How to make a table out of paper?

Over the course of their lives, almost every person has encountered moving or doing repairs on their own, after which a lot of dense cardboard remains. A large amount of paper material should not be immediately thrown away, for it you can find practical application. In this article we will look at how to make a paper table with our own hands.
to contents ↑Cardboard furniture - is the idea worth the time?
An alternative to ordinary furniture is a self-made cardboard table. Which we very often throw away without thinking that this material can be used to create an unusual product. In order for the interior item to be durable and not bend under the weight of the things put on it, for this it is necessary to correctly process the cardboard. How exactly - we will tell a little later in the text.
Paper furniture has a lot of positive advantages:
- Stylish design. For your apartment, you can design any table based on your preference and taste.
- Profitability. In the manufacture of such a piece of furniture, the costs are minimal, because they go only to purchase the necessary tools.
- Mobility. If you move, you don’t have to feel the whole nightmare of picking things up. Easily folding furniture does not cause any trouble.
- Ergonomics There is no need to go around the expanses of shops in search of a suitable piece of furniture that would fit perfectly into the interior and would be very convenient.
- Security. Cardboard furniture does not contain any harmful elements. And since you make it yourself, you can well check all the components.
- Environmental friendliness. If the piece of furniture has lost its attractiveness and previous appearance, or for some reason you wanted to change the design, you can simply disassemble and throw it away, since the cardboard material is not able to harm the environment.
- Strength. Proper processing of cardboard can extend the life of the manufactured piece of furniture.
to contents ↑Important! Despite many advantages, cardboard designs have one unpleasant drawback. A prolonged stay in a humid environment causes significant damage, and the furniture becomes unsuitable for further use. Therefore, you always need to remove the paper structure from the street.
Making origami table
A paper toy table, which is made in the origami technique, can not withstand much heaviness, because it is made of plain paper. If you print paper on the printer that imitates wood, then the appearance of the paper cannot be distinguished from the present, and it looks quite believable. Such a table looks great complete with chairs, which can also be made with your own hands, using the origami technique.
How to make an origami paper table with your own hands:
- We prepare a sheet of paper that should be folded in half.
Important! To make a table, you need to use only a square leaf. If you have standard A4 paper, you need to bend it in half diagonally. The result is a double triangle and a single rectangle.It is he who needs to be cut off to get a leaf of a square shape.
- Next, open the folded sheet.
- The side parts of your part must be bent to a vertical line.
- After that - bend it in half down, open the workpiece.
- Bend the upper and lower parts of the workpiece to a horizontal line.
- Now expand our blank.
- On the diagonal, you need to collapse the right side and bend it to the side.
- The exact same procedure should be done on the left side.
- Roll up the bottom of the workpiece.
- On the top of the paper, repeat the exact same steps as with the bottom.
- Now we need to expand our figure.
- The right corner, which is located above, must be bent down diagonally.
- Next - open the middle of our figure.
- Now the side parts need to be rotated so that a square is formed.
- With the rest of the corners, the exact same steps must be taken.
- Next, we work with one square, in which the sides should be wrapped to the diagonal line (bending the sides resembles the technique of folding an airplane).
- Now you need to open the workpiece.
- From the resulting blank, bend a figure that would look like a rhombus. In the end, we should get four figures of the rhombus, which will be placed under a large square from the corners.
- Now you need to bend the resulting rhombuses in half up.
Paper table is ready! It can be used to play with dolls. The child will be delighted with such a new acquisition for his toys.
to contents ↑How to make a doll table from paper?
Consider another option, how to make a paper doll table that will bring joy to your child:
- Bend the blank in the form of a square three times, then deploy it two times in the opposite direction, and then turn it over. Thus, we get the very first workpiece with the intended bending lines.
- Then bend the middle of each side of the square to the center. As a result, the corners of the square rise up, thus forming the legs of the table.
- It is recommended that you carefully iron all the bends with your hands so that the legs of the table are clearly marked.
It remains to turn over our manufactured product and decorate it with a puppet interior.
to contents ↑Notebook table stand made of paper
Currently, almost every user has an indispensable tool for work and communication, which is a laptop. In addition to the computer itself, all sorts of peripheral devices are attached to it. The presence of removable hard drives, mice, flash drives and other necessary elements makes you want to buy a table for the convenience. Who does not want to run to the store, but wants to have a convenient stand for a laptop, there is a great solution - to make a paper table with your own hands.
Materials and tools:
- a laptop, the presence of which will allow you to correctly measure the future stand;
- yardstick;
- sheets of paper or newspaper to be used for stencil;
- cardboard of a dense base from which the stand itself will be made (an unnecessary box may come up);
- long ruler;
- pencil or marker;
- stationery knife or large scissors.
How to make a table for a laptop from paper:
- Newspaper or paper should be spread out on a horizontal surface. Next, carefully carry out steps to measure the size of the table and make a stencil.
Important! If the measurements are made incorrectly, then in the best case the table will be crooked, and in the worst - the stand will not stand the laptop.
- First of all, we will make a jar, which is the crossbar between the legs of the stand to give the table more rigidity. Use a tape measure to measure the length of a computer device along the keyboard from one corner to another. On paper, mark half of this length, using a marker. Next, you need to draw a line that will be half the base of the spit.This detail should not be completely drawn, because assuming the slightest inaccuracy, the laptop will be crooked.
- From the edges of the segment, you need to measure up 4 cm and 7 cm, after which you should draw a rectangle. Mentally divide our figure into 3 parts. The first third is almost a straight line at a height of 4 cm, for the second third of the part you need to make a bend to the 7 cm line at an angle of 45 degrees, applying a piece, or simply draw by hand. At the point of contact of the two broken lines, you need to make a narrow sleeve, which will be a cutout for combining parts
- We proceed to the design of the template legs of the stand. You can choose any angle of the table, depending on your personal preferences. The height of the left and right side of the leg will depend on this.
Important! When you draw a template, you need to pay attention to the protruding clove. It will subsequently serve to prevent the laptop from falling. In height, it should be about a third of the thickness of the laptop.
- The slot in the leg, which will engage with the spike, should not be in the middle, but at a distance of about ⅓ from the far edge. This affects the stability of the product.
- Bends are drawn in any form at your discretion. The slots that will be in the legs and jig should be no more than 3.5-4 cm in height. Depending on the thickness of the cardboard, they should be about 4-5 cm wide. Both parts should be the same.
- We turn to cutting paper patterns. An unnecessary box having a relatively thick cardboard may be suitable as a starting material.
- The bottom cut you need to attach the template of the first part to the perfectly flat edge of the cardboard, otherwise - the stand will swing.
- One side is required to carefully circle the template, then flip the template to the other side and circle it in the same way. As a result, one symmetrical part was formed, which is a spit.
- Now draw the legs. On another cardboard, lay out the second template and draw the legs, which should be completely identical.
- All details are cut with scissors or a clerical knife.
If you cut everything correctly and neatly combined all the details, then the table in the shape of a laptop stand is ready. It remains only to set your digital friend on the table.
to contents ↑Simple cardboard table
A self-made table brings an original touch to your apartment. With proper paperboard handling, your table can withstand certain loads. Consider another option for making an interior item.
Necessary tools and materials:
- packing cardboard;
- plain and color tape;
- paper tape;
- double sided tape;
- stationery knife;
- sharp scissors;
- dull knife;
- iron ruler or tape measure;
- a simple pencil;
- eraser;
- glue for wallpaper or PVA;
- sandpaper;
- kraft paper and tracing paper.
How to make a paper table with your own hands:
- To begin with, you should design a countertop. For strength, it is best to make a two-level. Using a stationery knife from cardboard, you need to cut three blanks, the shape of which would resemble the designed countertop. The first part is the upper level, and the second and third will be the lower level.
- Then cut the strips from the cardboard, which need to be bent with an accordion and fix with glue to the lower parts of the countertop. The strips should be the same in width, otherwise, dents will appear.
- Next, we fix the second part of the lower countertop.
- Now we make the upper level, on which we also paste cardboard strips.
- When the glue is completely dry, you need to connect both parts of the countertop.
- To increase the strength of the countertops, with the help of adhesive tape it is necessary to fix the cardboard strips and corners.
- Now we turn to the construction of the base. For a corner table you need to make only two legs.To increase the functionality of the table, you can additionally design several shelves.
- To build the legs you need to prepare 4 identical sheets of cardboard. They can have both rectangular and square shapes, since it all depends on the size of the legs. You can attach them with glue. At the junction, grooves are mandatory, which are fixed with glue.
Important! If the table leg is deaf, then in this case a single-layer cardboard is enough for stiffeners, only they should be very tight next to each other. In order to have a more reliable result, stiffeners and shelves are best glued 3-4 pieces at a time.
- To strengthen the edges of cardboard furniture, it is necessary to use kraft paper, which has a dark color. Using glue for wallpaper, you need to glue all the seams.
- Next we finish. First, you need to glue all the elements with old newspapers, then you need to level the surface with tracing paper, brown paper or kraft paper.
- White paper (or tracing paper) is glued to the entire piece of furniture, since it is thus much easier to decorate the furniture.
Important! Before gluing kraft paper and tracing paper, they should not be cut, but torn by hand.
- And only now after a layer of paper can you apply acrylic paint. Thus, the basis for decoration is ready. Now the work of your imagination begins, the main thing is that after finishing work the designed table harmoniously fits into your interior.
to contents ↑Important! Also, the countertop can be made from newspaper tubes. This option will create a special flavor in your room. In this case, you will have to acquire additional weaving skills.
How to make a cardboard table more durable?
- If you made a paper table with your own hands, then to give strength to the cardboard and protect it from moisture, you can use parquet varnish, which must be applied to the finished parts.
- When making furniture, make sure that it is symmetrical. In the case of creating an asymmetric piece of furniture, it is necessary to add additional supports to it, which would strengthen the structure.
- The presence of a large number of transverse supports allows you to make the piece of furniture more stable.
- In the manufacture of a piece of furniture, various cardboards are selected, which can be single-layer, two-layer or three-layer. The thicker the material, the stronger it is.
- For greater structural strength, you can use a little trick, which consists in using two layers of cardboard. In this case, there must be completely different layers: one layer of cardboard has horizontal waves, the other - they must be vertical.
to contents ↑Important! When choosing a box for creating a table, note that light cardboard is not as durable as dark.
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In principle, even cardboard can create practical furniture for domestic use. And what can we say about the arrangement of the dollhouse - there is no limit to imagination. Use such simple and affordable material to create various crafts - beautiful, original, applicable not only for decor, but also in everyday life.
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