How to make a snowflake out of paper?

With the approach of the New Year, there is an urgent need to create paper snowflakes. Such decorations can decorate the windows in the apartment, country house, office or school class. You can also decorate a child’s Christmas costume or create wall-hanging and hanging Christmas decorations.

It would seem, what's so complicated? It is enough to take a paper sheet, fold it several times and make chaotic cuts with sharp scissors - that's all, the beautiful snowflake is ready. However, many are faced with the fact that they are not at all able to cut really beautiful paper jewelry. Very often they are obtained ordinary, of the same type and inaccurate. Therefore, especially for you, we have prepared an article where we will describe several options for making a snowflake out of paper, using which you can create outlandish patterns that even Grandfather Frost will envy.

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The easiest paper snowflake

There are many different ways to make a beautiful paper snowflake. Let's start by looking at the simplest one.

For work you will need:

  1. A simple pencil.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Paper.
  4. Beautiful schemes.


  • Prepare a square paper sheet and bend it diagonally in half.
  • Fold the resulting triangle in half again.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to how a new triangle develops. This can be done by eye. The main thing here is that one side of the triangle is in contact with the opposite fold.

  • Cut the bottom of the shape and draw the outline that you will cut along.
  • Now cut out the drawn patterns with scissors and spread the craft.
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Volumetric snowflake

A voluminous paper snowflake looks much more spectacular than a simple one, and making it is also quite simple. Such fairy-tale figures can be hung on a Christmas tree or hung around the room to create a New Year's atmosphere. In order to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper, you will need:

  1. Glue.
  2. Paper
  3. Stapler.
  4. Scissors.

Important! If desired, a voluminous snowflake can be made colored by using colored paper for its individual elements.


  • First, make 6 squares of the same size out of paper.

Important! In order for the three-dimensional figure to keep its shape well, it is better to use thicker paper.

  • Bend each square diagonally, make 3 cuts in the middle on both sides. These cuts should not be in contact - approximately 0.5-1 cm should be left between them.
  • Open the sheet and lay it so that the uncut edges are vertical.
  • Twist the two adjacent edges from the inside into a tube, fasten with adhesive tape or glue.
  • Expand the workpiece and connect the next two strips.
  • Turn over the parts again and connect the third row of strips.
  • Glue the last strips in the same way, turning the workpiece over with the back side.
  • Do the same with all six squares, then fasten them in three elements, turned in one direction.
  • Fix both parts in one volumetric figure.

Important! You should get a small snowflake, and there is no particular need to fasten it on the sides. But if you make a figure of a larger diameter, then it is better to fix its strips on the sides with glue or a stapler.

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Kirigami style snowflake

Now we want to tell how to make a snowflake out of paper in the Kirigami style.This guide will tell you how to make a hexagonal product, but if you want, you can experiment with any shape.


  • Using a protractor, draw a template for making the hexagonal workpiece on a blank sheet.

Important! Angles are 120 and 60 degrees.

  • Take another square sheet and bend it diagonally.
  • Place the resulting triangle with the curled side on the template along the coordinate axis.
  • Bend the corners of the workpiece. For convenience, you can make a small notch in the middle - for this you need to bend the part in half.
  • Do not fix the middle line - it is better to make one clip at the base. After that, guided by this mark, you can bend the corner.
  • Bend the second corner - the part is ready.
  • Now you need to make a snowflake openwork. First you need to draw a pattern, and then you can start cutting.
  • Expand the finished workpiece, bend some of its parts inward, if desired, decorate it with something or paint with paints.
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Quilling snowflake

Quilling is a technique for creating figures from thin paper strips by folding them into spirals and then gluing them with glue.

In order to make a snowflake out of paper with your own hands in this technique, you will need the following:

  • Paper strips 3-10 mm wide - the wider the strip, the more voluminous your craft will be.
  • The quilling tool is a stick with an eye for curling paper.
  • PVA glue.
  • Toothpicks for applying glue.
  • Stencil or ruler-stencil with different diameters of circles.

Important! Elements for snowflakes using quilling technique can be in the form of a circle, heart, drop, eye, etc. With a circle, everything is more or less clear, but a drop is the same circle, only flattened into the shape of a drop after gluing the part.

The sequence of actions:

  1. Make as many elements as possible by twisting paper strips using a special quilling tool.
  2. Form a snowflake shape from the details and glue them with glue.
  3. Attach a rope and hang a snowflake on a Christmas tree.
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As you can see, making a snowflake out of paper is not at all difficult. Anyone can handle this task. Learn for yourself and pass on the experience to your children, then every winter evening will be filled with warmth and joy at the family table.

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