is ready, you can begin to work. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Take the candy and wrap it in foil. This will be the core of the bud.
Important! To prevent sweets from wrapping in foil, you can pre-select them already packed in gold candy wrappers.
- Cut the petals according to the pattern.
- Take each blank one at a time and apply around sweets. Fasten everything with glue and thread.
- Wrap a piece of corrugated paper or green floral tape around the tail of the bud. Thus, your bud will gain a leg, and you will hide the joints.
- Attach the stem with leaves.
That's all, your rose is ready! In order to make it, you need only 15-20 minutes.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, there are many ways to make a rose out of paper. The most important thing is to have desire, imagination and patience. Only in this case the flowers in your house will flaunt all year round, introducing into the atmosphere notes of spring fragrance and freshness!
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