How to make a shirt out of a bill?

Origami is called art, where various shapes are made of paper. This concept originated in Japan, and only then spread throughout the world. Replacing a regular sheet of paper, you can use a banknote - from it you can also make many different crafts. Moreover, it does not matter what value it has - 10, 50, 100 or 5000. From this article you will learn how to make a shirt out of a bill in a minimal amount of time. For the manufacture of such interesting figures, you do not need any glue or scissors - you need to arm yourself with just one bill and a drop of patience.

Important! If you are going to give such a craft to a loved one, first take a small paper bill for training.

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Shirt without tie

To make this craft in origami style, you must follow this algorithm - it will greatly simplify the task:

  1. First of all, the prepared “rectangle” is prepared, after which a little less than a third of the figure on the left side is determined and bent.
  2. Next, the bill is folded in two and without fail along the long sides, then all the folds are laid out.
  3. After that, one side edge of the rectangle is bent up, and the opposite side edge is bent down.
  4. Next, the side folds are laid out and turned over.
  5. A thin strip is bent from the right side (its width should be no more than 1 centimeter).
  6. Then, to make a shirt out of money, the bill is turned over, the long sides are bent to the middle and, without smoothing, they bend the strip from the right side again.
  7. After that, the folds on the left side are unbent and thin strips are made on the sides, so that later the cuffs of the shirt are made.
  8. The long sides are bent to the middle, and then, to get the sleeves, they turn the inner strips out.
  9. The corners are turned away from the right edge so that they cannot intersect with the central horizontal line-collar.
  10. Next, the left edge is bent under the collar lapels.

The craft can be considered finished!

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Shirt and tie

To fold a shirt from a bill of the second kind, you have to stock up some amount of time. In order to avoid all difficulties, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the algorithm:

  1. Take the desired bill, and then bend it in half, and then bend again and fold the left edges to the center.
  2. The resulting triangle is defined in the middle of the rectangle.
  3. In order for a tie to appear later, the sides of the triangle bend slightly and form symmetrical folds.
  4. Next, divide the rectangle 2 more times. Thus, the tie will become “closed” (the corners of this tie are placed on top).
  5. When folded, the right side of the future shirt made of money with a tie should be bent 1 cm, then turn the design over and divide the right side into 4 parts.
  6. Next, the two extreme parts are bent toward the center.
  7. Now the craft is turned over and doubled up, and then unbent.
  8. Between the obtained folds, the center is turned, then - again bent in half and make a collar.

The souvenir is ready!

Important! It can be used as a gift or as an additional part to the main present, so that your gift will surely be remembered.

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A lot of amazing products can be made from money, which, in turn, will be able to please loved ones.From the proposed article, you learned in what ways you can fold a shirt from a bill in just a couple of minutes, and therefore - now you can definitely please a close friend or relative with an original and, at the same time, useful present.

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